The most obvious perk idea that doesn't exist

Unlucky Spotlight
The Obsession suffers from the Exposed Status effect.
The Obsession can only be killed on a hook.
"It's all fun and games until you get caught!"
So Rancor
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That lasts the entire game and prevents being mori'd
So like not Rancor these perks have awful synergy and you'd never use them together because they're too different
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That's obviously gonna be broken with nemesis.
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That is, that with Nemesis would sort of break the game.
Wow. It would make Furtive Chase Meta, it's like Make your Choice without the Range Requirement.
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You can choose to activate Nemesis. So it has counterplay kind of like Spirit Fury just pre-drop pallets
It'd be interesting if this perk finally made Furtive Chase usable tho
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That doesn't sound that great to me. A permanent instant down effect on just one person with no requirements and an easily by-passable drawback?
If you're just running this perk, it's gonna be basically worthless outside of downing the Obsession; someone that, ideally, you're only going to have to down 3 times anyway. You could combo it with Nemesis and PWYF, but the Survivors can easily counter that by taking a hit before dropping any pallets. Unless you're a Killer with an instant down already that can counter that, but then you already have an instant down. With the exception of Bubba, you'd just be wasting a perk slot.
And even with Bubba that's now 3 chase perks on a Killer with no mobility. Good luck.
And if you run this perk with Furtive Chase you could go from Instant Down into first hook into Ebony Mori, ignoring it's drawback for all intents and purposes. Imagine it on aura-reading Wraith. Or Spirit. Or Nurse.
I like simple perks, but this one just doesn't seem well thought out. No offense intended.
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I'm not making an S-Tier perk here. It's basically a perk that balances the entire Obsession perk lineup.
Combos well with the Killer Perks: Nemesis, Furtive Chase and STBFL making them all more usuable.
Also, punishes Survivors for running most Obsession perks because suddenly being the Obsession has a tangible drawback.
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So, No Mither Part 2 - Obsession Boogaloo
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But it actually doesn't punish survivors for running "most" obsession perks, because the most run obsession perk is DS. At least, it doesn't punish the survivor who runs DS, just some poor unlucky bastard, since DS causes a random survivor to be chosen as obsession.
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This would be either an insanely OP killer perk or a survivor perk so bad that it would give No Mither a run for worst perk option.
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How about dead hard except if you get hit the killer gets stunned for 5 minutes?
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Pair this with nemesis for 1 shots on everybody gg ez
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Nemesis only works as well as Survivors let it work. Also, keep in mind that there's a placebo effect if you're letting Survivors stun you because in that case you probably could've gotten the hit and they'd have been one-shot anyway
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This takes the GATEAU for the silliest post of the week, congratulations sir. 🤦♂️
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This is essentially a killer forcing No Mither.
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Replace exposed with exhausted and blindness and were good.
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Add "If the obssession gets downed everyone gets downed too" and it might be C tier perk.