Lore to Teabagging?

DrDannieburger Member Posts: 57

Lol idk. Go crazy. I'm interested to hear some ideas.


  • swenpai
    swenpai Member Posts: 259

    Killers always need to have a good tea after a good chase.
    Tea is known for RELAXING and NOT BEING MAD AT ALL, RIGHT???

  • Michael_Myers
    Michael_Myers Member Posts: 104

    Pretty sure teabagging and moris have a connection in the lore of DBD

  • swenpai
    swenpai Member Posts: 259

    @Michael_Myers said:
    Pretty sure teabagging and moris have a connection in the lore of DBD


  • mayorwertz
    mayorwertz Member Posts: 10

    I think teabagging is only the beginning of the true lore. How deep does it go?

  • WeeabooAqua
    WeeabooAqua Member Posts: 60

    Tea bagging is the mating dance between survivors. It is also used to thwart of predators such as killers, but this usually causes the opposite effect.

  • Shadoureon
    Shadoureon Member Posts: 493

    Teabagging lore began when Feng Ming while in her Esports team spawnkilled the enemy in Halo: CE and teabagged on their corpses. The #########!

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384

    Teabagging is the natural response of survivors when they spot a potential predator; it indicates their willingness to run around a loop and click their flashlights.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    They are mocking the Huntress by ruining the traditional Russian Leg Dance. This has caught on with the fellow Survivors and everyone now does it to mock their Killers.
  • DrBoneSaw
    DrBoneSaw Member Posts: 39

    When you get shock you have some unpredictable movements.

  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243

    Teabagging is something that increases hope of the survivors, the more they do it they feel better with themselfes.
    Killers are feeling more and more angry with every time survivor teabags which makes them angier and his urge to kill is growing, it could also explain bloodlust

    May as well be in the wiki. 
  • SNTD
    SNTD Member Posts: 84

    A useless thing survivors do when they have some spare time