Deathslinger changes

Here’s some changes that would make deathslinger viable
-increase chain range from 18m to 24m
-if a injured survivor breaks the chain they go into the dying state(if they have deep wounds they will not go into the dying state)
-make reload speed 2.00s
-make cooldown for missed shots 1.25s For his ultra rare’s here’s how they could be
-iridescent coin reduced the requirement to instadown from 15m to 12m
-hellshire iron=chain has infinite range and it tremendously increases the charges to break it. Or the Redeemer starts with 2 bullets, considerably increases reload time
Not sure all of that's necessary. Particular the dying state thing.
The numbers changes are all fine. But instead of it downing Survivors on chain break, I'd increase the reel speed significantly.
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The reason I added that was so that he has his identity and not stuck in the huntress’s shadow
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As a deathslinger main i really wouldn't want any of these changes, they are really unfair. His power is in a really good state right now the only thing that he needs is more movement speed.
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He doesn’t need the equivalent of huntresses iri hatchets. I play as and vs a lot of deathslingers.
all killers are “viable.” If you define “viable” as “getting 4ks” I’d suggest having fun with game and watching less twitch :)
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Giving him more of the strengths of the Huntress isn't going to change that regardless of the effect on his viability.
Making him distinct means giving him strengths the Huntress lacks.
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There is nothing "only" about movement speed.
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I really didn’t make iridescent coin the equivalent of huntress’s head I made it 12m cause his chain is 24m in my changes. I made it that way so you can activate it easier while still having a requirement without it being broken
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I agree with this user’s thread:
Some changes are ok, the dying state for a survivor breaking a chain? That’s a SuperBuff and nothing I could support. A survivor shouldn’t be punished to dying state for you failing to successfully reel. If this were the case, survivors will ALWAYS be injured or dying from every successful shot, regardless if they break free or not. Adding this change would defeat the purpose of reeling totally, and might as well remove that from his power.
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I made it like that because everyone compares him to huntress and pointing out he’s slower at downing then her so I made that change to make him just as good as the huntress
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Just one more thing I will be making a follow up post talking about Deathslingers perks and how to change them
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I understood your reasoning my friend. But try to understand mine, with the changes you have suggested, guaranteeing a health slate every shot, we should just get rid of reeling totally, just shoot a hollowpoint instead causing the removal of one health slate, how would that NOT be different from Huntress?
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Ok I understand now thank you I didn’t realize
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Sorry to say it like this,but I don't think he needs any buffs. All these would do,is make him more aids to verse in chases. Each time I hear the gun at the start of the game,I just feel like dcing. His quick scoping always felt cheap to me,considering you have 0 room to react. He doesn't even need to use his ability to down you either,he can zone you off of pallets and windows by just holding W. Open pallet loops are death,considering he can quick scope you. Gameplay against him mostly is just prethrowing pallets on open loops,and dropping the other ones alot earlier so he doesn't quick scope you around the corner of a pallet gym fr e.g. Dodging his shots relies more on him being bad,than ur own skill most of the time and even then if you take ur eye of him for a sec,he'll quick scope ya. Never liked the killer,nor his power.
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That’s understandable but remember he has no map pressure and can’t track like Doctor so he’s powerful in the chase but weak at stopping gens
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Then give him something else to stop gens,please don't make him even worse to play against in chases than it already is.
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i can’t because he would be broken as old legion if he had some type of pressure with a powerful tool to end chases quick he would be busted
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I'm just telling you,that people would dc as much maybe as they did against spirit last summer. Or if not dc,just give up insta and kill themselves on hook. He is already aids to play against enough,these changes would just bring me to a line where i'd actually give up each slinger game.
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The killer already unloopable in the right hands and you want a buff? Is it a joke? I honestly think he needs a nerf.
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I understand your point but I find it weird that deathslinger is not even a top tier character and everyone hates going against him I understand he can be completely annoying to face but he’s still weak with map pressure
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Because NO ONE CARES ABOUT DOING GENS. People find chases fun,and when that's taken who cares? You think people enjoy holding m1 and rushing gens against killers with weak map pressure? No,nobody does. If you take chases away from people,they are left with quite nothing except holding m1 which is not fun in any way,making the game even more boring.
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But that’s the point of the game? You need to do the gens to escape and killers with good chase is fun cause survivors need to change there strategy’s to win
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So you think people have fun holding m1 for 80 secs per a gen? Or do you think they enjoy a chase which is full of surprises more? I personally don't even care about escaping anymore,after 4k hrs I just go for chases. My swf for example does 1,2 gens per game and we just ######### around the whole time.
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Just give him normal 4.6 speed he's already a worse huntress