The single best quote in the loading screen...

And a close second...
EDIT: All the quotes are here, for anyone who wants to read them:
They did a pretty good job, so far.
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Indeed. The game's growth is objective proof of that.
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The game might still have maaaaanyyy bugs etc. but if we take a look at the old DbD, noone would ever want to go back.
The devs improved (and still do) so many things and we still get and still will always get new content. And with the release of crossplay, the long quoe times will also most likeley be over.
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I doubt that last part, about the queues, but we'll see.
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I still like 99 bugs quote
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pretty sure its suppose to be whining and crying
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not_Queen is the voice actress for Spirit, if I'm not mistaken.
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I have yet to see the "I think we did a pretty good job, so far" and it makes me sad.
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You should check out Almo's or Ethan's quote. " Only in the gaming industry will you hear the sentence, I vomited on the school sign and it crashed". At least, I think that's what it said.
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Everyone focuses on the negatives, but there have been a bunch of positives this past year and seems to be even more coming this next year.
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I like the quote that states they're working on a spin off about Hillbilly's space adventures
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This is my favorite
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Yes, I took a screenshot of a bunch of quotes (my favorites).
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Sounds weird when i write it like this, but i like the comma after "job".
Makes me put more emphasis on "so far", which is the part that makes that quote so great.
It's a classic, and i'd definitely put it above a simple reaction quote.
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It's a classic, and i'd definitely put it above a simple reaction quote.
The exit is over there ->
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I dunno, I think the DwightxDavid fanart one is the best quote by a longshot.
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However, you're still wrong. not_Queen's is the best one.
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Let's see who can find a quote I didn't screenshot.
(And no, I didn't screenshot all of them, or at least I don't think I did)
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This one in particular has a different song as it's base on portuguese (probably because we don't sing the stuff on the wall song).
It was a really good translation.
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I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say. Can you explain it again?
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This "100 things in the wall" song. We don't have it here in Brazil.
So the quote was changed to be around another song where we count things.
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Sakurai never put Waluigi in Smash but it's cool because he is in DBD.
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I don't remember the exact quote but there was one where it was like "is that a bug or an intended feature?" I really liked that one. "Wah" is also right up there along with "Good job so far" one.
My favorite though is the 99 bug song; it made me and my friend laugh quite a bit and was one of the first ones we saw. After the anniversary is over I hope they keep the quotes as random things in the normal loading screen. It'd be such a shame if all these quotes just disappear after the anniversary.
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There were a lot of really funny and endearing ones, but I gotta go with Nikkis Kingfield quote. Its nice knowing one of the devs likes your fav ship 😊
Also funny enough I’m pretty sure she fulfilled her mission since someone made an entire archive of every single piece of kingfield art and sent it to her lmao
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I'm loving the quotes, have saved a bunch of my favorites. I'm hoping after this they put all the quotes somewhere so I can see any I may have missed.
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The quotes were translated? I didn't know that.
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The wiki will probably have them. I'll go ahead and poke an admin friend of mine to create an article for them, if he hasn't done so already, but then we'll probably be the ones who'll need to add them in ourselves.
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There are so many, i still stumble upon obes i haven't seen
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nobody has remembered teh best the best it diversion should be called pebble
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I love the 'If it glows it goes' quote.😁
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I've been trying to get a screenshot of that one for a while now, but every time I press the button the screen turns black because I'm about to enter the trial. It's very frustrating.
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All the quotes are here, for anyone who wants to read them:
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There was one that was written in mostly numbers in brackets, followed up with something to the effect of (Such and such developer has trouble speaking like a human sometimes.) I can't remember exactly what it said but I was wondering if anybody translated that yet. I'm too lazy to figure out what it means.
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Mathieu Cote:
Pretty good job so far.
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Someone on Twitter translated it.
"It's an ASCII string using its equivalent decimal values.
65=A 32=Space 119=w 105=i 110=n 110=n 101=e 114=r 32=Space 105=i 115=s 32=Space 121=y 111=o 117=u 46=.
Which translates to: A winner is you."
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Thanks friend :) I'm not smart enough to figure something like that out by myself lol
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Same, I was wicked happy to see someone else figured it out. 😂