This is probably a dumb question

But do killers have a run button?
I feel like I'm not that much faster than them
No, and you're not. When you see references to a 110% or 115% killer it's a reference to their move speed relative to survivors. However, hitbox collision means that, to varying degrees, survivors can cut corners closer than killers. Since the game has boiled down to running in a circle around a pile of trash, that small difference can add up.
However, if you stay in a chase long enough, you'll engage a speedboost that will help you catch up. It's not a lot, but it is noticeable.
The key to catching survivors is less in outrunning them and more in anticipating where they are going to go so you can get there first (or in time). It's basically Duck, Duck, Goose. The person in charge of running in the circle gains a little bit of time each time they change direction since the other person loses time reacting. You want to be the one forcing the survivor to change direction.
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Most killers are default faster than survivors.
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Some can use their powers to gain speed (Legion quite literally has a button they press that makes them run.)
Other than that, no there's not a run command. Killers always move at a constant speed if you don't count the small slowdown when they switch directions.
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Okay that makes sense I guess. I just chased this Kate all the way around lerys along the edge of the map for what felt like forever. I only stopped to break one pallet because I absolutely had to, it was the one that completely blocks the hallway, and the chase took forever to catch up to her. I checked perks afterward and all she had was sprint burst.
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What killer were you playing as?
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Use your bottles, throw it in front of them. If youre out it MIGHT be worth it to reload and chase someone else
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I did that and ran out. I committed to the chase only because I decided I'd throw match just to catch that Kate. I camped her because by the time I caught her there was only one gen left anyway. Then miraculously I downed a Jake trying to save her, thanks to my level 3 unrelenting. Slugged him and waited for the Kate to die, the whole time a different Kate kept trying to lure me away. First Kate died and then I hooked the Jake. Theeeennnnn someone finally finished the last gen and I downed and hooked the other Kate since she kept hanging around the hook. Last person escaped while I was looking the second Kate.
I was 100% certain I'd lost when I got first Kate on the hook. I chased her for 3 gens before I caught up with her. She was practically running in a straight line the whole time! If it weren't for altruism I'd have lost.
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Don't forget to use geography. If she's running along the edge of the map, take the inside track. Make it so that she can't cut inside to the middle of the map without losing distance, and you'll end up catching her pretty quickly. Having someone at the map boundaries is usually your most advantageous scenario, as you can push them into having only one direction available.
If you start the chase already really far back (say if she used Sprint Burst right after that pallet drop), make a big read and cut way inside - it's ok if you lose sight of her a little bit. She'll either pop up right in front of you when you get back near the map boundary or you'll have lost her quickly and not wasted time on a protracted chase that would hurt more than it helped even if you did catch her.
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Okay I was trying to cut her off from going to the inside of the map when she started to go towards vaults or pass through some of the smaller rooms that line the inside of the outermost edge of the map but I kept losing ground when that happened. It felt like she was literally faster than me the whole time.
I see what youre saying. By only going towards the inside of the map a little bit, like one room in, I must have lost a lot of ground whereas if I'd cut across a wider area id gain ground so long as she didn't backtrack 🤔
That sucks. I want survivors to be slower.