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Is the wraith a good killer?

I am new to DBD and I am still deciding which killer I should main.

I'm not really sure if this killer is good or not and I have only played it once.

I kinda like suprising people on gens and I like to play pretty steathily. Just want to know what are your thoughts on the wraith???


  • 7snowboards
    7snowboards Member Posts: 33

    Thanks for the advice! Will try this and hope it works for me.

  • xXCAM3R0NXx
    xXCAM3R0NXx Member Posts: 387

    He used to be my first ever main, really enjoyed his stealthy play style. I'd say stick with him he's easy to use as well.

    But the only downside I had with him was he was only good for finding survivors rather than chasing them down and dealing damage.

  • 7snowboards
    7snowboards Member Posts: 33

    Yea I kinda agree with that, in the game that I played he was pretty slow and when I hit someone it took a long time to get back to normal...

  • PissedWraithMain
    PissedWraithMain Member Posts: 93


  • Golden_spider
    Golden_spider Member Posts: 587

    Trapper, Wraith, and Hillbilly are pretty simple in what their powers do.

    Wraith is just that, a stealth mode but you can't directly hurt Survivors and a non-stealth mode that you can directly hurt Survivors.

    Does it take time and knowledge to know the best times to cloak and uncloak? yes but DBD is a learning experience and you'll figure it out.

    Just know Wraith is considered pretty add-on reliant and Stealth Killers are typically less powerful in the actual chase.

  • 7snowboards
    7snowboards Member Posts: 33

    Thanks :) I think I will play this for a few more games and see if I play well with it, in my first game I got 3 kills but 1 escaped.

  • xXCAM3R0NXx
    xXCAM3R0NXx Member Posts: 387
    edited June 2020

    However there are perks like 'Unrelenting' which help recover from missed attacks quicker which is great with wraith imo.

    Although people have alot of problems with NOED (No one escapes death) , it could be a good perk to have as you can sneak up on players and down them instantly.

    Anyhow welcome to Dead by Daylight and I hope you have a fun time playing :)

  • 7snowboards
    7snowboards Member Posts: 33

    Thanks! Atm I am survivor main but I enjoy killer as well. I have heard that NOED is a very good perk from all of the youtubers I watch haha

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Like every killer, he has his pros and cons. He can move around the map pretty fast while cloaked. Especially with Windstorm addons. His Shadow Dance addons let him shred pallets and vault stupid fast. Unfortunately he has trouble landing the second hit.

  • xXCAM3R0NXx
    xXCAM3R0NXx Member Posts: 387

    Same here, what survivor do you main?

    Also yeah NOED is considered OP by alot of players as it can literally down the whole team if your watching both gates and no one is out looking for the hex totem. But it encourages totem cleansing so I have no problem with it.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    Being new to the game, any killer will be strong for you because (most of the time), you’ll be facing inexperienced people. The game is very odd both sides. Aside from some small breathing/injured noises characters make, all survivors are equal. However, every killer is different, they all have strengths and weaknesses, some more than others.

    If you’re playing in high or mid ranks (1-9), you HAVE to play your strengths or you’ll lose. For Wraith, his biggest strength is the ability to get the first hit. Now this is easily counterable by survivor perks, some of them (like Spine Chill) are extremely popular in loadouts of people you’ll be facing. In my experience, it’s more effective to hit, re-cloak, and go hit someone else. You won’t want to chase down survivors, you want to catch them off guard.

    IMO, don’t “main” anything, try them all. Learning different playstyles with different abilities will improve your performance. Heck, the experience you gain from playing survivor even makes you a better killer, easier to predict routes and actions. Welcome to the community, I apologize in advance for any toxicity you may encounter, please let it roll off your shoulder and just do whatever you want in your attempt to have fun playing the game!

  • 7snowboards
    7snowboards Member Posts: 33

    I play dwight at the moment as I can see what everyone is doing which for me is pretty useful. It lets me run the killer away from other survivors and see where gens are.

    What level do I need to rank up the wraith to get NOED???

  • 7snowboards
    7snowboards Member Posts: 33

    Thanks a lot! Will be trying out many killers and testing out different playstyles and perks.

    I don't really want to main something until I test out most of the killers so I can decide which one fits me.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Noed is a base perk. Meaning every killer can get it. It's not tied to a single killer. How soon you get it just depends on the luck you have with your blood webs. I personally don't recommend it as you might begin to rely on it.

  • xXCAM3R0NXx
    xXCAM3R0NXx Member Posts: 387
    edited June 2020

    That's a good choice and a fair reason!

    Also I'm not sure, normally NOED comes around between 10 and 15, it's not entirely fixed at one specific level. I've got mine at level 20 and sometimes at level 10. But in that region :)

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    When I started playing dead by daylight, Wraith was my go-to killer. Sloppy butcher and Bloodhound work really well with him when starting out. As you get higher in level though, the Wraith becomes really difficult to chase down survivors with. Wraith doesn't have any way to slow down loops, and when you start facing survivors that know how to loop a Killer really well, the Wraith really starts to falter. Unless you equip his best windstorm add-ons, the Wraith has no map pressure to speak of, and the only way to make him a force to be reckoned with is to unlock perks from other killers: BBQ, Corrupt Intervention, Surveillance, PGTW, etc.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Mediocre at best. His uncloak takes ages, so you need the purple addon to fasten it. But you need the purple addon for movespeed aswell, or you have no gen pressure. But then everybody knows exactly, where you uncloak and they just run away. It's a huge gamble to have a good game.

  • 7snowboards
    7snowboards Member Posts: 33

    Yea that is one of the huge downsides of the wraith. But in my opinion at the level I'm at the speed is fine as the survivors barely get a chance to get away.

    I will probably change to something else then when I get to the higher ranks if survivors counter it well.

  • KnotEnthusiast
    KnotEnthusiast Member Posts: 464

    For a new player, Wraith is the perfect killer imo. Very very straightforward with a very simple power, which means a new player can learn the fundamentals of the game. With Wraith you have to learn to be decent at concepts like looping in general, how to run specific tiles and structures, and how to prioritise targets and know when to drop chases, all of which are important skills to have when you reach high level play. Whenever someone new to the game asks which killer to play first, I always say wraith.

    For higher level play, the answer gets a bit murkier. I think Wraith is a good bit better than most give him credit for, but as others have said he is very very addon dependent. He absolutely needs Windstorm for map pressure, as well as to significantly outspeed survivors, so without it he's just completely worthless. But, with the right add-ons and skillset, I think he can do well even at Rank 1. He can bodyblock vaults, fake cloaks, and use his windstorm lunge to play around loops if you can get the timing right. I tend to run the decently boring BBQ, PGTW, and EndFury combo just so I can basically face tank pallets and guarantee hits. I have a soft spot for Wraith, he's a pretty simple but effective killer in the right hands!

  • 7snowboards
    7snowboards Member Posts: 33

    One of the reasons as to why I wanted to play it in the first place is because its straightforward and not something like the nurse which I may try when I get better at the game.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Nurse is a completely different ball game. The nurse is one of, if not THE best killer in the whole game, but hands down the hardest to master. She has a wicked learning curve, and unless the developers plan on incorporating bots into custom matches or allowing us to load up custom matches by ourselves, then I would highly recommend practicing her with other online players in a custom match.

  • 7snowboards
    7snowboards Member Posts: 33

    Thank you for the advice, have seen that nurse is very very difficult. Does that mean it is probably good to practice it in the low levels where I don't need to worry about rank as much?

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Wraith is a newbie-stomper, but when you learn all of his tells and weaknesses (his distinctive noises, Predator shimmer, no map pressure, poor chase/looping potentials, flashlights shut him down), he stops looking very appealing.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    No way. The only thing you can learn about Nurse, is the muscle memory for blinks to cover the distance you’re aiming for. You first have to be good as playing killer in general.

    Learning to blink where you want isn’t too difficult, she’s a mind game killer. You have to predict where the survivor will be first, than judge distance for the blink. Problem is, many people play different than others. Your predictions will almost be different everytime for each of the 4 survivors. Learning her is hard, but not too hard. The real challenge is learning the survivors you’re playing, and you have to re-learn it 4x a game, and that knowledge resets every game. I would recommend learning her last.

  • 7snowboards
    7snowboards Member Posts: 33
  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    If you don't have other friends to create a custom match with, then I would almost say yes it would be better to practice with her at lower levels. One of the toughest things about playing new killers is not having a chance to practice with them without having to compete online. It's what keeps many people from playing killer. If more gamers got a chance to test out Killers, than I think there would be a whole lot more Killers mains out there.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Don't "main" any killer unless you truly hate every other killers playstyle. You'd be doing yourself a disservice by not seeing their range of abilities and tactics.

    Survivors on the otherhand are just cosmetic skins, so main one of those.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    I don't want to push you into buying any content, but my advice is usually to find an m1 killer that is not particularly power-dependent and reasonably small (in actual size) when first starting out. Reason being - every killer is going to have their quirks, but at the end of the day it just comes down to outperforming in a loop for the vast majority of the roster.

    Somebody like Legion or Pig is going to teach you more about the fundamentals of being a good killer than anyone else, even if they are a bit underwhelming in abilities. You don't really want to be focused on a killer's abilities cause at a certain point every survivor will know exactly what to look for and how to play around it - and you'll be m1ing in loops anyway. So get someone fast and agile and run the tiles, really focusing on getting comfortable when a survivor starts running you around without needing to rely on an ability or item. That will make any killer's ability or item just a bonus later on down the road.