How would y'all feel about this pyramid head change?

If pyramid head couldn't see caged survivors auras.
Pyramid head is probably the best killer in the game for tunneling. It's stupidly easy to tunnel survivors to death without even bringing a mori. This change wouldn't change anything in his base kit, it'd just make tunneling a little harder. This would remove the tactic of getting someone tormented, hooking them then tunneling off of hook, caging them, tunneling out of cage and killing them. What do y'all think?
(I also don't wanna hear anyone use the excuse that "the cage spawns across the map". If there's not a survivor RIGHT next to the cage or not very near the cage... pyramid head can easily get over there in time to tunnel.)
Make it count towards hook counts but not count as a hook. They want an easy hook but all of the benefits from hooking as well? No.
No mori, no Dying Light, no anything.
Additionally automatic 10 seconds of immortality when uncaged because why not?
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I don’t like it. There would be no point in preventing hook perks if Pyramid Head isn’t supposed to take advantage of it. And there’s nothing wrong with having a killer who’s good at tunneling.
Pls don’t nerf ph
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I like how the devs say the cage isnt a hook yet a mori works with the cage basically making no counterplay to the mori.
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I personally wouldn't care if I couldn't see the aura. I don't really need it when I play PH. That being said I don't really see the need for it but if people want it then I'll support it.
The only change I 100% do agree on is no moris. No hook perks, then no moris.
Edits made to make my stance clear.
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I'd give up cage auras if Trail of Torment had it's gen aura removed. . .
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Seeing the cages are fine. If someone wants to tunnel then they are doing no matter what
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Use it with surveillance in the generator don't turn yellow for the survivors.
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So, and to compensate ph i would suggest you cant avoid being tormented just by crouching over a trail. You avoid the trail, or be tormented. Seems like a fair tradeoff, do you think?
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Remove auras and let me apply torment with my ranged attack.
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I honestly don't know why the ranged attack doesn't add torment. It makes sense.
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It would really help. I generally don't cage unless there's only one person tormented/they're moriable because losing 2 torments suck.