There are almost no red rank killers

Yep you just can tell that by looking at matchmakings as a red rank survivor.There are red rank killers but rare for real.Everyone switches to survivor or just de-rank to gray-green ranks.I am rank 5 spirit main and face with rank 1-2 survivors all time and most of swf teams.Actually the red rank killers problem is SWF lol.It is unfair and frustrating.
Tell that to my Red Rank Killer Queue Times.
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Survivor Queue Times are longer than Killer for me. 🤷♂️
There's a reason they changed matchmaking the way they did. As many have posted on here, Brown/Yellow rank Killers are being matched with Red Rank Survivors because there are so few Red Rank Killers compared to Red Rank Survivors.
That and SWF matchmaking is either bugged or just set to punish lower ranked Killers.
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I played this morning and got instant Survivor Queues. But if I play Killer during that time, I have to wait almost 10 minutes.
Its just stupid that people still want to push this narrative "There are no Red Rank Killers anymore!". When Killer queues are long, you dont read "No Red Rank Survivors anymore" in this Killer-sided forum.
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Red rank Killer here.was rank 1 but currently 2. I have been vs not many swf teams. I get them but not often. Also I have been noticing a lot of purple ranks in my games lately. and my Que times are pretty fast.
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I think some of the people saying that are playing on console. People should probably clarify when they talk about game balance/lack of killers/etc. whether they mean console or PC because it’s like talking about two different games.
My experience is the same as yours - killer queues are as long as or longer than survivor queues these days. On PS4 though it’s a totally different story, killer queues are instant and survivors wait 20 minutes.
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I mean, I think on PS4 low Rank Killers and high Rank SWFs have both long Queue Times. And get mixed together, eventually.
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Just made the test:
Killer: 7 minutes 3 seconds
Survivor: 2 minutes 17 seconds
both in Red Ranks. The earlier it is in the day, the longer/shorter my Queue Times are. Like, this morning I had instant Survivor Queues, but I would not even try to play Killer.
In the evening I have instant Killer queues, but dont wait longer than those 2 minutes for Survivor.
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Pay attention to the title mate i haven't told that we are lack of killers, i have told that we are lack of red rank killers.That's why purple&green rank killers match with red rank survivors most of time and they just shoot out "Hey look at my game! This matchmaking is broken!! bla bla.I am playing on PC and my que times are normal 2-3 minutes.Rank 5 killer.
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Are you playing on PC or Console? My literally every game has swf teams, sometimes its 2 random 2 swf or 3 swf 1 random but there is always a swf.My play style is no mori + brown addons or no addons and it is really frustrating against swf red ranks.They all have same perks let me tell you, Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time, Sprint Boost and definitely Adrenaline.There is 1 dwight with full set perks also all time and gens are done quicker than standard time.It just makes you to bring green&red addons or mori.If survivors can put all of their strongest perks and tool boxes why shouldn't we?
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It's because most people that get to red ranks on killer finally realize how unbalanced the game is at that level and it makes many of them not want to play.
On survivor when you lose it's because either you or your team messed up many times. Emphasis on the many.
Many times you lose at red ranks as killer when you didn't actually play bad and you didn't actually get outplayed, they just did gens fast. Losing when you don't feel like you messed up or were outplayed at all is a bad feeling. You feel helpless.
In other words, you feel in control of the outcome of the match as a survivor and you don't as killer. It's just a dice roll of how good the survivors are.
The amount of SWF at red ranks is also significantly higher than at the other ranks to exacerbate this.
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So you’re assuming that the weird matchmaking in this game is a sign that there are no red rank killers? I don’t think that’s a safe assumption to make unless you have some evidence for it.
I’m a red rank killer and my queues are longer than my red rank survivor queues, and when I play survivor I’m matched with a different red rank killer every game. So from this should I assume that there are too many red rank killers? Or just accept that the matchmaking in this game has always been a little off and that it’s impossible to draw any conclusions about the state of the player base from it.
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I see a man of culture.I strongly agree on everything what you've said, people say that you do not face with SWF teams a lot but i think we are not playing same game or they just produce some bs.
I can tell you a simple conversation between of usual a swf team.
swf team with 2 players:
-He got me, i am near to the pallet come here
+On the way
-He is picking me up hurry.
(Pallet saves boom)
-Go to other gen i am wasting his time.
(Sees hex ruin)
+Ruin is near to the building check it out when you are free.
-Got it.
(Escapes away from building and killer tracks +player)
+Where was ruin?
-In the building.
+Seen it cleaning keep wasting his time.
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Basically the answer of this would be given by a red rank survivor who has played surv for long.I am not really assuming that it's the sign of it but it's a fact that most of people just de-rank or wait until rank reset when they reach out to red ranks.I am not shooting from the hip you can see this by just looking at the threads like "Red rank killers read this, Red rank is impossible for killers etc etc"
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For me survivor is much faster queue times as killer at the moment.
This is probably because I am rank 15 survivor and rank 20 killer as I am very new to the game.
Killer seems to take an eternity to find a game.
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This reminded me the days when i haven't played due to a long time and when came back to the game i was rank 18 killer.Then enjoyed to bullying all survivors i have faced with until end of the purple ranks.Then SWF teams appeared and made me put green addons lol.
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Seriously. I thought lots of killers and not many survivors are playing.
That's what its like for me but I am on PC so.
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I play on console. I don't get the crazy swf swat teams all the time. Once in awhile I do get them. Not much you can do but play how you play sometimes I do great against them sometimes they all just escape . One thing I have been noticing is that gens are flying. Had a game against a swf team the other day and it felt as tho every single gen was being worked on. Everytime I go to one nobody was there and just pop, pop and pop. Managed to somehow get them in the end game by hooking two and slugging one and the last one got away. But I was convinced i was not gonna win that.
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Ahem as well
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Point being lack of red killers might not be the issue
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You need to think that how is it fair to face with red rank killers as rank 12 killer? It's really unfair for that person.Also the most SWF teams and toxic builds are can be find in red ranks with no doubt.
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Huh? Where did i imply it was fair? What im saying is the problem isnt necessarily a lack of red killers, the problem is matchmaking, as evidenced by the screenshot i showed where i as a red rank killer got matched against a bunch of noobs
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I’m a rank one getting matched with rank 12 survivors. There isn’t a lack of red rank killers
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Alright my misunderstood, i hope they will fix it as soon as possible.
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I'm a red rank survivor and most of my matches are against red rank killers. It also takes ages to find a match as a red rank killer. Stop with this false narrative already.
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Im red rank at both roles, as Survivor my games are against red rank Killers and it takes me like 30 seconds to find a lobby, as Killer my queue is taking like 10 minutes and it pairs me against rainbows (several different colours, one red, one green, two yellow etc).
I play on PC in western Europe and I can guarantee there are a ton of Killers right now.
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Tunnelling and camping Vs SWF the best medicine jaja
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My killer queues got longer too, but not as long as my survivor queues tho.
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There may be on your platform and in your region, although it's definitely not the case across the board. Where I am on PC, my survivor queue times are actually shorter than they've been in a long time, and my killer queue times have gone way up lately. A couple weeks ago, I would get instant lobbies as a killer and have to wait a few minutes to play survivor.
Overall, there's no shortage. Your mileage may vary, though.
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Yea it's been the same for me. Killer games take a long time to find at the moment.
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That is intended matchmaking though, the system searches for opponents up to 6 ranks above or below you.
Considering you got a 4k with almost max points (and the survivors scored also all well) it looks like you were able to fight them well.
Were they toxic ingame? There isn't even one d-strike, so from your Screenshot it looks like you got unnecessarily rude after a relativly balanced match.
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Peanits, you're great, but this doesn't really translate to "there is no shortage of Red Rank Killers". What with Matchmaking being what it is.