Scott Jund Was Right
Absolutely nothing I could do about this person with OoO. Never could enter a chase as Deathslinger all I could do is ignore him and let him do all the top floor gens. The survivor was injured from using For The People btw.
Good for Scott Jund...?
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Object being broken isnt news to any of us vets..weve been pointing at this perk for ages
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It's almost like this perk is completely busted, and removing it from the game would be a good and logical thing to do...
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Us vets? I have 5000 hours, OoO isn’t anything new to me. The point is that no matter how many times I circled the map I could never catch up to this survivor, so a result the endgame collapse had to kill him. I couldn’t even get my 4th BBQ stack to make matters worse.
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Yeah good for him, it really shows the devs don’t care to fix this problem though.
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Well then cant really say scott did anything more than just add another arrow to the many pointing to object as a massiveimbslance
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OoO is broken. A good survivor eith OoO is almost untouchable. I was able to W a Pyramid Head for an entire lap around Lery's with it yesterday.
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Its the only perk in the game i refuse to unlock.
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You know what bothers me about Scott ? His name ! Jund? Like how are you supposed to say it? I mean phonetecally.
June? Jund (with hard d at the end)? Jun?
Yun? Yndeh ? Jundee ? I don't know man
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What do you mean? OoO is totally a high risk, high reward perk. It’s not like you can just counter-rotate and position yourself away from the killer and only take chases when you’re in strong areas of the map, right? Or run Sprint Burst and dash away to a safe loop when they approach you, causing them to waste enough time chasing you that your teammates are free to do gens in peace. It’s not like OoO is a lose-lose for the killer in which they either ignore you and let you have wallhacks on them all game, or chase you and let you buy tons of time for your team.
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Most of my object games go like this. They early W away and I kill all the teammates while they play HQ on the other side of the map. What’s sad is some solo queue survivors play with OoO and I go extra hard to make sure they lose and they don’t realize their teammate is running it.
Hard to play generously when I see this perk.
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I'm confused. what exactly is preventing you from catching the survivor? The EGC timer is already activated anyway, so all you'd have to do is camp the gates.
I'm not trying to sound mean or anything, I just genuinely don't see what it is you're pointing out that is giving the survivor an unfair advantage.
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The point still stands. a survivor with OoO is basically uncatchable on the school.
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Midwich + OoO = Immortality.
Unless you're a really good nurse, or if you're a hag and the OoO gets near/steps on a trap, you'll NEVER get him in this map. It isn't about being good at chases, is just the architecture of the map that screws you over. Scott called it one or two days after the map release I think...
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MAP is just garbage. That perk is fine on most other maps, especially for solo survivors.
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If it's a reference to Magic the Gathering, then I've heard people pronounce it as "FUND" with a hard J, like "JUMP"
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Pronounciation is correct, but Scott Jund is his actual name. It's not a MTG reference, his last name is actually just Jund lol
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well then I guess you'll have to ask the man himself lol
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Its not OoO per se that is causing this problem, its the map layout. Usually when a survivor runs in a straight line, they will eventually be forced to turn left or right, and the killer can take a shortcut to get closer to them. However the map corridors leave no shortcuts for the killer to take (Nurse excluded), so the killer will need to follow the survivor on the exact same path. Killers are "only" 10 to 15% faster (excluding Oni and Billy) so it can take minutes to even initiate a chase sometimes.
Haddonsfield can suffer from the same problem if the game generates one of those super long fences with no holes.
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Nah, its literally the only perk thats broken af. The only people that like this perk are stealth killers and tge PEOPLE that run it. Ds, unbreakable, bt, all of them are whatever. This perk sucks
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Hopefully this is the last straw that leads to OoO being reworked.
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Yeah. OoO is not usually an issue for me because I usually catch up to them sooner or later. OoO on this map, however, is... something else.
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probably won't, gotta work for that last stack. cant have it all easy all the time.
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I thought the sarcasm in my comment was obvious but I guess not.
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Nope, i didnt pick up on it lol tbf im half asleep
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Nurse is not excluded from this problem
because people who use OoO on this map usually sit in spots that are unblinkable (like between lockers), forcing you to chase them by foot. You can still catch them if you know what you're doing, but even if you do it's extremely annoying and stupid.
OoO used to be broken on ALL killers because no terror radius gave you infinite OoO. It's not broken, it just has too much power (like DS).
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I'd argue that the knowledge of the killers position is extremely strong and probably broken, no matter the map. As pointed out above you will always know when the killer is coming which allows you to get to a strong spot where the killer will always have to waste a lot of time before they can actually down you. Not to mention the fact it's more broken when used by SWF as now every single survivor will know your position rather than just one.
Either way, I wouldn't go so far and claim the devs don't care about any of this. I'm sure it's on their radar and they nerfed it in the past. The undetectable status for example now counters the aura reading part of OoO. The perk just needs a rework in my opinion because the fact you can read the aura of the killer at any time is just not a great idea.
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Anyway, it's nothing new, really. OoO Is busted just like every other survivor meta perk.
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So three SWF members using the upside and not suffering from the downside is fine?
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Absolute Madlad
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Well, Ormond isn't a well designed map. I mean, they changed of the structures near Ormond wich makes it a bit easier but the entire resort may be a god loop. With the pallet on the second floor.
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I said solos. Obviously swf is busted
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Honestly OoO is broken and completely dumb, I hope it gets a rework
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Thank you! Finally have an answer. You legend
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And yet the devs have done nothing about it lol (no map rework or perk change).
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OoO isn't even the worst part about this map. If you have enough distance, you can literally run a loop around the school for minutes at a time against 110% killers due to the square shape.
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That's the problem with the perk! There's always free cheese in a mousetrap. If the mouse gets trapped (killer) they ain't happy, if the mouse doesn't take the cheese, the cheese(survivor) rots! I ignore OoO, in return the survivor complain's that "You didn't chase me" or "You that scared of OoO" I'm not gonna entertain someone using OoO because they wanna be toxic or they are that bored they have to run the perk
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@Peanits dont you think this is a problem? Not OoO but the map layout per se? I don’t think this is fun for either survivor nor killer