Looking for Advice on Staying Positive

Lumen Member Posts: 16

I'm not the best survivor, rank 5 currently, but some games I've had since the last major release have made me feel so helpless, jaded, and sour; even though I'm playing for fun.

I always try my best to encourage killers who play the game like a sport, bouncing around between survivors and not immediately chasing people who've been pulled off hook. I want to keep doing this and encouraging fun behavior! But lately I've found myself muttering curses beneath my breath at killers who don't deserve it (don't worry, I keep the rude remarks to myself and always say gg).

I just want to be a positive influence, compliment others (including the killer), make everyone feel good, and share in the experience with everyone... but I'm having such a hard time staying positive.

What do you guys do to keep a positive mentality? Am I just burning myself out on the game? Should I take a weeks vacation and come back to the game bright-eyed and bushy-tailed? Any advice is welcome!


  • Frareid88
    Frareid88 Member Posts: 276

    If a game is burning you out your trying to hard, honestly that's why I stopped playing COD. I wasn't enjoying my gaming anymore as I felt I HAD to be the best. Mess around with your builds and just have some fun with random set ups. And just try and pip or safety pip. At the end of the day it's a game and has no impact on your life. Just be happy

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    I have been doing the positive thing in this game since about hours 250, now on 1700 hours and still type positive things despite wanting to be toxic to half of the people LOL

    dont let them bring you down bro, stay positive, play both sides and play for fun/points and dont take it serious, theres always gonna be negative Nancys

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    Okay so I'm having this exact same issue right now, this game makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry 99% of the time (yet i keep playing D:).

    I keep going through a few ways:

    -Play with good friends; they're not always available but having some amazing friends to play with, or even just screen share and have them in a voice call while playing, is so much more fun than playing alone. Everything is much more fun like this.

    -Play with music in the background; not necessarily as killer but definitely as survivor. Blast some trashy pop, scream to some harcore metal, flashlight click to the beat of electro or swing your camera around to some house, doesn't matter. Just have something to focus on apart from dbd and how it's making you feel.

    -As killer, use people you know you can play well, especially at higher ranks. Same with survivor- use people with perks. Going in fully equipped and ready is so much better than a level 30 Billy, where your best perk is Make Your Choice.

    -Play Blendette/immersed. As stupid as this sounds, and as fun as chases are, sometimes it's just much more fun to remain hidden. Hiding in the locker you just jumped into with Quick and Quiet, watching the killer lose your scratch marks (then when they cotton on you yeet out with head on :D) is some of the most fun I've had in literally years. Even if it's not usually your thing, give it a shot, it's honestly a lot more fun than you'd think.

    If you play PC in Europe, I'd be happy to play some matches with you to try and help you have fun. Escaping is always more fun than dying, after all.

    Good luck man, and props to you for always trying to remain positive <3

    (also that week long break may help a lot).

  • OldWiseOne
    OldWiseOne Member Posts: 159

    best thing is take a little break and wait till the offerings are fixed or play with someone so you can just chat about things and have fun, everyone gets bad games and gets annoyed trust me, but you cant force killers to play a certain way as its also on the survivors and often its the survivors more at fault the killer is just doing his job. unhooking people gives lots of easy points even if its unsafe so thats why it happens and its why i use DS, at the end of the day just try have fun and if youre getting heated step back a bit and try again later, the more you play stressed the easier it is to get annoyed and angry so cool off and try again later my dude

  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,565

    TBH i feel ya, but in a game like this... Staying positive is really hard. Whenever I play survivor, I always run into the dumbest teammates, tunneling/facecamping killers, etc. But I try to not let it get to the best of me, but when it stays consistent, then playing DBD feels like torture. Whenever I'm killer, the survivors I get are the avengers and I'm just like... WHYYYY and fps drops hit hard whenever I play and I feel extremely discouraged. Not only that, but this community is no where near healthy and is one of the most toxic communities out there. I usually take 2-5 minute breaks after each match and drink a lot of water. If friends are around, I usually play with them so I have someone to talk to. Also my friends aren't the tryhard toxic blendette/neas so we just play casually while trying our best to escape. I just wish this game was more "healthy" for the players. Don't worry I understand how you feel, and its ok if you feel burned out. This game has a bad rewarding system anyways so it doesn't matter how much you play. Whenever I play killer, I try to play fair as possible by not camping/tunneling. I also only use yellow and brown add-ons and never use NOED. Whenever I play survivor, I always get tryhard killers with purple or red addons and using mori's. The game is starting to be less fun IMO, but I try to stay positive even with all the flaws in the game. I used to play this game 4-8 hours a day, but now I've been playing strictly for 2 hours now since the game is just rinse and repeat.

  • uBoluCha
    uBoluCha Member Posts: 121

    well it's sad for you to met unsafe unhookers and tunneler killer in your match and it's good to restain yourself from saying trash in postgame chat and just say gg ('cause nobody want to be toxicated) keep positive in every game maybe you'll meet positive person too

    seriously this little kind of thing is really refreshing my mood

    if you start to feel negative just try to take a break and cool off your head and keep chill, play another games until you start to feel want to play again then play it, don't let people impact your mood

  • will_i_am_14_85
    will_i_am_14_85 Member Posts: 489

    Take a break my dude, the past 2-3 weeks I have been playing to grind the rift rather than playing for fun, today I completed the rift and will take a break until they fix cakes, then i'll be back to grind some BP, then take another break.

    Lots of other games in my library I need to play, Darkest Dungeon I haven't even installed yet.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    What I keep trying to do is find something my opponents did well and compliment it.

    It's not always easy, and sometimes the salt tries to keep me from doing it, but I do find that I feel better when I do it.

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    Treat the game as an experimental playground: Mess around with different builds and styles. Even get into character, which in turn can leap into chats afterwards, so if you get any negative comments reply in character! Especially fun as Killer!

    Also, remember that no matter what anyone chooses to say to you, they have issues which have led them there. Whether they're bitter or bullying, it's due to an insecurity or issue they have. So, whether by being kind, logical, inquisitive or even just analytical, never bring your emotions in during those types of chats. Or, if you think you might, just ignore, block and move on.

    Overall, enjoy, have fun and keep optimistic! And focus on your own fun. Even if that means making your own set of rules in game, never expect to play by others.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    The first step is to free yourself of the rules that you made up for the game. If they're not hacking, then they're playing the game however they want to, and you can't expect everyone to follow your rule book. You're just going to trap yourself in this cage and start projecting onto the people you're playing with or against.

    "I can't believe this killer used <insert perk here>, what a sweaty try hard with no friends!"

    "I can't believe my teammate did <this strategy>, what a moron! Doesn't he know to do <other strategy> instead??"

    In the end, you're just making YOURSELF upset for no real reason. You're not in control of your own thoughts.. you can choose to think of these situations in other ways. Maybe they're not as good as you. Maybe they're trying something different. Maybe they get enjoyment out of winning. Or maybe you've been doing it wrong, but you can't see that now because you're so sure what you're doing is right.

    I always say good game after a match - not because I'm rating anyone's performance, but I'm thanking everyone for participating and allowing me to play the game. I think THAT is being a good sport, not doing certain things that'll make the game easier for your opponent. Being nice and complimenting the other players will lead to positive vibes and encouragement all around.

  • Lumen
    Lumen Member Posts: 16

    I just want to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who responded to this post. I never expected this many replies!

    And thank you for helping me realize I was placing arbitrary rules on what is right and wrong for killers to do. I should be focusing on what is fun for me, and what I enjoy. I can't thank you enough for straightening this out for me, and I'm not sure how it got into my head in the first place! I feel a little bit foolish for stepping into this pitfall, but hopefully my mistake is something that others can learn from.

    I'll make sure to keep every interaction positive and to remember that at the end of the day, everyone is here to have fun- even if it means I die very early! I should take that moment to remind myself that maybe the killer is really enjoying the fact that I died so early haha.

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Aww bless you firstly! Thank you for bringing much needed positivity to the game. We need more like you!

    I am sad to see you losing your gusto May I suggest you play killer understand why people may play the way they do. It Might be a learning experience for you to understand the other side.. but to be honest some people just want to play in a not so fun way. And nothing will change that sadly.

    I will offer you my best boops in hopes it at least lifts your spirits during this time.


  • ShrekTheThird69
    ShrekTheThird69 Member Posts: 327

    Yep ive got the same problem. I just wanted everyone to have fun so i would just try to play and not sweat every match. But if you don't do that you just get ######### on, not playing sweaty is a good way to get bullied every match.

  • CriminalMind_ITA
    CriminalMind_ITA Member Posts: 93

    Man, it's just a game cmon... if it makes you upset and all the other ######### you wrote, stop playing

    It's summer, go outside, enjoy the other things

    Unfortunately, those things are part of the game

    Whenever my team destroy the killer, i usually send him a PM apologizing and telling him to not give up

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    Dbd isnt a game which you can play a lot.

    Because there arent any New gamemodes it is the same ######### over and over again. This means getting burned out of the game is normal. Is suggest getting a break of dbd. Idk if you only play survivor because in that case I suggest playing killer.

    I was a killer main and getting burned out , now i play survivor and i Find it very fun because it is a way different experience then playing killer.

    FGC_HELP Member Posts: 114

    After grinding the heck out of this game the only fun you get is when you create the fun yourself. Honestly if it weren't for trying new builds on killers and going for different roles as survivor there's be nothing fun in this game.