Nerf Survivor Perks

Survivors a very overpowered at the higher ranks and they need to be toned down. I'm not talking about loops, those are fine. I'm talking about how the game thinks it's okay to allow an entire team of survivors to run Decisive Strike and Borrowed Time. That makes the game impossible for the killer and that's abusing survivor perks. If a survivor vaults the same window enough times in a row the game will block it because it's abuse, but how is a 4 stack of survivors with DS, Borrowed Time, and Self Care not abuse? Like my brother mentioned to me, a reasonable nerf would be that if 2 or more survivors have the same perk, it gets dropped a level. For example, if 3 survivors have DS level 3 then the game should lower it to where those 3 survivors have DS level 1. Same thing for all other crutch perks. Of course there are going to be survivors who don't want this change, but they have to realize how ridiculous it is, as a killer, to go against an entire team of survivors with DS and Self Care.
Self care? Seriously?
I really hope you're joking. Self care is horrible
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All aboard, the FAIL-Post.
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I don't agree.
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They should make DS deactivate if the killer hooks someone else and as for borrowed time I have no idea
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Fun Fact: If you don't tunnel or camp, both DS and Borrowed Time are useless to the survivors! You should try it! (it makes them so mad when you don't let them use their perks!)
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If my friends would be running Self Care, they would not be my friends anymore.
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Don't tunnel slug and you don't have to worry about DS
Don't camp the hook and you don't have to worry about BT
Self Care 😂🤣😮🤣😂
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Firstly, counter them. If borrowed time is a problem for you, than you’re playing stupid. If there’s an idiot survivor sprinting for the hook, hit they’re injured, after their teammate gets unhooked...hit the rescuer hook them. They dorks just gave you a free hook, take it! Now, if you have no other survivors to chase or gens to patrol, the recently rescued survivor didn’t go far, by the time you reach back up to them their BT is over with.
As for DS, yes...we all know this is a problem, it’s been reworked several times, just deal with it for now or keep them slugged.
SelfCare!?!? Self Care, really? Self care works out to the killer’s benefit, not the survivors’. It takes twice as long for a survivor ti self care themself instead of a teammate healing...they are giving you more time, the longer a match goes, the more it favors killer.
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How hard is it to ignore/slug a person off the hook or eat a ds early? How hard is it to ignore/butthug a person for 15 seconds before downing them? When has selfcare been relevant in the past 2 years?
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fun fact : self care is killer 5 perk😂🤣🤣😂
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do you guys remember when ds activated on first pick up off the obsesion and 33 % ds while you already wasted time going to a hook
or when bt protected both survivors so you could eat a chainsaw while saving good times right
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Dont camp nor tunnel. Problem solved.
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You clearly didn't read it. If one or two people have DS that's not a big deal. The problem is when everyone has DS so it's really hard to down and hook. You can't make the wait it out argument because by the time the minute is up they have all the gens done.
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I agree that self-care is a horrible perk and for the same reason, however it has been gaining popularity lately for me on ps4 90% of the red rank survivors are running it including rank 1's. Its disturbing. I have been running sloppy and thana where possible to take advantage.
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BT is abuseable due to 32m range requirement on most killers. DS is abuseable due to 60 seconds requirement. Both need tweaks to make them stronger against camper/tunneler and weaker against fair players.
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######### Self Care! All my homies hate Self Care!
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if you hate self care so much ( #########, killer should love it) use sloppy or play legion/plague xd
hate DS/BT? play pyramid head,
dont want to play killer just to counter perks?
mass injure ppl so they will waste year to heal up, dont come back to the hook, look for a way to find other survivors fast xd
and lets be honest, you never mentioned locker DS as a problem with DS, so just stop tunneling xd
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How to beat ds, dont tunnel
How to beat bt, don't tunnel or camp
How to beat self care, Nurses calling
Boom now your problems are gone
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Self care at red ranks is hardly used it takes to long to heal and u moan about Ds and bt it's simple don't camp no bt don't tunnel no ds
I never get ds or bt because I don't camp and tunnel those 2 perks are useless then
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Self care used to annoy me as killer but then I learned how to patrol and apply pressure. As Survivor I still use it but I use it smartly, aka, I use it when it's my last resort or i feel I need that second health state to make a safe save to get us out. A majority of people using self care use it stupidly healing in corners or self caring next to a gen that's almost done or a gate that's 99'd.
For DS counters there's plenty of work arounds, my favorite is to eat DS early so I deny it to them in end game. If all 4 are running it then I'll keep taking the stun because they've wasted their crutch and will usually die before the gates are open since Survivors that run it usually play really reckless. Or you can just slug and wait it out since slugging still provides pressure.
For BT the best counter play is just go for the unhooker or wait out the endurance timer. The other counter is play a killer with oblivious effects like Freddy, Ghost Face, Scratched Mirror Meyers, Pig, Demo portals close enough to hooks, Wraith with his Ghost add-on, Pyramid Head cages, or any of the perks that grant oblivious effects or change the killers terror radius. No terror radius for the unhooker means no BT to worry about.
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I rarely get hit with BT because I don't camp and if it happens like right in front of me before i leave, I go for the unhooker because i'm not a jerk.
Same for DS. Rarely happens to me when I play killer because I go after other people instead of tunneling. Or if I just happen to run into them again, I just eat the DS because it's not that big of a deal and idk why people are so bent out of shape about it. Eat the stun and kill them
Self care...... everyone else has already laughed that off so I won't even bother
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Not true, because if it was, you couldn't use it as a way to still (to this day!) use it as a way to distract the killer for 60 seconds after an unhook.
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I don't agree at all. Like many already said, those perks lituraly, only help the survivors if you camp and or tunnel them. So if you don't do that you are fine and they wasted two of their perk slots.
Edit: without those perks I think many matches would, if not the hole game would be unplayable, because the killer would literally kill you than after the first chaise, because after that he could easily tunnel you, hook you again because of no BT and no DS
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Does anyone else b1tch in here
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if you’re this bad that may be a sign to stop playing
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Survivor perks are fine.
Leaning to play killer, and learning to play killer PROPERLY, is hard.
BT is only a problem if you're camping or you tunnel the person who just got off the hook. Go after the person who did the unhook. The one that's injured, at lower ranks, is probably going to go off to the corner of the map to self care. This takes FOREVER, especially with Sloppy and keeps them off the gens. If you chase the person who did the unhook, well that's TWO people off gens.
As for DS - If the person unhooked does something stupid (i.e. jumps in a locker in front of you, circles around to immediately unhook someone else and goes does, whatever.... if they're being an idiot, then down them and either wait that minute and give up a gen, or slug them and come back to them after a minute. Otherwise, eat the DS and get it out of the game early. They can only use it ONCE. Even if all 4 people have them, big deal. Let them use it and go back after them. DS is really only good against tunnels and campers so if you don't do either thing, this won't be an issue.
Starting off as killer is hard, because you want that precious 4K. That being said, you're going to have a lot more fun and get a LOT more points learning to apply gen pressure and chase. Camping is BORING. I used to camp as killer when I was rank 20 and didn't know what I was doing or how to play. It was the most boring experience in the world. Stand around for 2 minutes and watch gens pop. Ooooh. Gross. Camping and tunneling, to me, is a sign of an insecure killer who is not confident in their ability to really play the game.
Here's the long and short of it. Killers camp because they don't know how to chase. They camp because they are counting on the survivors desire for altruism to unhook the person on the hook. As a result, if I'm in your lobby and you camp, under NO circumstances will I go anywhere near that hook. The best way to punish this behavior is to, in fact, focus on the gens and get out. In the two minutes it will take that person on the hook to die, you can have almost 4 gens done. Shame on you killer. This is why I don't camp when I play killer.
Survivor or killer, when I play DbD I play the game to have fun. If everyone gets out, they get out. If they all die, they all die. No matter what side of the game I play, I chose to play it fairly. I don't sweat, I don't play toxic, I just have fun and try to learn a little something new every match.