Reduction of Bloodpoint Grind - Idea

So I was thinking about this idea quite some time:

What if a player earns a x amount of Bloodpoints based on the number of perks that they bring into the match?

It works like BBQ and Chili and is not a perk.

If you play survivor/Killer and use all four perk slots, you get 0% Extra Bloodpoints in the end (=0 stacks BBQ)

If you use only 3 perk slots, you get 25-50% Extra Bloodpoints in the end (=1 stack BBQ)

If you use only 2 perk slots, you get 50-75% Extra Bloodpoints in the end (= 2 stacks)

If you only use 1 perk slot, you get 75-100% Extra Bloodpoints in the end (= 3 stacks)

If you use not perk at all, you get 100-150% Extra Bloodpoints in the end (= 4 stacks)

What do you think about a game mechanic like this to give an incentive of:

a) Gaining more Bloodpoints

b) Giving a new challenge without introducing a second game mode and seperate waiting lines even more

c) It's also useful for veteran players that need new objectives, as it is for new players that usually have less perk slots available when they start playing a role
