Legion changes

Recently, Ive come across the Legion trailer again.

I remembered being so freaking hyped about this Killer and their awesome concept. Sadly, I also remembered how disappointed Ive been when I played them ...

The chapter title "Dakrness among us", the trailer and also the art concept of the Legion, all of them were teasers for a Killer who blends in as a Survivor and this is what the community wanted so much. Instead, we got a Killer who NEEDS his Terror Radius to make use of his ability (so not a very good disguise).

I really want a rework of the Legion to this (in my opinion the original) concept of a sneaky, stealthy Killer who tricks the Survivors before he stands next to you and stabs right in your face.

I also know that now we have Ghostface who kinda has this function in the game, so I guess its very unlikely that my wish comes true but as I saw the trailer again I really felt betrayed again ...

What do you guys think of the Legion, his teasers and their gameplay now?


  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    i'm asking a new rework since last rework but devs didn't say a thing about them

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    It's situational but you can do the stealth you see in the trailer. Every time I get a Nea in that checkered red outfit I put on the similar looking outfit from the latest rift. Then equipt dark devotion to lose the terror radius after stabbing the obsession. I get at least 1-2 sneaky hits because they think I'm Nea. If the team doesn't catch on early on what I'm doing I get more sneaky hits. It's really fun walking towards a gen without spooking anyone.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    What he needs is a chase mechanic..he has a pressure tool but much like old freddy legion wins by making games a slow slog to finish gens

  • gunslingers_potatoe
    gunslingers_potatoe Member Posts: 192
    edited June 2020

    Why exactly were people annoyed by Legion besides those exploits, infinite mending, etc. Their gameplay was so cool at the beginning. I am not saying that now they are the worst killer in the game, but it feels so basic and boring to play compared to the old legion. They have a fri**ing knife, why aren't they more lethal?

    Post edited by gunslingers_potatoe on
  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited June 2020

    that was all, chasing people backwards cheese was what upset everyone

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    Rework their power.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    I really like his gameplay as is. I dont think he needs a rework. I do however think its stupid that if I stab someone I lose some of my power gauge, not sure the reasoning behind that but it can get annoying. I also think legion should have bloodhound built in during ff mode as it fits with the character and if i cant see scratch marks at least give me that. The duration of FF should also be a touch longer and fov should be increased during ff. Sounds like a lot but these are all minor tweeks to numbers except the bloodhound bit. Doesnt qualify as a rework in the same vain as fred or doc

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    Pig does it better, I love clips of Pigs crouch walking to a Gen and standing next to survivors who then realize it’s a pig, pop gen and run scared. Hilarious. Pig really got a good ability for blending in, something they did make seem Legend would do.

  • Rogue_Shadow7
    Rogue_Shadow7 Member Posts: 3

    I just want to be able to miss a feral stab then a get a chance to continue the chase...

  • SadCyclops
    SadCyclops Member Posts: 118

    thats how the gold legion worked, but he was far off the trailer and stuff, too.

    I really do hate that the devs gave us the hope that this was a kind of "blend in as a survivor technique" killer (for example after you hit a survivor you turn into the shape of him and dropping your terror radius at the point where you were at the hit).

    They gave us hope to a extremely nice and new kind of gameplay, which would bring back the horror into the game by spreading fear between the survivors but what we got was a killer who cant even down survivors with his ability and survivors who get hit can just be like:

    "like i give a #########"

    So sad, i love the look of the legion and so on but i hate the gameplay.

  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    make feral frenzy infinite until he/she hits someone and also the morw you do combo the less the cooldown will be (the stun after coming out of frenzy)