Wraith perk advice

I'm currently saving up blood points to get Corrupt Intervention, but I'm not sure what perk to get rid of to use it on Wraith. My current perks are BBQ and Chili, Nurses Calling, Pop Goes the Weasel, and Discordance. I'm thinking of swapping Nurses Calling for Corrupt Intervention, but I'm not sure. I'd like to hear other people's opinions.


  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Swap out discordance, you already have bbq so you dont really need another tracking perk

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    BBQ and Discordance are both information perks, so one of those two. You could probably swap out Nurse’s as well.

  • PissedWraithMain
    PissedWraithMain Member Posts: 93

    I'd keep Nurses Calling. Wraith's ability is best used as a hit and run tactic. Sloppy Butcher, Bloodhound, and Nurses Calling all make finding survivors you've hit a whole lot easier.