Been playing for over 500+ hours, feels like I'm missing something

Dopples Member Posts: 14

I know rankings don't really matter in the grand scheme of things, and that I should focus on improving more than anything, but I just can't seem to break free of purple ranks on killer. I've watched guides, gameplay of good killers, etc. And for the most part they've helped me a ton just getting to rank 5~7 relatively easily. But from here, it's been a struggle to even avoid depipping vs teams of red ranks. It almost feels like a different kind of game since they typically don't fall for mindgames, and usually are organized enough to pop 2 gens or so in the first few minutes of the match even when I actively go out of my way to patrol them (I typically run Corrupt Intervention to help with this), or corral survivors I do find towards gens so I can injure a ton of survivors at once. If I do happen to get a down in around a minute or a half, gens are already popping even when I do.

Basically, it feels like I need to commit to chases to cause actual damage/pressure to survivors, but if I do so, I risk letting gens pop. If I only just injure them and then return to the gens, they basically just spread out and get them done slower on their own. So that even if I end up hooking one, those gens soon follow. Could I possibly get some advice? Cause it feels like I shouldn't be struggling this much after practicing as much as I have.

For the record, I play a multitude of killers with the following perks. Add-ons vary depending on mood and what I see in the lobby (Also, I play Michael as well, but I've yet to get all the perks for him I want);

Pyramid Head (Corrupt Intervention, Pop Goes the Weasel, Trail of Torment, Surveillance)

Deathslinger (Sloppy Butcher, Monitor & Abuse, Corrupt Intervention, BBQ & Chili)

Demogorgon (Save the Best for Last, Pop Goes The Weasel, Thrilling Tremors, Corrupt Intervention)

Ghostface (BBQ & Chili, Discordance/Nurse's Calling, Pop Goes The Weasel, Thrilling Tremors)

Legion (Discordance, Pop Goes The Weasel, BBQ & Chili, Thanataphobia)

Doctor (Sloppy Butcher, Ruin, BBQ & Chili, Save The Best for Last)


  • Zender
    Zender Member Posts: 178

    The killers you play range from not very good to a little above average. If you truly want easier chases and quicker downs then I suggest investing in spirit, nurse, billy, or freddy. I don't know your rank but a good team of red ranks, especially if they are on comms, will dismantle most of these killers.

  • Dopples
    Dopples Member Posts: 14

    I've been considering Freddy, but the other three have various things about them I dislike a ton. At the same time though, I don't particularly want to stop playing these killers honestly (though I definitely don't play Legion as much as the rest).

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    The best advice I can give is once they've popped those two gens find the four closest generators and guard them not committing too heavily on a chase just smack and go , before you know it you'll have the pressure back , most of the time survivors will rush so hard they dont realize they've throttled themselves until it's too late , some people will argue that it's not a good strategy but if you're not a top tier killer who has mobility , planning for the endgame ahead of time can pull you out of a bad situation

  • Dopples
    Dopples Member Posts: 14

    I've definitely done that before, and it has won me some games. But I've had many more where I couldn't get any use out of pop goes the weasel cause any hits I would land would end in a long enough chase for the last gens to pop. If I don't commit, they just heal-up and work on other gens. If I swat them away from the other gens, another pops since simply kicking them does very little. I'm damned if I commit, damned if I don't. It's frustrating to say the least, and I can kinda see why some killers run NOED just so they can stop this kinda stuff.

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554

    I would try out the top killers first before you decide if you like/dislike them. A lot them have powers/weaknesses you wouldn’t think you’d like, yet once you play them you realize they’re pretty fun.

    Also, some advice: Don’t care about the first two generators being done. They’ll always be done unless survivors neglect gens, so you should instead focus on getting pressure on survivors by hooking multiple survivors before that second gen goes off.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Yea its definitely a strategy that once started you have to stick to pretty tight, it can be frustrating for constant healing but they'll eventually ignore healing for the gen , in bad games I'm having I can usually pull off at least a 2k regardless if I stick to it

  • Dopples
    Dopples Member Posts: 14

    I've tried all of them. Nurse makes me nauseous during the cooldown of her blinks, I truly dislike trying to aim Billy's chainsaw (I think it feels really awkward and bad), and Spirit phasewalk is similar to Billy's problem which sucks cause aesthetically I love her.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    the game is designed in such a way that you will lose if you fight a team of survivors that have any semblance of understanding of what to do.

    You can improve a little bit, but there is only so much you can do against 4 people, 3 of which are slamming gens while you chase one. The only games where you can get 3ks or 4ks are if the survivors don't do generators. The game doesn't rely on you making mistakes or not, it relies on survivors making mistakes, although you are punished very severely for making the tiniest mistakes, even as small as costing you 2-3 seconds of time.

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554

    The aim on Billy probably feels bad because he’s been bugged for a long while. I believe they broke him in 3.7.0? I don’t keep track of it. And for Spirit? Yeah, don’t blame you on that one because I hate that too.

    Also, Nurse caused me nausea too until I equipped Shadowborn.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    It kind of sucks to say it, because it’s not a very fun thing to do, but sometimes you have to slug to claw back the match.

    If the survivors are injured and pushing the gens hard, slugging can slow down their progress enough to allow you time to hook. And mid-match if you down a survivor and see another nearby, chase them. This will mean one survivor down, one being chased, and one more will have to leave their gen to pick up the slug, buying you more time.

    Unfortunately, most of the M1 killers (which you’re playing) just don’t have the time to hook everyone 3 times and defend 5 generators. With no mobility and no insta down, you can’t apply pressure fast enough to slow down the gens by downing and hooking people one by one.

  • shanny_boi
    shanny_boi Member Posts: 146

    So are killers expected to only play spirit, nurse, billy, and freddy if they want to stand a chance against top survivors? I feel like every killer should be able to have the advantage against survivors and be able to apply pressure just as much the others, which unfortunately is not the case for many of them. For example, trapper has to pick his power up from the floor (think of how ridiculous that sounds), then he has to put it down again to actually activate it. Hillbilly starts off with insane mobility and an insta down attack. You can see the huge gap in potential for these two killers. I feel like some killers need a huge buff so that they're on par with the others. And to the survivors that complain about that, maybe that "Rank 1" at the top of your screen should be a "Rank 10". You're not skilled for pressing one button at a gen, learn how to deal with pressure and earn Rank 1.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    How many of those hours are on killer? They're not necessarily that many in a vacuum, although everybody learns at their own pace.

    You also have to keep in mind that ranking up is a function of the killer you're playing and satisfying the emblem conditions, but those don't always correlate directly with your skills. Not to mention that once you're in the purple ranks, you essentially verse the same survivors of a rank 1.

    If you have a video of your games where you struggled, I could give some more specific advice, instead of the same old song.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    The thing that i had to get past to reach red ranks was the survivor rule book. Like it or not you have to play to your advantage. This means slugging that dude that just got unhooked, chasing down the dude thats on deathook and no longer as ds, camping the guy thats only got 15 seconds left because the others wete trying to gen rush so hard they left him hanging, all manner of assholery has to be on the table. Eventually youll be good enough to recognize the games where this is necessary and where it isnt but for now thats what you need to do. Get good at being a dick. Youre a murderer after all, a predator. A lion does not concern itself with the opinion of sheep.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited July 2020

    I'm sorry, "a little above average"? Ghostface is high mid tier, low high tier what are you saying.

    King just released the results of a poll he took of community members that garnered over 2,600 votes.

    Ghostface was rated by a majority of 33.6% at B+

    and for the record other notably high placed killers on that poll that OP says he plays himself include:

    Pyramid Head rated by a majority of 33.1% at B+

    Deathslinger rated by a majority of 29.8% at B (I want to note that this poll was especially close, 29.5% voted B+ the difference was 8 votes)

    and the Doctor was rated by a majority of 32.9% at B+

    The tier list going from highest to lowest: S, A, B+, B, C, D and F

    I personally can vouch that this tier list places most everyone exactly where I'd expect them to be (except for the Plague but eh), if you're really good with any of the killers I just listed above, you will succeed in most of your matches. (Nobody is denying the 4-man Red Rank SWF squad will demolish any killer that's not nurse, spirit, or billy, but then again most of your matches aren't against these groups in the first place. So to say these killers are just average based on a comparison of the most skilled top 10 or even 5% of the playerbase as if that's your regular survivor lobby is just an outrageously over-exaggerated claim).

    Keep in mind these were the results of a poll of community members just like you and me, I'll link the 50 minute video for you to watch below:

    @Dopples You can play whoever you like and enjoy playing as. Multiple of the killers that you play (especially the ones that I mentioned) are viable all the way up the ranks even in Red. Practice makes perfect and don't let any naysayers slow you down chief

  • mostlyghostly
    mostlyghostly Member Posts: 135

    Maybe post a video of you playing and I could give some advice, I see what you mean though. I normally play hag/demo and freddy if I see a 4man flashlight SWF. I've been trying to play other killers like ghostface, wraith but I normally get bullied and the games where I win it's because I am a proficient killer, not good at the specific killer I'm playing. My advice for now is to try hag because she can really destroy R1 solo survivors.

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    Best advice I can offer is be unpredictable. Act erratically. Try to throw them off any pattern. For example, with Pyramid Head use the fact you know which gens are available to separate the survivors using those cages, but also do some random hooks when you have the option to do otherwise.

    Mix your perks a bit as well and feel free to experiment. I never choose my perks when I play. They change every match using a randomizer, which then brings about perks they never expected, and it teaches different tactics to play with.

    Ultimately, the best thing to do is just have fun with the game! Pretend to be the killer! As nurse, I even sway her from side to side whilst moving about, as if she's hanging. I set my own goal to go for. Mess around and don't play to sweat. It is jist a game afterall, and no amount of teabagging will affect anyone's daily life, and no amount of salt will actually do anything regarding anything outside of the game.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    You're having the same problem as me, here's what I did. Stop worrying about the ranks, if you're getting brutal against solid red ranks, you're a red rank too. Bhvr just sucks at the ranking balance.

    There is NOTHING you can do to stop a strong gen rush. I've seen otz, umbra, tru3, bronx, and monto all get destroyed by it. Just accept those games, camp someone and hope for brutal.

    The game is just survivor sided, the devs won't fix it, so either find fun in a different way, or find another game. 7 days to die alpha 19 just released and made massive improvements.

  • SavouryRain
    SavouryRain Member Posts: 340

    Kruger is probably the easiest way to rank 1. He's got insane map pressure (BBQ + PGTW), both of his main power options are fantastic (snares are probably better, but dream pallets are pretty nice too), and his add-ons are really good for slowing the game down.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Here's a couple tips.

    If you can't get a hit or a pallet in 15 seconds or less, it was a misplay.

    You should be actively controlling what gens you want to give and which you want to keep as many maps are just too large to properly pressure them all. You want to be picking those gens, not the survivors.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    Really you can do well with pretty much any killer. Even at rank 1, I've had plenty of games where I've decimated teams as Legion or Bubba. Without seeing your gameplay though, its really hard to give any advice because I dont know which areas your particularlly lacking. You're biggest issue could very well be something that you yourself havent even noticed.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Just a quick tip: Some Killers are better at pipping than others. Read the Wiki page on the Emblem System and only play for emblem points.

    You can easily double pip on someone like Legion without getting a single kill, if you understand the emblem system.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I'll tell you what I'm missing after 500+ hours:

    Any ######### fun at all when other people are ######### scum bottle of the barrel scraps.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I think I agree with that first comment. It might just be the killers you play. Plus, at 500 hours, I'm guessing you aren't P3 with all perks on too many killers, so you probably don't have a lot of extra addons to be using either. In my experience, these things just make it way easy to win, and that might be what you're missing aside from just picking better killers. For a lot of killers, the difference between bringing a brown/yellow addon vs. a purple one is enormous.

    It could also be the pip system just not being that great as well.

  • Dopples
    Dopples Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2020

    I actually have been streaming my killer gameplay pretty consistently on twitch. I tend to talk to myself a lot when I play involving my mindset or w/e when I do as well, so I'll just post my latest VoD;

    Oh and to answer the first question, I've spent about 350 or so on Killer exclusively while the rest has been survivor

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    I'll go ahead and watch some of your gameplay then and see if I can come up with ways that you can improve. What platform do you play on?

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    I myself also have 500++ playtime last time i checked. I can tell you it's normal to struggle a bit at purple rank, since you'll be matched with red ranks every time.

    However, once you get into rank 1, you can't really drop down your ranks anymore. This is my personal experience.

    Also, you can definitely get to rank 1 with those killers. I got to rank 1 with doctor and legion without add-ons and pop to help me. I still play add-onless today, and i never dropped below rank 2.

  • Dopples
    Dopples Member Posts: 14

    PC! Also fair warning, I can get kinda salty in the heat of the moment. :x

    This is how I've been trying to force myself to play, and I admittedly do have a problem prioritizing which gens I'm protecting early enough for sure.

    I definitely need to improve on how much and when I focus on securing kills/hooks, though I'm definitely trying to avoid straight up actively tunneling/camping just to be a good sport, but I legitimately do think I tend to wander off from hooks a bit too much overall atm to try and keep pressure on gens.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772
    edited July 2020

    If you want to be a "good sport" youll stay in purples or get really good with nurse or billy. Those are the options. Theres not enough time to get 24 hits and 12 hooks. That only happens when the survivors are bad. Any decent survivor can do a gen

    And understand I do get your mindset. I was the same way. Then i realized the survivors arent "good sports" why am I handicapping myself to be nice?

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333
  • Dopples
    Dopples Member Posts: 14

    rn, shark gf on ttv. I'm actually gonna go live soon though so maybe you could watch live to offer advice in real time? Here's the link I tried to post btw

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    Ok, watching it now. Theres already afew things I've seen that you can improve at but I've just started watching so I'll go into it more after awhile. Atm just have notepad open on a 2nd monitor and making a list of errors and time stamps.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    Run pop on slinger and hes top tier, hes heavily map dependant though which can make him lose games.