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General Discussions

Do you have nicknames for certain maps?

Member Posts: 4,225
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

I have some nicknames for maps/realms and I wanted to know if I'm the only one. I'm German, so sometimes I just butcher the pronunciation on purpuse or use a German word. (I'm playing in English btw)

So what nicknames do you have for maps and realms?

For me:

-Azarov's Resting Place: (butchered pronunciation) Atzarov's Ratze-Platze or just "Knochenmap" (~Bone(shaped) map)

-Treatment Theatre: Lèry's

-HNL: Hawkins or The Lab

-Coldwind Farm: Corn map (doesn't matter which)

-Temple of Purgation: Temple

-Mother's Dwelling: Forest

-Midwich Elementary School: The Square

-Wretched Shop: Death Zone

-Blood Lodge: Pallet Town

-Shelter Woods: +just puking+ (I hate this map)

-Pale Rose: The Boat

I also tend to call the only maps in a realm by the realm's name like Haddonfield if it is shorter.

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  • Member Posts: 215

    Nope... Been playing this since Day 1 release on console, with OGs as well... Never used corny nicknames... We simply learn the real name.

  • Member Posts: 1,433

    I just use the original name of the map,like @BeardedMenace does.

  • Member Posts: 907

    only a few

    treatment theatre: shock theatre

    cold wind farm: god damn it more corn

    temple of purgation: temple of puke

    Midwich: grown up badham

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Any cornfield map, pale rose, or lèrys: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH WHY THIS MAP AGAIN

  • Member Posts: 110

    I call badham preschool good pig, dunno why. Just kinda happened one day and I never stopped.

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    Don't have nicknames myself, but I like Puppers nickname for the Yamaoka Estates maps, calling it the "Yo Mama" map. Prompts me to try and come up with DBD-based "Yo Mama" jokes.

  • Member Posts: 156

    I always call Hawkins "HAL Laboratory" because the "hnL" on the badge map offering always looked more like "haL" to me.

    Apart from that there's Brazzerov's, Bamham Preschool, Larry's Memorial Insititute, The Snuffocation Pit, The Thwompson House, and Mount Snoremond. I'm realizing now that none of these are actual shortened nicknames and just me being bored and making the names sillier.

  • Member Posts: 23

    Any map I don’t like: #########

  • Member Posts: 1,285

    I have nicknames for Midwich, Backwater, Badham and Haddonfield.


  • Member Posts: 618

    Macmillan estate= HOME. I swear we get a macmillan map 25% of the matches when we SWF.

  • Member Posts: 1,328

    Autohaven Wreckers: Azarov's

    The MacMillan Estate: MacMillan

    Coldwind Farm: Coldwind

    Crotus Prenn Asylum: Asylum

    Haddonfield: Haddonfield

    Backwater Swamp: Pantry or Pale Rose depending on the variation

    Léry's Memorial Institute: Léry's

    Red Forest: Red Forest or Temple depending on the variation

    Springwood: Badham

    Gideon Meat Plant: The Game

    Yamaoka Estate: Yamaoka or Wrath depending on the variation

    Ormond: Ormond

    Hawkins National Laboratory: Hawkins or Underground Complex

    Grave of Glenvale: Dead Dawg Saloon

    Silent Hill: Midwich

  • Member Posts: 3,826


    Lery's - Ugh.

    Azerov's Resting Place - We're Dead.

    Underground Complex - Ugh.

    Haddonfield - My Favorite Map.

    These are my nicknames.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Yes. "F#ck this" for Ormond and Haddonfield

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    I call all corn maps corn and all swamp maps swamp.

    everything else is normal

  • Member Posts: 2,328

    New silent hill map: *loud and realistic vomit sounds*

  • Member Posts: 982

    Hawkins: Fuwuck me.

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