Something needs to be done about the matchmaking.

Seiji212 Member Posts: 183

Can we please find and settle on a solution for the grab bag matchmaking? I'm having a very difficult time doing even the simplest of tomes in solo que, due to being repeatedly and inexplicably thrown into a group of 20-17s who make doing so pretty much impossible. Compounding the issue is the fact that my red rank seems to be drawing killers of my level. Do you have any idea how hard it is to unhook someone who's unhooked you previously when nobody will unhook you in the first place? Solo que is starting to be more frustrating to me than playing as a red rank killer and that's not good.


  • Jasuo
    Jasuo Member Posts: 54
    edited July 2020

    Edit: Inserting my own OP from the thread I made earlier because there's no point in having 2 separate ones.

    I'm a PC player and I've literally always played against green or higher ranks since starting the game, which I've gotten accustomed to. Ever since hitting green rank up to my current purple rank I almost exclusively queue into red ranks every game. Sure, I have some experience and good perks now so it's not so bad, but it's still irritating as hell.

    Now this isn't what drove me to start this thread. I recently got the chance to try out the game on Xbox because my bf has the gamepass, so I figured why not? Might as well see how it plays. Mind you, he has never even TOUCHED the game before, so I was going into it completely fresh.

    Every single game was against red ranks with meta perks. All of them. Not a single game had anyone below red. Starting from rank 20 with 0 MMR or w/e bullshit this game uses to track "skill".

    Imagine if you were a new player and this happened to you. You'd never touch this [BAD WORD] game again after experiencing what I just did. This is why the new matchmaking/MMR changes NEED to happen soon. More likely than not the game is turning people away because the beginner experience is absolute horseshit. I love this game, but good god does it feel like it hates me.

  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183

    Yeah, that about sums it up as killer on xbox, but really that's pretty dependent upon what time you play. That certainly holds true for the evening. That, however, I can and do handle- if nothing else it teaches you how to slay the creeps and before you know it you're at red ranks yourself. That frustration, though, is starting to pale in comparison to what it's like being thrown into a red rank killer's match with a bunch of tree hugging potatoes time and time again. I get why we've gotten to where we have- nobody wants to wait forever for matches, but i'd willingly wait a few more minutes to be put in with some people who at least have some small clue what they're doing because this trying to accomplish these last few survivor tomes for 4 hours now, and failing purely because of my random team's incompetence is for the birds.

  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183

    This forum has a bad habit of making my simple typo correcting edits disappear into approval land. No clue if it's going to pop up again, so in summary- I understand all of the above points, being that I only play on Xbox. But that pales in comparison to the frustration I feel with constantly being thrown into a competent killer's match with a bunch of potatoes who make it impossible to get my tomes done.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,262

    I'm rank 10 again from crown farming, and earlier I got a match against a SWF of 1, 3, 3, & 15. When it was cancelled and they were apologizing for their buddy DCing I was just like "Yeeeeeeeeah, I'm fine with this." There's a lot of people cheesing the current system by bringing a low rank buddy.

    Although I will never forget being rank 20 and having my first match be a rainbow. They all apologized to my 1 perk no clue arse. It's not like that was their fault.

    I'm curious to see what MMR will do, but I'm pretty sure I was in some of the testing for EST a week or two ago. It was not good, lol. I had match after match after match of swat teams. I wonder if something was basing it off my survivor rank (usually 1 or 2) with my killer (highest I've obtained was 8.) I think I was a rank 12ish killer then.