Should console players be able to discuss the game?

I want to start this by saying that I am a fairly new player on PS4, I am mainly making this post because I saw a recent discussion on Twitter. Someone mentioned their platform and hours and received a response that essentially said "Console doesn't matter, will never matter, and should not have an opinion on the state of the game." They also went on to essentially blame DBD moving to a new engine to be ported to console is one of the biggest reasons the game is how it is now.
I am of the opinion that even if consoles aren't the systems the game was originally developed for, we are all still apart of the player base and deserve to say our piece on the state of the game, but at the same time I heavily agree that the game needs to be better optimized and fixed on PC before they start more thoroughly working on how it runs on console.
Ignore it, it's Twitter. It's a septic pit.
On the forums, here, all platforms matter. Typically the "elitist" PC players are ignored.
All feedback is welcomed.
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So you made a discussion to say you disagree with some cuck on Twitter who thinks consoles suck and PC is the superior race? Carry on.
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No, I made this to have a discussion to see how people feel about the matter.
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Im on console as well always have been and mostly likely always will be (I never had a PC ever) but yeah I agree with you it's all the same game and we are all into the DBD life together!
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All player's feedback matter
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Just because consoles play slightly differently doesn't mean that they should be excluded from discussion. As a console player, I don't see Nurse as being all that great of a killer, and Huntress not being as strong or picked as on PC, which is my observed opinion from a differing platform. Doesn't mean that I should be discredited for preferring to have a controller, and have consistency within the performance across all of my games.
Console is rarely an afterthought too, unless you're making a game specifically for esports, such as Overwatch. They are a more legitimate platform than PC if we really want to get technical, since gaming consoles have been around longer than PC gaming has. People like that Twitter poster are also the perfect example of PC Elitism and what many console players point towards when talking about PC being an overall more toxic gaming community.
Plus there's next to no hackers on console.
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I play on console and found the forums to be useful...
I feel like the ppl here are accepting of all feedback or opinions
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Agreed I haven't run into anyone on here that thinks less of console players.
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I wouldn't take the opinion of people that spend $3000 on hardware to run Minecraft that then run bot programs so they don't even need to play it as the word of god.
You have pinpoint accuracy and still need to aimbot? Kek. More liek PC Mustard race amirite?
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All opinions are important. Perhaps that person needs to feel that because they are severally lacking in many other aspects of their life, so they feel the need to make the PC so important. Really, narrow-minded beliefs like theirs are the ones which no longer have a place at the table.
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Well said.
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Uh, yeah. Anyone who plays this game can participate in discussions.