Things are getting rough

SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

Last night for a few hours me and a friend played some survivor matches. I'm a rank 4 and he's a rank 7. But for the duration of the 3 hours of DBD that we played, we didn't come across a single killer below the rank of 12. Most every killer was between the ranks of 15 through 17, and I could not have felt worse for these killers going up against survivors that weren't even in the double digits. In one match we went up against a level 16 Plague who had such a rough go of it, that she opened the exit gates just so that she could get it over with.

I know the developers have stated that they are still working on the new MMR, but given how poor the experience that playing killer is right now, they really need to nip this thing in the bud before DBD turns off all new players for good, and the wait times to play survivors becomes worse than they already are because no one's playing killer.
