Why devs always creates annoying killers?

Oni, Deathslinger, Doctor, Clown... So ######### annoying killers to play against. Why? and now Pyramid Head.
And these killers are annoying how? No argument just wondering
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They're annoying if you're garbage lol. Especially in the case of DS and Doc.
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I can understand Clown and Doctor, because they screw with your screen and screaming and stuff it can be quite annoying at times to some people
But I don't understand the other characters.
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I would say the doctor is the only one I find truly annoying on this list, in my opinion the other ones are fun to play against.
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"annoying" is extremely subjective...
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Yes, I too find killers annoying because they can kill me. Please remove them and let me sit on 5 gens and escape without any interaction. Thanks.
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If you find so many killers annoying then it might be a personal problem rather than a problem with the devs.
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I've heard every single killer get called annoying.
The only actual problem is ghostface because revealing him can be very inconsistent. And maybe complaints against spirit for having little conterplay. Everything else seems like personal opinions.
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What makes a killer annoying? And what makes a killer fun to play against? Not being sarcastic, honestly just wondering what your criteria are.
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The only killers I find annoying myself rn,are slinger,doctor(depends what map,and if he has discipline but even then not really that annoying),pyramidhead. I honestly hate slinger and pyramidhead more than spirit or freddy,I despise them from the bottom of my heart.
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You're right. All killers should be M1 killers with no power, that way you can play against them the same way every time.
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Imagine including clown in your complaints
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Imagine clown being good
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Well, the guy in charge of balance did say he was underrated...
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Name some Killers that are NOT annoying
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Nurse, Billy, Hag (For Me), Wraith, Plague, Michael, LF, Pig, PH, Legion, And Demogorgon. Thats really it :)
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This thread escalated quickly.
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A lot of people find Oni annoying because of how easy it is to get and use his power. People find Deathslinger annoying because of his quiet terror radius and the stupid quickscope ability. He is basically a broken huntress. No idea about Pyramid Head.
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yeah hes a little better since the recent buff. But he's still missing a lot in regards to balancing
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I really meant that as a joke. That guy is the same one responsible for no timing require flashlight and pallet saves. He clearly balances for newer players, not higher ranks, where the majority of issues are.
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Forever Legion/freddy are easily 2 most annoying killer builds in this game. Legion especially just spend 15 mins mending/healing hooboy who was the genius who came up with that one.
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Hes the one who made that flashlight bs a thing? He's dead to me
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You didn't know that? He also has a presence on the forums, although I forget their name...
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Welcome to the forums!
It's not always like this, I swear.
Just most of the time.
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Just the same thing again. You only find them annoying because your bad at going against them, just like the nerf freddy and nerf spirit crowd
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I disagree. Deathslinger and Pyramid Head are two of the most fun killers to go against in my opinion. The only killers I don't really like going against are billy and spirit, but a lot of that is because I'm still not very good at predicting them so I can loop them.
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The only annoying killer to verse is spirit, because even a rotting corpse of a monkey can play her and easily 4k, due to how easy she is, if I would want to gamble, I would play some stupid Casino game or be a moron that buys cases in csgo.
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i mean, i agree on deathslinger, but the fact spirit isnt there just makes me question this completely. pyramid daddy be packing and that alone makes him fun to play (if only for the amount of jokes i make to piss off some friends), doctor isnt that bad (though i spend half the trial in a locker waiting for head on so i suppose thats why), clown is, well, clown. countered by stealth so blendette's assemble; another killer i personally would call annoying would be oni because i just dont like him, personally.
but see that word, 'personally'- fun and annoyances are subjective and just because you find someone fun doesnt mean everyone else does, likewise the opposite- you find a killer unfun doesnt mean everyone else does.
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Oni's more braindead than Spirit tbh. I lose a lot more games vs him than her since he's gotten his bullshit (what seems like)360 degree flick back. and he's rewarded for tunneling. I'd much rather face a Spirit than an Oni, Doctor, or Clown. Legion and Deathslinger are only honorable mentions because Deep Wounds also gets to a point where you can't see a thing.