Let's talk about noed...



  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I said obsessively play. I'm still on just about every day. At least 5 days a week, and have started streaming occasionally. Usually I won't play more than 5 matches in a day now. Just because I don't explicitly say something doesn't mean you can assume something like this.

    I used to play every day for hours at a time, but I was getting close to burning myself out similar to what happened to me with Overwatch.

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    This whole comment section is a circus

  • DrFeelgood
    DrFeelgood Member Posts: 27
    edited July 2020

    you didn't say obsessively, and even then, you started playing when Legion came out...so no, you have no real claim to "experience"

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    As long as DS gets to exist in its current state, so should noed.

  • schadenfreudez28
    schadenfreudez28 Member Posts: 32

    So much work is 3 hooks? and you have the audacity to call other people bad players? Also, if you could read, i asked what other survivor perks were second chance perks. I never stated that Devour hope is a second chance perk, it's one of the best perks in the game. What luck does Devour hope take? You hook someone and walk away 3 times to get an insta down, 5 times for a mori.

  • Luxoshamy
    Luxoshamy Member Posts: 31

    Unless you go a team specific to go and break bones, your solution is time wasting. Both parties don't know which perks are facing, you have to make a guess everytime. Maybe you destroy everysingle totem and turns out that the killer never brought it, or maybe he does but you wasted so much time running around the map that for that time at least 2 teammates got hooked.

    The only real solution is going to find the totem to save the survivor down, but remember this is a mostly a soloqueing minded game, so must people probably won't go for the safe risking that much.

    If noed becomes a time hex like haunted ground, maybe would do its purpose. Don't think that noed was made for a comeback killing all survivor, i think it was made more for like a pity kill for the killer who got rushed or didn't had a good game.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    NOED is fine as is. Different strategies and perks to counter it. Anyone who says that people who use NOED are bad Killers are stuck in some mindset of an imaginary rule that NOED is a banned perk and should never be use. Also, if a Killer ran NOED but wiped your team before they got deep enough into the match to use it, are they still bad?

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Yeah, I do. I have played this game pretty consistently for a year and a half at least. Nearly two years now.

    I know what I'm talking about.

    And you're right. I didn't say "obsessively", I said "excessively" which may as well mean the same thing in this context. I don't play this game to the extent where I can spot the difference between two stacks of STBFL and none, or the haste effect from Devour Hope and I honestly don't know anyone who can. I've also got less vision to work with being at least 2m away from a relatively small TV compared to being face to face with a computer monitor. That does NOT discredit me from being experienced, because I have put more hours into the game than people who have started before me.

    You are obviously new here, and you don't know me. Don't act like you do, or that you know everything. I don't claim to for a reason.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Ok if i follow your logic DS should not be in the game it encourage the survivor to play stupidly after they get unhook

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    The only Killer where it's ok to use Noed is Slinger. Because theres nothing more satisfying than dragging a butt dancer at the exit gate to their doom on a hook.

  • Thomas_Simpleton
    Thomas_Simpleton Member Posts: 15
    edited July 2020

    Exactly, broken matchmaking makes people run noed becuase they cant really do anything against red ranks swf. Also, I meant to have a chance at future matches. You can also check their profile for the achievement/their hours.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Perhaps you've never played killer before if you think hooking 3 survivors while defending your hex perk, and then finally get use out of it before it's destroyed isn't actually work.

    Don't say you do - because you'll be lying.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    They're right, you really don't. You started when Legion came out. You're relatively new to the game, and don't have the proper experience to have a real valid opinion. Come back to 2016 with me, then you can have this debate with me.

    Have a good day. :)

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    He wasn't calling Devour Hope a second chance perk, he was simply saying that it's stronger than any perks that survivors have.

    Not saying I agree with him, but you missed what he was saying.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Wow. Trying to discredit and silence me through insults and saying that my opinion doesn't count, rather than trying to actually counter my arguments.


    Get off your high horse and actually debate my points.

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    Jeez man. I don't want you to have a back and forth. Just have a calm discussion

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462
  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650
    edited July 2020

    As a player who plays both sides, but mainly a survivor main, i completely disagree.

    As survivor, you have perks and items at your disposal to find totem spawns. Sometimes you have to put away those meta perks if you find noed to be any sort of issue.

    You can always leave or find the totem when it is activated. It is in my opinion, it is one of the easiest perks to counter in the game.

    The only reason a player doesn't break bones, is because it is more efficient to do gens.

    Do bones. There is no excuse for having totems up by the time all gens are done.

  • schadenfreudez28
    schadenfreudez28 Member Posts: 32

    I have yet to see a survivor play stupidly just because they have ds. I have been rank 1 this entire season (besides the first few days getting back after reset), I watch tons of streams, videos, etc. If a survivor plays stupidly with ds by jumping into a locker, you can ignore them or just eat it so they don't have it for the rest of the game.

  • schadenfreudez28
    schadenfreudez28 Member Posts: 32

    How many solo survivor games do you truly have all 5 broken (without you bringing stuff to specifically counter totems)? There are games where you can't even find a lit totem because there are some insanely good spawns. Just tonight I spent my time trying to find totems because of this discussion, each game I broke 3-4 totems and was unable to find the last ones yet my team was unable to find them. 7 games I faced a killer with noed and almost every game they didn't have any kills until that point.

    (This doesn't really matter but I'm rank 4 and keep facing rank 10-12 killers. Those are the killers that mostly bring noed or boosted red/purple rank ones)

    Also, I'm sorry but the "bring this perk and it won't happen, bring a map, etc" arguments are still ridiculous to me. It's equivalent to "bring Franklin's to prevent a key escape". I'm not going to bring a map, detectives hunch or small game every game just because they might have noed, especially since i mostly run solo and can't trust the teammates i get.

  • schadenfreudez28
    schadenfreudez28 Member Posts: 32

    I've been a rank one killer this entire season. I've been playing for well over a year. 3 hooks is not hard if you're a decent killer. You don't have to defend your totem if you apply enough pressure, but you clearly wouldn't know what that's like. Stop trying to over compensate for something by calling everyone inexperienced or a bad player just because they thing a perk shouldn't be in the game :)

  • FearlessHunter
    FearlessHunter Member Posts: 530

    The only thing I would change about noed is to get rid of the extra speed boost. It seems a bit too much imo

  • schadenfreudez28
    schadenfreudez28 Member Posts: 32

    I wasn't trying to be rude to you, just stating my opinion. Sorry if it came off as rude to you. I personally believe it should tell the survivors when they are exposed and it should be on a timer, not permanent until the totem is broken. There's been many games where a survivor finds the totem, killer gets them, then they puppy guard the area so it can't be broken, resulting (in my opinion) in undeserved extra kills

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    I was debating your points. I shot down every single one of them. Then you forfeited the debate when you acknowledge your lack of gameplay and experience.

    I'm glad we see eye to eye. Have a good one! :)

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    If devour was "so easy to defend", why are the best killer mains in the game constantly cucked of their devour before they get to use it? Oh wait - only a year in DBD.

    I'm not overcompensating for anything. When going up against you, it's completely unnecessary. You make this far too easy. Keep going. I dare you.

  • schadenfreudez28
    schadenfreudez28 Member Posts: 32

    1. The best killer mains don't run devour constantly, quite frankly most killers don't. If they do it's for a specific build or a requested one. You show how out of the loop you are if you truly believe that it is a meta perk at this point of the game.

    2. You constantly reassure yourself in your comments. "I've shot down every point" "you forfeit the debate when you said you've been playing for over a year" "Anyone who disagrees is wrong". It doesn't make you look smart or better, it just makes you look thick minded.

    3. You have misread multiple posts and continue to throw insults rather than make opposing points. @PigMainClaudette brought up fair points and you can only reply with "you're inexperienced your opinion is wrong". You have done the same for me. Like they said, get off your high horse, add something productive and grow up.

    Also side note, I clearly said over a year. Learn to fully read and understand something before replying.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    You shot down NOTHING. You have only tried to insult me and your only "defence" or "counterpoint" is literally the tired all 'Buh, Decisive' or the elitist 'playing since launch'.

    So, here's the list to counter since I apparently have to spell it out for you:

    - I DID your "direct counter" and it didn't work.

    - It's effects to not line up with other perks of similar effects, being hidden Exposed and no killer input.

    - The perk rewards you with kills you otherwise wouldn't have earned just for existing

    Now for some of the personal attacks

    - More than a year is more than enough to be experiences, especially easily holding red ranks for the past 6 months.

    - Not all of us have ultra 4k monitors and occasionally miss some details

    - PigMainClaudette is in a sense 3 people, as I discuss at length with my two siblings with their own unique playstyles and preferences. Usually also BEFORE posting certain threads. I didn't mention this one earlier, but still a point to consider.

  • Azeroth
    Azeroth Member Posts: 66

    Try do bones in solo Q, good luck man. Its only fine when there are swf.

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    Bad or baby survivors complain about noed.

    Noed gives killers a second chance just like ds gives survivors a second chance. Just stop being dogs**t at the game and get on with it.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    DS gives 1 second chance per Survivor per match, 4 in total if all Survivors have the perk.

    Noed gives unlimited second chances until all Survivors are dead.

    Yeah they're the same lol.

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138


  • TheOptimiser
    TheOptimiser Member Posts: 138

    It's easy: if you don't wanna get NOED, just cleanse all totems before the 5th gen is repaired!

    If you gen rush then don't complain that the killer used NOED. I use it in almost all of my builds, it's kinda mandatory because a lot of the games go too fast, even if you apply the right amount of pressure. So NOED all the time for me!

  • f1uffykins
    f1uffykins Member Posts: 77

    That's why soul gaurd and barrowed time exist. I had a killer who knocked me for going for a save, let me get up I unhooked the guy and he swung at me and we all 4 escaped. Also it's not like noed always stalls the endgame. If the solo survivor had the hatch closed on them and fount before they work on a gate it's already over for them

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    As a killer main I dont support ur opinion.So you want totems to be free points for survivor? You know much games some SWF just genrush and ignore totems I think NOED its their punishment. Killer were playing with 3 perks with the risk of get nothing I think its fair reward despite it gives kills to bad players.

    Do your bones or make em matter in someway to give killers time.