Nerf SWF

Follow this simple math: 4v1

child game


  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    People have been begging for SWF groups to get nerfed and it only falls on deaf ears

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474


  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    wait you said you didnt want to talk with me anymore? :( miss mimimi came back for some more? :)

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    Glad you don't remember me xD We can start over with our relationship <3 I have no problems with childish stuff, i just played a perfect game, but lost because they were swf and the post game chat just makes me laugh because they think they did achieve anything good when they are just actually abusing an unbalancement in the game

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    There is no UI who tells you that they are SWF. they can all hide their profile and you can just end up in a game that is too frustrating for survs and i don't want that since i play for challenge and there is no challenge with mori or noed for me. But i understand your POV and i really appreciate your answer, thank you mate :)

  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2020

    I don't understand your reply; this is not a suggestion for players, this is a suggestion for the devs. I'm not telling players to use moris when they see SWFs (it's actually really easy as a killer to tell when the survivors are SWF: they all appear in the lobby together, and at least one has a flashlight), I'm asking the devs to add a feature that gives the killer a mori in addition to whatever offering they're using if the survivors are SWF, and remove mori offerings from the game. That way, you have a choice as the killer; if the SWF survivors are being jerks and trolling you and basically cheating by using voice chat, you can put down the hammer and mori, but if they're playing fairly you can ignore the mori.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474
    edited June 2020

    Sorry i had no time to read all and i just read the title and i guessed it was a suggestion to me, i'll take time later and properly reply :)

  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,233

    cool, thanks! 😁

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    Like i just saw a Very skilled streamer video that plays both sides, but he was showing how broken a SWF is. even tho he downed everyone in like 10 seconds and found them like in really no time, he couldn't stop the gen rush because the game is not balanced for 4 people communicating. The game is balanced for solo Q players, and even tho they believe to be skilled, strong and great they are really the opposite!! And this makes me laugh so much... Also he said that the only way to win this kind of gameplay is by slugging them all and one-hooking them all, but this would make the game unfun and unsportsmanlike plus non-challenging because you force a killer to play lame and if you don't play lame you will end up losing over and over and i 100% agree with that :\

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    I read your post and it doesn't seem a bad idea honestly

  • Dexn3ko0
    Dexn3ko0 Member Posts: 70

    Since dedicated servers survivors almost always spawn together in the lobby, so you cant conclude they are SWFs because of that.

    If you wanna know if they are a team check their profiles and check if they are in each others friendslist.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,054

    Maybe you should not have tunneled this one person. 6k points indicates for me that they did not that much, meaning that it is really likely that you just focused on them, while the others were doing Gens.

    But I bet you played perfectly the entire game :)

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    It happens that person that was just unhooked walked by in front of me TWICE. The first time i slugged for the ds, the second time i had to hook her and she was second stage because the others were rushing gens... I'm not an idiot, if you make a mistake i capitalize on it :\ The map was the new one so i agree that gettin lost and being confused is normal plus i had no tr and this made things worse. But thanks for passing by and trying to be trashtalking with me, i really appreciate toxic comments like yours :)

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    THIS PROFILE IS PRIVATE. You know, they are all pop stars and they need to hide their true identities

  • Dexn3ko0
    Dexn3ko0 Member Posts: 70

    Dude take it easy i was not talking to you i was replying to luvcrafts post.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620
    edited July 2020

    I had a match against a SWF yesterday, geez it was like I couldn't make a single mistake. I end the match with a 3K but I didn't enjoy at all. Those 4 were really a sweaty SWF. Thankfully they didn't know how to loop properly nor they had meta perks but when they learn how to loop properly or they get DS in they builds...

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298
    edited July 2020

    It's very hard to say for sure whether you're facing a swf or not, and generally close to impossible in the lobby. That being said, over time you develop a feel for when you're facing a team with a much higher than usual level of coordination.

    Every down has a flashlight fight? There's one survivor who is shadowing you all game baiting chases while the other three play like they know where you are all the time and feel near impossible to find? Gens just absolutely vanish? Healthy survivors constantly appearing at the right time in a chase to bodyblock? Get looped past a locker for a Head-On strike more than once?

    Now, all of these things are possible without swf, and aren't guaranteed to happen with swf. The truth is that even though they say the game is balanced around solo queue, the game is very much stacked against the killer IF the survivors work together, swf or not. As it probably should be - the real challenge for survivors isn't in looping or hitting skill checks on generators, it's in working together as a team with limited information. SWF just makes that so, so much easier.

    This is also why it's hard to "fix" the issue of SWF, because most changes to SWF situations would really hurt groups of just plain good solo survivors who are able to meet that challenge of coordination despite limited information.

    My suggestion has always been to just limit perk slots as you add party members, so that you don't get the information benefit of comms/regular playing partners plus the information benefit of what a full suite of perks provides. I don't personally believe that "punishes" SWF in a real significant way except to limit the information benefit gained by using a 3rd party app. We don't worry about "punishing" people who use wall hacks, and what is sharing information through comms but a pseudo wall-hack?

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    people don't want fnaf in dbd because they don't want play with children....are these grown ups!?

    things people say that make me not take then seriously


    baby killer

    everyone Favorite Git Gud

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    Nah i was just meming the sentence "the profile is private" because people who make their profile private are so stupid :\

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    I always play against the sweatiest SWF because i always play in afternoon/night and they always play at that moment of the day and trust me... There are no games that i enjoy against them...

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    Agree with all, always thought the same about the cooperation, and nothing else. That's the real "abuse" they have in this case. It's not about being too good for killers, but it's being able to cooperate perfectly with other survivors that make it unbalanced.. I played a lot of games with solo survivors who were gods mate and we didnt need to talk at all, they were good and i just followed and we all escaped or max 1 were sacrificed "for the cause" so yeah... as you say it's very difficult to fix this and i don't know if they will ever put an hand on it

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474
    edited July 2020
  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    Just limit the sources of information that the game gives them since they're using a 3rd party app to give them extra. 2 person SWF? 3 perks each. 3 person? 2 perks. Running a four man? One perk per survivor. Since comms essentially gives them 2-3 recon perks for free I feel like that's fair. In fact they should be grateful since if the killer uses a 3rd party app for an advantage they just get straight banned.

  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,233

    I'm probably gonna get a lot of flack for this, but one mitigation to comms-trolling SWF players is stream sniping. If they're comms trolls, then at least one of them is probably streaming the game, and if you're lucky he has his twitch handle in his player name.

    I did this once when I was getting obliterated by a comms-SWF team, and was down two gens with zero hooks and had just been bodyblock-flashlight-sab comboed on the way to my first hook; one of the players had his twitch handle in his player name, and I opened his stream on a second monitor. Sure enough, all 4 players were on comms, which I could hear through the stream. After that, I had as much meta-information as the survivors did, and surprisingly, we ALL had FUN! I could hear and head off their plans, and I could see where one of them was, but I still had the normal challenges of chasing them around, and best of all I got to hear their laughs and happy surprise in real-time when I could outflank them and suddenly pop out when they thought I was somewhere else. None of them cried foul, or realized I was stream sniping even when I would pull someone out of a locker where I normally couldn't possibly know they'd be hiding. And from the sound of it, they had a great time actually being challenged for once rather than their usual boring experience of steamrolling some poor slob who was oblivious to their communications.

    All that said, I still felt icky doing it, and haven't done it since, because it felt like cheating even though I was doing it specifically to counteract the cheating of the survivors using voice chat, and otherwise I would've had yet another miserable comms-SWF time.

    Also, while DBD explicitly says that stream sniping is NOT prohibited, twitch DOES prohibit it, although I'm not clear on if twitch actually enforces that for all games, or just for games that also prohibit it.

  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,233

    here you go devs, the easiest solution to the SWF comms problem:

    If 3 or all 4 players are SWF, the following is added to the loading tips before the match:

    "Use of voice chat to coordinate with other survivors is discouraged, because it can break the balance of the game. If you abuse it, the killer has our permission to watch your stream during the match. You've been warned."


  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    I just don't like to play this lame things... I mean, i know you've done this just to counter the swf, but i seriously prefer both size not playing lame then just playing lame both of us... It just subtract the fun from the game :\ all becomes pointless... I just prefer trying and then losing or black pippin at best then just play lame, you seriously win more by opening the door b4 them instead of doing anything else. You subtract fun from them cause if you don't play their game they can't have fun and thats it

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    It would really make people hungry, i would LOVE to see it happen xD

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474
    edited July 2020

    Why would you have your profile private?? What do you have to hide?? I mean, if you work for the NASA and you have very important Secret informations, be my guest, but otherwise??? XD I mean, are you jealous of your achievements? i don't know, your profile is meant to show everyone who you are and what you do/did, why hiding? You clearly don't have a good reason, but for being stupid

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    I like privacy. I don't see any reason why anyone outside my friends would have to see what games I have, how many hours I've played, how many friends I have and who they are.

  • Dabej
    Dabej Member Posts: 6

    I feel you bro. Its annoying to play against good/experienced survivors, but i dont think there is any solution how to fix that.

    Because you have to keep on your mind there are also weaker/new survivors.

    If devs will nerf SWF, it can affect these new players and they will not enjoy the game.

    In my opinion devs needs to look at map sizes or gen speed.

  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,233

    the problem is that ANY solution that addresses Survive-With-Comms is also going to negatively affect non-comm SWF players; the challenge is to find a solution that helps the most with comms cheating while having the least negative impact on non-comm SWF.

    Adjusting gen speed and map sizes would not fix Survive-With-Comms, and would just unilaterally hurt ALL survivors, especially solo.

  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,233

    Unfortunately, any fix for the problem of Survive-With-Comms is going to also negatively affect non-comms SWF players. The tricky part is figuring out a solution that does the most to mitigate SWC while hurting non-comm SWF the least.

    Adjusting gen speed and map size wouldn't do anything to fix SWC, but would unilaterally hurt ALL survivors, especially solo ones.