SWF ruining event

I took 3 months off because of the state of the game. Came back to enjoy the anniversary event. Surprise, surprise. SWF litters the landscape and makes it impossible to participate in the event because everyone is just telling each other where everything is as usual. I had 5 games in a row which was 4 man SWF. Whoo so much FUN! The cherry on top is the fact you get severely punished afterward.

Listen if it was my skill, or lack thereof, that causes me to lose fine. However, to get hosed on points and whatnot because people are exploiting a bad balance flaw is one of the reasons I left (again) in the first place. If you can't balance the game mechanics, can you at LEAST take SWF into consideration at the end screen so I don't keep seeing entity displeased every damn time? Adjust the scoring or whatever to compensate for the giant GAP SWF causes.


  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    How are you sure they were 4 man swfs?

  • LadyRahl
    LadyRahl Member Posts: 15

    You can't always. Sometimes you can tell if they're all in the lobby dressed the same, or they all load in at the same time and sometimes you can just tell by the level of game play and coordination. Of course I've been accused of being in a 4 man SWF when everyone is solo so like I said, you can't always tell. It's like knowing when a killer is running discordance. Sometimes you can just tell.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    If you sit in red ranks, SWFs will be everywhere. However, As a solo player, bad killers get absolutely dominated at any rank. Then you have a COMPLETELY BROKEN Match Making system. I get rank 20-14 killers playing solo at purple ranks and i refuse to SWF. I'm pure solo. Have been since 2017. It sounds like you need to tank your rank. There is utterly ZERO reason to be in red ranks besides getting the achievements.

    For almost 2 years now, I've refused to get into red ranks. I'll hook suicide or DC until I'm not. I don't care and nor should any of you. The Devs don't care about balancing outside of bandaid fixes nor are they at all adamant about fixing gamebreaking things(Like how i still fall through the floor in the basement occasionally, and STILL to this day since i started in 2016, i get stuck in place on roots, small rocks or even corners and cant move until i'm downed, picked up, and hooked). Until they start taking better care of their game, I personally won't care about other people's game outcomes. Purple is as high as i'll go. Red ranks are zero fun all sweat.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    I'm at red ranks and I'm not sweaty. Why do I stay there? Because I don't leave my team to die because I had to suicide on hook to get back into purple ranks.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    That's mostly because how this events functions.

    Survivors NEED to escape. So they will be more tryhardy after they get the crown. Killers just have to finish a trial.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    It's not just SWF that are doing it to be fair. I've had too many matches today with Solo players who get the crown, then proceed to sneak around waiting for us to each die on hook while they sit on the hatch. It's a pretty low way to earn a cosmetic when others in the match could also want to get it too. Events like this really do bring the worst out in people.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Just fyi, in the past three months, rainbow ranks has become a common thing not indicative of SWF. I am often put into lobbies above and below my rank by more than two colors.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    Wait a few days, it will probably calm down.

  • Belzher
    Belzher Member Posts: 471
    edited June 2020

    I understand the frustration because I also like to play as killer. I actually think they should give after-match bp bonus for facing SWF.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    So it is lack of skill. So live with that.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    Lol “dressing the same” doesn’t equal a 4 man swf. A lot of times I’m sitting in lobby, see someone is playing the survivor, copy them, then it snowballs, loading in at the same time also doesn’t equal swf. I only play solo queue. I’ve had many games, where everyone is solo, but we must cosmically be linked because we all have a sense of where each other are, which gens were being worked on and rotating when needed, etc.

    A lot of what’s called a “swf” is invented by streamers, to cover up their lackluster gameplay, and its slowly trickled down the community.

    just my 2 cents

  • Z3r0Fear
    Z3r0Fear Member Posts: 12

    I have a bigger issue with the amount of killers tunnelling one survivor the entire match and camping hooks just to secure kills something needs to be done about this otherwise I'm going to be done playing the game.

  • KrazyAce13
    KrazyAce13 Member Posts: 333
    edited June 2020

    Love these asinine comments lack of skill is all you got from ops post. 4 man red ranks vs a rank 13 killer of course its lack of skill because i go in as a killer my rank expecting my rank players but get top tier swfs... survive with friends needs to be fixed and balanced there are many other games with rank systems that dont allow people outside of their brackets to party up, why not dbd, ill tell you why greed is the only reason swf isn’t touched.

    by all standards that bhvr gives us for nerfs swf hits every check box fun to play against? no. able to be countered ?(comms) no. Exploitative? yes.

  • Stuballs89
    Stuballs89 Member Posts: 89

    Its not a challenge, it is entirely unfair. As a rank 12 killer I wait 10 minutes for a game, only to be paired up with red rank swf. It is ruining the game. Considering it is a breach of the user agreement everyone agrees to to play the game, it is surprising that nothing is being done about it.

  • slim0b
    slim0b Member Posts: 551

    "I love a challenge" and 4-Man SWFs don't go together.

    It's not a challenge, it is downright stressful.

    It's almost impossible for a 4-man to not be toxic because of the amount of confidence they have when they're together, they're annoying to go against and even when you're dominating them because you got lucky and picked a meta killer it just still feels extremely unfun. But hey don't take it from me, take it from tru3 and many other streamers who actually play both sides, at least in the red ranks at both.

  • Reptile
    Reptile Member Posts: 25

    Yep.. killers get fed up with stupid matchmaking miss-matches, SWF and toxic teabagging that they decided that a kill is a kill....

  • slim0b
    slim0b Member Posts: 551

    Since this thread is about the event I can easily say Killers are much more capable of ruining it,

    As killer you can get crown, afk and just get the crown.

    As survivor you have to get crown and escape, which is impossible if you get camped/tunneled.

  • Scourge
    Scourge Member Posts: 145

    How does the killer „ruin“ the event by going afk? Lmao