What do you think about 5 perks?

Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 678

We have a lot of chapter, and a lot of perk acctualy, what do you think about survivor and killer if they could use 5 perks?

What do you think about 5 perks? 78 votes

liv071981GHERBEARRULESTaigalazerlightyouarewronglolmithriosbjorksnasHypernutbusterlkalin91GreyBigfootCaulDrohnOniKobayashiFranzDerPalmeAceupAsleeveSketchyPenguinInsaneAlpaca1HEXSLAYER999mostlyghostlyPior_MorteWalkedMoss92 22 votes
Its Not Cool
BossrhaSeiko300zacmangamingFibijeanIhatelifeCheersShrimpTwiggsalexdaniel232TapeKnotCashelP14TragicSolitudeAven_FallenHertsuFINWalker_of_the_fog_96musstang62AvilgusDr_LoomisRydogpichumudkip 56 votes


  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    Its Not Cool

    Having five more perks in every match would be super OP. Take every balance complaint thread or angry postgame chat and multiply it by 25%. That's what it would result in. Also, it would eliminate the difficult choices that you have to make when creating builds. You would be able to cover every weakness with a fifth perk slot.

  • SketchyPenguin
    SketchyPenguin Member Posts: 141

    The idea would be nice.

    But there would have to be a restriction what kind of perks you can use as the fifth one.

    Now's the real question should be, would it be balanced. Not at all expect if the restriction would be that you can use 2 teachables max.

    The other three should be from the generic pool of perks, IMO

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,039
    Its Not Cool

    I would love to have 5 Perks.

    However, the game was balanced around 4 Perks from the start. They should not open another construction site with the implementation of 5 Perks instead of 4 Perks per Character.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303
    Its Not Cool

    I know some will disagree, but I'd like to see something done about hex perks. I understand there high risk, high reward, but totem placement is ######### and when you run devour and it's gone in the first 20 secs, it really blows. What about letting killers select a perk to replace the hex perk once it's gone, but it's only half it's normal power/strength? Only allowed 1 per match though. So, if you run 4 hex's and they all go down, only 1 will be replaced by a perk at half it's normal use. Your SOL on the other three.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,039
    Its Not Cool

    Hex Totem Spots are an ongoing process and there are really good spots. But nobody talks about them. Here is an example:

    This is between boxes on Groaning Storehouse, next to the Storehouse (the wall of the Storehouse is on my right). I would have never found this Totem, if I would not have used a Map (because of the recent Tome Challenge).

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550
    Its Not Cool

    I'd hate going up against Ds, Unbreakable, Borrowed Time, Adrenaline and Dead hard all at the same time.

  • Jordan_131201
    Jordan_131201 Member Posts: 91
    Its Not Cool

    Maybe instead of a 5th perk. Make a perk so that allows a 3rd add on, but make it so you cant have multiple ultra rares and very rares or something

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564
    Its Not Cool

    Unless they did something cool with it I don't think having 5 perk slots would be good.

    Maybe have a 5th slot that can only have a few perks used in it. I remember thinking this slot could be for hex totems but knew it was impossible to balance.

    GHERBEARRULES Member Posts: 265

    I would give just the killer and obsession 5 perks. Nobody else.

  • GreentheNinja
    GreentheNinja Member Posts: 71

    The obsession is decided once the game has begun, not pre-game

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,593

    So every survivor can select a potential fifth perk, which he will only get when he is the obsession. Sounds interesting to me. And the killer may select a potential fifth perk he will get when he does not use any obession perk, but the survivors do.

  • Pior_Morte
    Pior_Morte Member Posts: 526

    Depends, they shouldn't be able to run 5 meta perks, but like 4 meta + a "bad" perk (like Wake Up) I think is kinda nice

    GHERBEARRULES Member Posts: 265

    No what i mean like the game would give you the option to run a backup perk slot where it gives you the perk if you are picked as obsession, if you aren't, the backup is canceled unless you become the obsession. Know what I'm saying?

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261
    Its Not Cool

    I think it's impossible to balance for SWF and top tier killers.

  • BloodyHatchet
    BloodyHatchet Member Posts: 48
    Its Not Cool

    I mean yeah 5 perks would be nice but DBD it created around people having 4 perks and having 5 perks would make people too OP and if the Devs did this and wanted balance, they would have rato redo the entire way of play in dbd.... Also, right now there is no limit to meta perks so if there were 5 perks pit in, there would be no reason someone couldn't run 5 meta perks.

  • AberrantPsychologist
    AberrantPsychologist Member Posts: 27

    I'd like to see a PTB trail.

    HEXSLAYER999 Member Posts: 141

    I think it adds more depth to gameplay customization

    I do however understand the numerology to the lore of the game

    4 perks

    4 different survivors to kill

  • OniKobayashi
    OniKobayashi Member Posts: 274

    It would be both interesting and infuriating. Being able to use perks I NEED as well as those I WANT would be great.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,465

    I think for killers especially as the game adds more and more less impactful perks it would be alright to give killers more perk slots especially for some of the weaker more supplemental ones e.g. fire up, brutal strength, beast of prey, territorial imperative ect.