Legion Ideas

What if Legion’s Power lasted longer? If survivors split up into different groups Legion basically becomes useless since their power doesn’t last long enough to make it across the map to another survivor’s location. Also whenever you miss a hit it shouldn’t automatically put you into the ridiculously long stun. It should remove a large portion of the power gauge, but not the entire thing. Auto-aim really messes with FF as well. I love Legion a lot and I think the devs should look into their power more along with other underrated killers. I know the devs probably won’t see this, I just wanted to get my ideas out.


  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    I do think ff should last a little longer

  • shanny_boi
    shanny_boi Member Posts: 146

    I agree. Some killers definitely aren't on par with the others and need to be buffed or reworked. Legion is crippled if survivors split up and remain distant from each other. He really just becomes an M1 killer at that point. Clown too needs to be looked at. I mean look at hillbilly, the guy can zoom across the map in seconds and insta down survivors which is easy to do with his chainsaw. There's a huge gap in potential between some killers, no doubt.

  • superpanda999
    superpanda999 Member Posts: 57

    Clown definitely needs a big fix. His recent buff was small but it was a step in the right direction. Hopefully they’ll do more for him in the next midchapter update along with the other weaker killers!

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    An idea I'd had for the Legion, though I don't think it's feasible, is when multiple Survivors are afflicted with Deep Wounds, it summons bots of the other members of the Legion who pursue the Deep Wounded Survivor(s) the player isn't actively chasing.

    They'll give chase, but their hits can only lower the Deep Wounds timer. They'll chase until one of three things happen: they down a Survivor, the Survivor manages to Mend, or a set amount of time passes.

    It gives the Legion the unique ability to chase multiple Survivors, but in a way that doesn't seem too overpowered, since a bot- Legion would have to hit someone multiple times to bring them down. It might necessitate some changes to how Feral Frenzy works for balance sake, and it wouldn't answer the above issue of what if the Survivors split up.

    The idea was inspired by a video describing how each Pac-Man ghost is programed to chase Pac-Man around.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    The only way I can see this working is if the other Legion members also disappeared after you end FF.