Hit Through Pallet Stun

Why am I getting hit through pallets AFTER a stun? I have a great connection, always a green bar and have never had latency problems in any other game. BHVR please fix this, makes the game unplayable and really feels like a waste of time when I get cheated by your servers.
Drop it earlier, greed kills.
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I’m not greeding pallets, I’m seeing a full stun animation and then getting hit. Besides, a stun should not allow a hit regardless. I started as killer and have branched out to survivor after maxing everyone our. Rank 1 in both but pallets are so hit or miss.
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Are you getting hit before or after the stun? if it's before or during the stun, it's intended and you need to drop earlier. If it's after, then the killer is playing on mcdonalds wifi
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Even if you're playing on a good ping, it also depends on what the killer's connection is like. Latency is more than just your connection. Currently hits that connect on the killer's end are what matters, although they've mentioned they're working on a middle-ground that's more oriented towards the server to determine if hits connect.
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What's your say on this?
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The sad part is you see that more often than not.
Somehow it almost feels like your hitbox becomes the pallet, and really where they should smack the pallet, it is your hitbox that is getting hit.
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That’s a terrible solution. Greed has nothing to do with it. In this game the killers attack presides over the survivors vault and pallet drop animations. You could clearly see you beat the killer to either one of those things and it made no difference. Heaven forbid a killer miss an attack right? An attack that recovers almost instantly without much of an impactful penalty for missing. It’s ridiculous.
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It’s not latency. It happens over and over and over with consistency. If you get hit you shouldn’t be able to drop the pallet. Period. It’s either one or the other. Not both. Even vaulting over like I said with windows the hit doesn’t seem to make sense. There have been times I simply ran by a window and the killer swung at it and hit me before I even got to the window. The hit boxes are broken. Killer attacks always come first, survivor moves are always slow enough to give the killer plenty of time to get a second hit or an undeserving 1st hit. They strip pallets from the game spread them out or put them in terrible locations that do nothing to cut the killer off because it has nothing but a small stack of tires next to it or some kind of debris that doesn’t stretch far enough so he just walks around it while you’re still dropping the pallet. It works more in his favor than it does yours 😂
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Guess I’m getting paired with McDonald’s WiFi lol not trying to ######### but man sometimes it’s ridiculous
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Killers are granted speed and special abilities. You can’t beat the killer to anything unless he’s a mile behind you. And that’s likely never the scenario with this game. You’re supposed to get caught. But you can’t even defend yourself? That’s not fun.
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There is a small time frame between dropping the pallet and the stun, killers can score a hit in that time frame
Combined with latency does mean that while on the killer screen they got a clutch hit, on the survivor screen you get hit after or during the stun animation
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I have had this and worst on multiple occasions!!!
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This goes both ways, I cant count how many times I down a survivor and they manage to still throw the pallet down and i get stunned after they already been hit while sitting at a pallet.
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not true, you need to watch some tutorials on distancing.
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Latency and dedicated servers. They are a #########.
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depends on the killer's connection. I had a polish guy who would consinstently completely lag from 1 side to the other of the pallet. He was stunned away from me (still hit me ofc), was on the other side of the pallet and then teleported to my side, he was so confused himself that he didn't manage to m1 me tho that's how I could tell he wasn't cheating just laggy a.f
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Sounds like latency. While it is possible that a stun happens at the same time as a hit, watching the full stun animation and then getting hit shouldn't be possible under normal circumstances.
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This comment astonishes me. Missin attack can be the difference between a 10 second chase and a minute chase. Thats why people complain about dead hard. Hes right, drop the pallet sooner instead of trying to get one more loop out of it.
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Bumping the thread because the game is still broken. I love how we're all just pretending it's not now that they've turned it from unplayable to just awful.
Hey BHVR, why is the most dangerous place to be in this game under a pallet? Why is it that well over half the time you stun a killer with the pallet you'll get hit regardless? Why is it that even pre-throwing pallets you'll still often get hit despite a solid meter between you and the killer with a pallet blocking the path?
It's like you want us to stop playing your godawful game.