Why don't the devs fix the bad Killers?

What's this? Pyramid Head just released and survivors were complaining about him? Only takes a couple of weeks to fix that right up! Meanwhile everyone knows that Trapper, Clown, Legion, Leatherface, and Wraith are low tier and need buffs in some way and/or add-on changes. Two of those killers are LAUNCH KILLERS. And they still suck, for four years they've sucked and continue to suck.
The biggest buff any of them received was Trapper's traps can no longer be sabotaged. A buff that took until February of 2020 to come about. Prior to that survivors could literally remove his power from the game (side note: they made traps respawn after two minutes of being sabotaged in 2018 but that's still removing his power from him). Any other buffs received have been minor at best.
Nurse has had game breaking bugs for upwards of years now including not being able to use her second blink, not being able to blink through certain geometry, not being able to blink up or down floors properly, and not being able to attack immediately after a blink. All of these bugs are common and have massive detriments to your game experience. And yet none of them have been fixed. But it only takes 1 month before Pyramid head gets nerfed.
It's just so frustrating seeing this clear favoritism. I feel like an abandoned child because I find Nurse the most fun and they won't even throw me bug fixes so she can blink properly. Rant done.
Bubba have the highest killrate.
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Fixing things, and buffing/changing weaker killers takes time.
The PH nerf was likely done so quickly because PHs would just tunnel and camp cages and that wasn't fun.
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Trapper and Wraith release: Since game beginning. They've had 4 years
Leatherface release: 2017. They've had 3 years (rumor says they might finally do something with him)
Clown/Legion Release: 2018. They've had 2 years
How long can it take to look at 99% of red rank players' tier lists and go "Maybe trapper should start with more than 1 trap as a base."
>The PH nerf was likely done so quickly because PHs would just tunnel and camp cages and that wasn't fun.
Survivors brazenly repairing a gen right in front of you and jumping into a locker with DS isn't fun and is a clear abuse of the power.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think the Pyramid Head change is entirely out of line. But holy ######### ######### they just refuse to address stuff to help killer even a little.
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Link please