Killer ranking system, suggestion

I do not understand the developers. Why did they make ranking system that makes 1 rank killers tunnel one survivor one way or another. Killers simply must quickly kill at least one survivor at the beginning of the match in order to slow down the match and then kill everyone else. And if you do not kill everyone, then you are lost and you are no longer rank 1, but already rank 2. Killer = fun for the survivors. Especially for random survivors, not organized swf. If the ranking system makes killers sweat like crazy, then something is wrong. This is just a game. But because of the killer ranking system no one enjoys the game. Survivors are mad because the killer tunnel 1 survivor, and the killer is simply afraid to lose the match and tries to kill everyone in order to stay rank 1.
For example, at the first rank I have decided to play the "fun killer" for the survivors. I didn’t tunnel or camp, I never even returned to the hooks. I hung all 4 survivors. They are finished 3 generators during this time. Then I hung them 3 more times, and then they are escaped. What they got as a result: fun and everyone survived, they rank up. What I got was: 22k points and rank down. I lost. The game wrote that it was disappointed in me, although I played as a "fun killer" for the survivors as all killers should be. Ranking system spoils everything specifically for killers.
What do I suggest? If the killer hangs all 4 survivors in the match, he will not lose his rank. That's all. The developers themselves said that the ranking system does not matter. Why not make the game fun at the red ranks for the survivors? The game shouldn’t write that you are a loser and I’m disappointed in you when you play as the killer, although you just didn’t want to tunnel and camp and think about the feelings of other people. Or am I wrong?
The problem is this would make pipping as killer much to easy and youd end up with killers in reds that really shouldnt be there which is already a problem on survivor side.
Also, i give people hatch all the tume and still safety at r1
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Hidden mmr working right now i think. It will do the job. And rank doesn't matter anyway. Devs said that. But for those who want to keep rank 1 changes would be amazing.
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Here this is what i mean. I had a laurie dc on first hook. I hooked a jake twice and the other 2 i hooked twice each. One jake died on hook. I let the other 2 finish 3 gens and leave. I got brutal and stayed at r1
And no, i dont think the mmr is working as for the last 2 days ive gotten teams considerably lower thsn me
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You have got 2 dead people and 7 hooks. And you barely safe piped. With plague im barely piping with 4 kills. Golden gatekeeper saved you, that's all. If Jake wouldn't let go it would be a derank. That proves that ranking system for killers is bad.
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I think youre missing the point. I did what you asked for in the op. I gave them "fun" and let them go and still saftied.
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You have killed half of them.
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If youre looking for a way for all 4 to escape and still safety thats not going to happen nor should it
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If you 2 hook every single one of them and defend gens for long enough you will safe pip and everyone will escape. You can't do it every match though.
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If you 2 hook every survivor in the match and defend gens for long enough you will safe pip and they will escape. You can not do it every single match, because it is too hard to do.
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If you 2 hook every survivor in the match and defend gens for long enough you will safe pip and they will escape. You can not do it every match though.
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Here, heres one where all 4 escaped (bad game for me) still saftied
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Ok but what is it you expect the game to do? Pipping/safety pipping is already pretty easy as it is. If it were any easier literally everyone would be r1 except the noobs
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Safe pipping is not an easy thing to do because of the swf squads. And gen speed and other stuff.
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We'll have to agree to disagree on that.