Oh, the famous "Add-on" pass again. Just slap a cooldown bar into every killer and be done with it.

Christ, I don't even play Billy, and I'm upset as hell.
Can we, for the love of god, stop touching things that nobody is asking for?
Billy is regarded as the most balanced killer in the entire game, requiring a lot of skill to be played on a decent level, while also offering plenty of counterplay by just basic looping.
His basekit is fine, the same way NUrse's basekit was fine.
Stop with this terrible track record already. You've already gutted Legion, Nerfed unasked for basekit Nurse, and now your touching the MOST BALANCED KILLER IN THE GAME, let me repeat, MOST BALANCED KILLER IN THE GAME.
Good lord, what happened to the team that worked on Spirit changes?
Nurse's basekit wasn't fine, it needed some toning down. Although, I agree it was too much.
Wait until it comes into the PTB and start complaining; This won't do anything but make the minimum skill required to play him a teeny bit more.
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Hve you ever tried playing Nurse?
It's awful, you have to go through your fatigue, and then wait for the cooldown.
If the cooling off mechanic is as slow as shown in the video, yeah, it's going to feel terribly playing Billy.
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As a billy main im not disappointed
If you just use the chainsaw optimally you'll be fine
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Are you trying to assume I don't play Nurse? I'm a top-tier one, lmao
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How Dare BHVR make changes to Killers, why can't they just stay the same forever? REEEEE
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I have faced like 10 nurses since her ner... cough rework. Most of the time they aren't doing too well either. Maybe these god nurses exist somewhere but i don't see them
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I'm right here.
Also, I didn't say that Nurse's rework wasn't overkill; I said it was.
I made this.
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You generally don't change things that aren't causing problems in the game, especially when there's a mountain full of things still needing fixing.
You don't fix something that isn't broken. You don't have to be a genius to know that.
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I support giving Pig a meter that recovers Reverse Bear Traps.
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The changes not only raised the minimum skill required to play him, but is also limited those at the top too. When you only make downsides and limits in a change, it makes both the top and bottom of the skill gap smaller.
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Before I talk.
Would I be able to get a source? Was there a post or video? Are they really planning on changing Hill Billy?
The Addons could use a change.
Being able to stack Primer Bulb and Carburettor Tuning Guide is pretty crazy. Or Thompson's Mix with the Bulb or Guide is also very strong. Especially in maps with fewer pallets/harder to find, or maybe someone used a lot of them. That is when stacking these addons can shred about any team, as the reaction time has to be known, and the Billy can trick you still with the revving time. Needless to say, it is quite strong in certain scenarios, and it makes short work of pallets in general.
He does not need such stacking to be strong. His base-kit is good enough. I say give him some sort of Ultra Rare or 2, since every killer gets that. Make Thompson's Mix not have the "Chainsaw Charge Time" effect, and remove Primer Bulb. Then the only one with "Chainsaw Charge Time" reduction is Tuning Guide. One effect like this is plenty. Of course, it would slightly nerf him, at least in the Addon department. Billy is quite balanced without addons as I said before though, and I do think even with addons he is still very balanced. But he can still get looped into oblivion by any competent survivor.
I do not think Billy should be one of their main focus's of concern, but what do I know.
Those are just my suggestions. Regardless, I will be highly critical of any and all changes they might make to my personal favorite and go to killer of the past 4 years. I can guarantee you that.
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While this could be true, it depends on how it affects his gameplay. We won't know until the PTB comes out, but what I know for sure is that it will at least take more skill to play Billy (Not that I'm saying he didn't take any skill).
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difference is thatd be a buff lol
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I am going by what the title says. ;)
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I'm all for requiring more skill. But not for limiting it without offering anything else in return.
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And yet Trapper can place a trap, and then immediately place another one! Clown can throw two bottles in a row! I think I know what is coming next!
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I just saw the changes they're planning to do. You can check them here:
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Sorry. Here you have the link:
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Don't give them ideas. Please
I remember I used to laugh with my brother about how every new killer has some sort of power gauge and that Hillbilly was going to get one but never thought they'd do it.
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Nurse is fine, optimization is key to most killers. They're trying to make you think about how you play other killers now instead of aimlessly blinking around the map or in this case continuously chainsawing around the map.
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You're going to give me a tumor with that parroted argument.
There is no mindless chainsawing or blinking. They never ever EVER give you reward (hits/downs) unless a survivor is literally walking in front of you. You always had to aim, time, and execute the maneuver to get ANY reward from it.
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Nurse is playable and viable, but she's not fine. Of course she's annoying to play when you have an insane cooldown, but the main problem was that it punishes new players for trying Nurse while doing nothing to stop god Nurses from dominating.
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Bubba, Nurse, & Spirit are my top 3 hated killers. The first two because I hate playing them. I'm glad to see Bubba getting some love, but man Nurse could use something. I suppose she can remain the veteran's killer -- someone willing to put the effort into learning her, but it won't ever be me with how she is now. Top that with the fatigue that messes with my eyes.
Spirit when playing as a survivor and you know why. If they were going to go after any killer, you'd think it would be her.
I can't once remember complaining about Billy, besides the obvious "crap I was downed just now." And I complain a lot to my poor SWF husband.
Edit 10 minutes later~*: I completely forgot about Clown and if that doesn't say something idk what does.
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Im just saying 7 blinks was too much
1 -
You think that's bad?
Wait until they do a Huntress "Add-on pass" and give her a "Stamina" cooldown mechanic so you wont be able to throw more than 2 hatchets in a short period of time.
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The most she ever had was 6 I think waaaaaaaaay back in the day and I'm not even sure if the +3 blink addons were there yet or not.
5 blinks was common for a long time but I, and many others, were fine with losing it (not all of her addons but whatever)
Now the only extra blinks you can get disable the single best part about them.
@SpyMature stop don't give them any ideas it's clear they listened to our jokes about the chainsaw bois.
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Billy main here too and I'm not disappointed. Actually looking forward to using pallet addon.
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It was 6, ye.
I, along with everyone else who knew how Nurse worked or even tried to play her for one match, would've been fine with the removal of those long before the add-on rework. The 3-blink crappy iridescent makes Nurse unplayable now, I don't even know why it's an add-on in the first place (not that I'm complaining, since I don't use add-ons).
Even when you're an optimal Nurse, the current cooldown is just plain annoying. It would be fine without it, or even having 3 charges would be enough to warrant her current state.
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Thank you
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This change brought to you by the balance team who believed, years later, there was some secrets to uncover to make Clown super strong.
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I’m not going to be surprised if BHVR’s plan is to give every Killer the red cooldown bar. Deathslinger surprisingly doesn’t have one for his reload.
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Damn, that was cold!! Lmao
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Yea you drink your poison bottle and go to the next game.
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Pls stop sayin she is fine when i get my 2nd blink disabled every 2nd game and when that doesn't happen i get machine gun and have to drop the 2nd blink. I am jealous i admit that without a problem that nurse seems to be working for you without bugs. This was so frustrating that i stopped to play her, waiting for a fix to the bugs that still didnt arrive because obviously their time is better spend on adding other ######### mechanics like overheat for billy.
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For real, guys... How did you not see this coming? They've been consistently trashing every killer that could even so much as represent a *slight* threat to their precious wig subscription-buying survivors.
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You are probs the one billy main that m1s at loops and only chainsaws when the survivor is in the open. The nerf completely ruins loop curving making it extremely hard to get the timing. Completely unneeded nerf. Why not nerf spirit instead? Not understanding the devs rn
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That’s a totally different issue, and I’m sure everyone can agree she needs her bugs fixed.
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Is it that time of the year again where the forum becomes a massive killer circlejerk?
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Because BHVR can't design actually good abilities. They put a cool-down on it and say "there its fixed :)))". Every perk since Demogorgon has just been a ######### cool-down perk. Essentially meaning no snow-ball and hindering the perk. Handicaps aren't GOOD balance. Just because it's not as strong as before or it's harder to use doesn't mean it was fixed in a good way. It's the reason why so many things aren't usable in the game currently. With how fast the matches are you can't wait for something with a minute or 3 minute cool-down. These things just can't carry their weight because they're constantly locked down.
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It’s the fact that literally no one has asked for a nerf to Billy in months compared to other things that need to be looked at, like an operation health-style update. Instead of fixing moris/keys, fixing Nurse, or fixing bugs, they’ve put their resources into an unwanted change on a killer regarded as skillful. It seems clear to many people that understand Billy, not just people who play killer, that even the concept of this change nerfs the amount of skill on billy and encourages cheap plays such as backreving.
On top of that, people that love playing Billy are, understandably, panicing because it feels like the devs never listen to feedback when it comes to any rework done.
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This is what really worry's me. It seem's they've found the be all band-aid fix mechanic for killer abilities. Each rework and new Killer outside of Deathslinger has gotten this mechanic. The base power kits start to feel less unique if they all have this mechanic.
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I did not ask for it =/= nobody asked for it.
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Spirit is fine if you play her and realize that she has tells when she’s phasing
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The people responsible for the original killers without cooldowns must've left BHVR.
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It's always a guessing game where she'll appear. I just got her to 40 though, so we'll see if playing her some helps.
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Billy did need changes. Billy mains are lucky they didn't ban the barbecue + Billy combo (or the tinkerer one). He frequently snowballs in solo queue due to folks not dodging bbq and solo survivors not having the opportunity to advise their teammates to do so.
He shouldn't be able to just use his power endlessly when other killers can't.
These changes are long overdue.
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This comment gave me the big pp. Thank you.