New Lightborn Tho
If the Killer is willing to give up a Perk slot, those Flashlights in the lobby WILL be useless.
And there's probably many who say they don't want to give up space just for that, so let me already break that one-sided opinion...
I have a nice lil spot for Lightborn in my main build in case i see too many Flashlights to my liking in the lobby.
I've been using Lightborn the past week or so just because I'm lazy and tired of all the flashlight spam due to the stupid Tome challenge. I leave it on whether I see a flashlight in the lobby or not, because it seems like 90% of items pulled out of chests during this event are flashlights. Lightborn as it is right now is handy but not perfect. The upcoming change to Lightborn sounds fantastic.
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I like how the devs even said they nerfed gearhead so it has a counterplay and yet this new lightborn has 0 coutnerplay besides dropping the flashlight for a new item
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It'd be nice if Lightborn protected killers against more than just getting blinded.
Hag and Wraith could do well with that.
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The changes to Lightborn and Franklin's demise both sound really intriguing! Especially Franklin's demise. The threat of losing any item brought into a match is enough to make any swf team sweat! 😄
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getting blinded with current lightborn is basically impossible, if buffed lightborn gives blind immunity it won't change that much. It's decent now, it will be decent when buffed.
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I'm kind of confused about why they would literally make flashlights useless if the killer uses lightborn like this.
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Not going for a flashlight blind IS the counter. Various things killers have are going to deny survivor actions. It needs counters if those survivor actions are required ones, but flashlight blinding is never required, its a bonus. Mad grit for example counters the survivor action of bodyblocking, in which the counter to mad grit is...dont body block.
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Feel like the lightborn buff was kinda pointless since its so easy to avoid getting blinded with current lightborn anyway. The change to Franklins though is intriguing in that its now ACTUALLY a counter to keys rather than just an inconvenience. Current Franklins just made ppl have to go get their key later on in which they'd still be able to use it for hatch no matter how many charges got lost. THIS Franklins though gives the possibility of removing the key from the trial completely.
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the difference being if they try and blind you, you get to see their aura for 16 seconds. that's massive.
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True...ngl I kinda completely forgot about that part, lol. As someone who knows the value of I'm all ears, this could be very nice.
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no, it's gonna be decent on certain maps, and it's gonna come into play just once per survivor with flashlight.
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You are correct that lightborn was already pretty strong, but the developers probably thought they may as well make Killers impervious to flashlights all together since they practically are with lightborn anyway.
But I'm absolutely loving the changes to Franklin's demise! This is definitely going to make survivors think twice about entering a match with four flashlights, tool boxes/new parts, keys/maps, etc.
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which is flashlight immunity and 16 seconds of free aura reading.
barbeque is used and that gives 4. admittedly it also gives double bp tho.
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first of all, it's 10 seconds, second of all it's for just for that one survivor that tried to blind you, if he tries to blind you at a pallet, you're gonna break it, get the hit and being able to track him even without the aura reading, except on certain maps, like said.
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Tbh as long as people don’t use it at 1-2 lights and people don’t bring 3-4 it will besides maybe the first week stay to only situations involving too many lights
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im out here reading tinkerer by mistake lol, sorry
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BBQ aura reading and this is kinda apples and oranges though. BBQ aura reading lets ya know where to go for your next chase, so thats useful info to have OUTSIDE of a chase. THIS aura reading is something you're likely gonna be using INSIDE of a chase to mindgame a jungle gym or something. Break LOS and smack someone from an angle they were anticipating.
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Everyone talking like the Last Second Swap doesn't exist.
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You work on gens every game. You don't use a flashlight every game.
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Lightborn is literally 1 letter-change away from Lightburn, yet there's nothing! 😥
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I mean there is counter play don't waste your time trying to blind someone with lightborn. The second you realise they have lightborn stop trying to blind them.