Why flashlight SAVES are a flawed mechanic

Imagine this scenario. You are chasing someone. In that time, two gens are popped and your totems are gone. It was a long chase, but you got them. This is your first hook of the game, and you really just want it over with. You scan the area, no one in sight. You pick them up, and boom. Some Claudette pops out of a bush and blinds you. All of your work, gone, negated by 2 double AAs. They get away. All gens are popped now. They taunt you in chat. Your game is ruined.
See what I mean? It erases mistakes. If their team messed up, no worries. Just blind the killer! This problem is exacerbated with SWF. It just doesn't seem fair.
Look at a wall next time buddy.
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Flashlight saves is probably one of the most skillful things that a survivor can do, I believe it should stay. It's the killer's fault for being flashlight blinded when picking up a survivor.
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If you hate flashlights so much use lightborn or franklins
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You cant look at a wall during the animation of picking someone up.
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I do use franklins. But don't have it on most killers.
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You face the wall then pick them up...
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Sometimes I'm not near a wall. And if they angle it correctly they can still blind me.
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This is why I fake, 360 and then pick up, look at walls, use Infectious or play Doc.
But I noticed that they can blind you somehow, even if you can't see them in your FOV. The only thing i really hate about flashlights.
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Are flashlights broken? Because these days it seems like I get blinded even if I'm not looking in the direction of the survivor with a flashlight. I dunno if it's latency or what, but Lightborn has a permanent spot in my perk lineup right now because even facing walls doesn't seem to 100% work.
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you say that but i got 5 flashlight saves in a single match and my team still couldnt do the gens, flshlights are fine and so many people struggle with them, gens can fly at red ranks anyway all they have to do is sit on gens its that easy. but if you struggle that much theres a perk to avoid all types of blinds
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Flashlights are so counterable, I would consider them a good thing for most killers. Before picking up, swivel to face somewhere where nobody can be hiding (open field, map edge, sparse cover, etc), face a wall, or do a quick sweep of nearby hiding spots and turn unpredictably before picking up.
In 99 percent of cases, a survivor will have left the gen for nothing, directly benefitting you.
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There's something up with flashlights. I've been blinded from the side three times now. The third time, the blind wasn't even close to finishing while I was turning away but it acted as if the Survivor was directly in front of me. The first and second time, I had made a complete 90 degree turn but the game still acted like the Survivor was in front of me. I guess all you need now is to see a little bit of the Killer's face in order to get the blind off. Looks like Lightborn and Franklin's are the only consistent flashlight counters now.
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If I see two or more flashlights, I just bite the bullet and run Lightborn. I’m a Rank 1 Killer, so chances are those Survivors know how to use them
It’s a nice slowdown because Survivors will follow around teammates they think will go down, which takes them off generators. And they can’t get the save because of lightborn so its just wasted time
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Flashlights are annoying, I'll give you that; but I'd much rather the Survivors bring in 4x flashlights than toolboxes, or even medkits. And like @OldWiseOne said: so many Survivors struggle with them, whether it's getting the timing right, the angle, or whatever.
I can count on both hands the number of times I've been successfully blinded (forced to drop the Survivor in this instance). I don't run Lightborn because I think it's a waste of at perk-slot 99% of the time. Just rotate away from the would-be rescuer and LOOK STRAIGHT UP if they're trying to blind you. I've found that this usually results in a "partial-blind" and they've just wasted their time. You can also just leave the slug for ~15s and swat the rescuer; injured players are typically less inclined to attempt the save.
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Do you know how easy it is for me to counter flashlights as killer? I have so many options that always work. The only time I get blinded is if I’m breaking a pallet which who cares. When I see multiple flashlights in the pre game lobby I rejoice cause now I don’t need to worry about Medkits or keys or toolboxes and survivors will waste their time trying to blind me. Seriously get good
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Seriously? Don't get angry. It makes you look immature. I'm trying to have a peaceful conversation.
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To me they're flawed because you can blind a killer but not make him drop the survivor. How TF does that happen?
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Oh, so now we're going after the only remaining useful item in a survivor's arsenal that has tons of counterplay. Why am I not surprised? I mean it worked for med kits and toolboxes.
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Pretty much.
Just had a likely 4k (guaranteed 3k) turn into a 2k because I picked a Claudette up while looking at a wall and some David not even in my FoV blinded me.
Sure, just one more screwed up way for survivors to get extra chances for no reason sometimes.
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Because you blinded them too early while they were fully locked in the animation.
Surprised the devs even bothered with that, honestly.
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This scenario is completely impossible. You can also easily avoid flashlight safes, in fact playing against flashlights makes it even easier for you as killer.
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Except it does happen sometimes.
Maybe dedicated servers disagreed about where you're facing at the moment, or who knows. But weird flashlight blinds happen.
(In this specific case one of the other survivors mentioned that they thought it happened because Demo had a really big "blindable" area, but I dunno about any of that.)
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Yep. I know that M&A as well as Shadowborn can mess with blinds (larger FOV) but when you are not using these, I expect that I can only be blinded from directions I can see and not from the back of my head where I have no eyes.
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They're usually very easy to counter. Even without a wall around, if you suspect or know there's someone with one nearby once you've downed someone, go and stand over them for a second and the most eager ones will try and get into position. If nothing, just change direction, pick them up and hope for the best. If you want to be really sure, leave them slugged and have a quick look around.
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What's hilarious to do is fake placing a portal as demo.
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The only thing I think is wrong with flashlights is that there's no cool down between the first time you're blinded and the second time you're blinded. So, if you get blinded, you can be blinded again while you're recovering, but you don't get any indication that you're being blinded again other than by the screen never changing back to normal, and the faint clicking of flashlights in the distance.
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Thank me later.
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Don't tell him he can equip lightborn or pick up the survivor facing a wall guys.
Seriously tho. You got outplayed. Those players are better than you. So it's normal that you lost.
Outplay exist in every game. If they can pull off a flashlight save they clearly have the mechanics down. You on the other hand don't even face a wall when you pick up a survivor. Even checking around to see if there's a hiding claudette
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Considering how rare flashlight saves actually are compared to how often they botch I think they should stay. It would make killer a lot harder without flashlights.
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If someone manages to get a blind save I usually compliment them in my head since it's insanely difficult to pull off. There are so many counters that's it's far from being flawed.
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If you chased 1 survivor for that long it’s your fault bub, not the survivors or the flashlight, sometimes flashlights are hard to align correctly and they need to be timed right
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I almost gave myself a black eye facepalming. Flashlights are weak as PISS. So easy to counter. The only times people will get them is through luck, or by tailing the killer the whole game and still getting lucky. Walls are your friend. Look at them. Got no walls? Figure out where the person is and pick up facing away, or bloody smack them down. Jesus.
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Spoiler alert! I'm not great at the game. Sometimes I don't have time to juggle a million things at once. Get out of here if you're gonna be a jerk too.
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Well, then that's the issue. I'm sure you will also realize that flashlights are actually pretty counterable when you get better. A lot of things in the game seems unfair when you are new or not good at the game.
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This is just my opinion on the issue. I'm not complaining about flashlights. I'm complaining about flashlight saves. I should probably edit it.
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this is the real issue that needs to be addressed. I can have a face full of nothing but bricks in a wall, yet still be flashlight blinded if their angle is just right. The only way I can see this being possible is if FoV for flashlight blinding does not match the FoV for actual view, which is criminal.
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i don't think flashlight working right i been blinded facing walls and from the side but sometime when the survivor with flashlight right in front of me they don't blind me.
also i been blinded and i don't drop the survivor which fine by me but don't either Op or useless.
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I was referring to flashlight saves when I said flashlights. I consider myself to be pretty decent at getting flashlight saves and it is very hard to get flashlight saves against good killers. Against those killers trying to get flashlight saves is pretty much a waste of time since you could just be working on gens instead.
I'm sure you won't have much trouble with them after more practice as well. If you really can't deal with them now, use lightborn or infectious fright (which is way more useful than lightborn imo).