goodbye to mix-n-match cosmetics?

Looking at the new cosmetic for Nea that dropped today and it was released as a set, meaning no ability to isolate the head, body, and leg portions of the cosmetics to apply them with other previous/future cosmetics. I was afraid of this AND not sure if it means the total death of this option or if its just for event/anniversary cosmetics. If the former, it is highly unfortunate as one of my favorite aspects of this game is the ability to free range outfits the way you wanted them. I was hoping that the set-lock cosmetics was only going to be for licensed releases due to copyright/licensing limitations.
Players like myself will not be supporting this because I Love having their P3 head along with new cosmetics.
The fact that you can't customize the new UNLICENSED survivors reeks of greed.
Cash Grabs.
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They had to come up with something to sell ridiculous side-shave #914.
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yeah its obviously very much that, and upsets me considering the amount of platforms and people that play this game. Idk if they hired new asset management or what but this is ridiculously obvious
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Their excuse is to create more complex outfits and not have to worry about clipping. But honestly most of us don't care about that. We like to mix and match.
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If a player can't buy part of a cosmetic to go with their outfit they won't buy the cosmetic in its entirety.
If we see less of these locked cosmetics then we'll know the sales weren't what they were expecting and then we'll see more of the sectioned cosmetics that we're used to.
If we continue to see locked cosmetics... you can blame the people buying them.
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I haven't seen the new cosmetic set but YES, cosmetic sets are now and should be embraced as a thing.
Anyone who says mix-and-matching is gone is purely over-exaggerating. I firmly believe there is a place for both normal cosmetics that you can take the outfit pieces of and mix and match, as well as sets that are only meant to be equipped with itself.
Everybody in the community neglecting the benefits of cosmetic sets: art team or somebody else on the dev team mentioned that cosmetic sets are easier to create and release because they don't have to worry about pieces improperly clipping or not fitting correctly with other pieces. In this way cosmetic sets can be released more quickly and easily than our traditional outfits we're used to seeing.
This isn't a bad thing, it's just a new thing.
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i mean i noticed clipping on a feng cosmetic combination with her pink skirt and davids mix n match but couldnt they just look at it as a minor bug thats hardly a reason to do away with the unlocked cosmetics. they could just fix the clipping on the certain cosmetics
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Every now and then I get some splash Cash I do like getting cosmetics for characters I like even though I don't necessarily play them constantly.
It's a little bit of support and at least get a nice look if I do decide to play that character.
I was planning on getting there the headpiece and the chest piece of this outfit for customisation ( didn't like the pants) but you're right no point in getting it at this stage considering I'm forced to wear all of it.
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I'd be okay with it if it wasn't 1080 auric cells. I feel like losing the mix and match aspect of it means there should be a price slash in it. Maybe 800 would be more acceptable. It's a good skin and I don't want to depreciate the value/time that went into it, but it should not be the same price as something you can mix-and-match with.
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I'm surprised that the price wasn't made higher.
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This 100%.
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Why? It's about the same quality as other 1080 skins, I think. The only issue is the fact that you can't mix and match.
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They'll almost certainly see a huge drop in sales if they continue this trend.
If I can't buy the piece I want, I won't buy anything at all.
If I can't use a nice piece with other parts I like, then I have no temptation to buy at all.
This locked set nonsense doesn't gain anything for them if it removes most of the reasons people like cosmetics in the first place.
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It's not the best, but its definitely top 3. I agree with the "dont buy" it part though. No one is forcing anyone to buy anything. I'm sure they'll still make skins that you can mix-and-match and if you don't like the idea that you cant with this outfit, even if you like it, don't buy it.
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Okay person with 3 posts who was most likely a banned person a while ago.
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Locked outfits help BHVR (easier, quicker, and cheaper to make) and take away player options, I don't see how this can be a good thing for us, the players.
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Same here. Every single cosmetic that will not be able to mix and match will not be bought by me also. I even saved 20e for the new upcoming cosmetics. But looks like ill add for some new game instead. Since i don't want to have bunch of items that i can't customise...
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I dont think I have ever worn a full set of clothing. I always pick what I like the best by mixing and matching.
I wonder what will happen with the separate rift sets if clipping really is the reason.
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Hey, I also like it! I prefer mix&match, but I think it is one of her best cosmetics yet.
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The inability to mix and match makes it lose value.
Take Lan party for Min.
If you buy the whole outfit you can make several different combinations by mixing the head, skirt and top with other cosmetics suddenly one outfit could could possibly turn into three or even four with the combinations you can make.
However with linked outfits there is only one thing you can make from it will only go with the outfit and that is it.
It's a weird concept while the quality doesn't go down it's overall value does
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Yeah honestly most of their cosmetics that I've bought have had AT LEAST one piece that I completely didn't like and wanted to change. I don't think they're that good with clothing styles overall. Literally only one of Legion has actually cool outfits. Although Frank had a really cool mask, but the hood that went with it was stuck to the body, which imo was stupid.
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Same, the Meg Crop top.
I have it with my P3 Face and light jeans.
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I worked with the model in Blender it's made the exact same as the rest of them. You could have them separate it really wouldn't of been that big of a deal they're just forcing it.
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The community does not enjoy this new thing, which is why perhaps releasing set cosmetics that cannot be customized, with what limited customization we have mind you, which are already overpriced by the way, may not be a good idea.
I disapprove of cosmetics for The Executioner and The Legion being a set piece only. In fact it is why I refuse to purchase The Executioner's cosmetic despite loving the look thoroughly. I would like to buy it, but the lack of customization feels like a step backwards and very very restrictive in my opinion.
What is wrong with how cosmetics have always been and why force us to purchase a conplete set with lack of customization? If anything I am more surprised that the community is not unanimous in wanting these outfits to be customizable.
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i hate it but with nea new outfit i can understand the head and torso but i wish you could buy the pants alone this sucks.
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Really sucks because the outfit looks so good. I is wanted to mix and match the head piece but looks like I can’t do that.
The main reason is because of “clipping” but so many cosmetics clip anyways. Greed is the obvious answer.
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Okay, too lazy to read the whole thread so I’ll leave this tidbit.
This isn’t going to be a new era of Set cosmetics! Set cosmetics are just to make “complex outfits” that “prevent clipping” as stated in one of the other comments.
There is an upcoming Jeff cosmetic that is NOT a Set cosmetic- I’m sure that this won’t be the end of mix and matching!
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I wish we could highlight posts like this. Can you post images of it somehow?
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Exactly! Sucks because it's finally a gorgeous Nea outfit, too IMO. But... it's saving a lot of us some money, so there's that.
The devs just took a major step backwards.
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Not_queen already said not to worry. Linked costumes arent taking over. They are just an occasional thing...
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Yeah I could mix an match to show what it would be like with different heads etc
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Outfits that are complete sets that cannot be mixed and matched only have to count as one item in the game, rather than multiple. If the items can be mixed and matched, then every time they add a cosmetic to the game they have to make sure that all of the other cosmetics work with the new cosmetic. For really specific/fashionable ones it might be easier to prevent mixing and matching.
On the other hand, this might make it easier to add certain kinds of cosmetics to the game. Like say an artist or something wants to add a cosmetic to the game and the devs hire them to do so, but the artist decides that they don't want the cosmetic being fiddled with, so the devs restrict it to a set that can't be mix-n-matched.
I doubt this means the end of mix-n-match cosmetics, though.
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the problem with it is that the head is the only part of the outfit that doesn't have clipping issues with other cosmetics. So this time around it makes sense for the outfit to be a full set as you can see the Legs clipping into the Jacket from a different outfit and the head doesn't quite sit right on that torso either
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I enjoy this new thing, many people who are wearing these cosmetic sets enjoy this new thing, you can't force a generalization on top of the entire community just because you and a number of particularly vocal others don't like it. It has always been a personal pet peeve of mine to see players mixing and matching cosmetics in ways that definitely don't look good and weren't meant to be put together. Most players are sensible and don't do that because they don't like it either, but some anarchists choose to anyways and it pains me to see sometimes.
I can be on board with you about the Pyramid Head cosmetic, that seems like something you might be able to customize, but I would HATE to see the legion's Robbie Rabbit skin be freed up to mix and match with absolutely whatever (and Legion has a bunch of cosmetics. So I wholeheartedly and passionately disagree with you there. Not to mention, those cosmetics are probably directly under licensing restrictions from Konami, as well as Lisa Garland and Alessa Gillespie for Cheryl, and yes, unfortunately the Pyramid Head one too.
But I see your question and I pose to you this: what's wrong with an artist wanting to see something he created put together in a complete way and used or seen in the way he envisioned? That's a rhetorical question, there's nothing wrong with that.
...As for the pricing, yeah, that steps over a line and definitely takes advantage of the community and nostalgia of the licensed property in question to make a quick buck that's 3/4th's the price of the base game itself. I would agree that's pretty scummy of BHVR to pull that without even providing a quality product (IE, Unique Voices provided for Legendary Skins). Although I have a hunch that you can bet Konami had something to do with digging extra deep into the pockets of DBD's fanbase, they're probably the ones who asked the dev team to set that price point in the first place. ######### Konami.
But pricing can always be changed and that has very little impact on whether or not linked cosmetic sets should exist at all in DBD, I and many others enjoy them. To restate: I firmly believe there's a place for both sets, and traditional outfit pieces that make up an outfit in Dead By Daylight.
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For starters I set up a poll on a popular dead by daylight community asking which cosmetics they preferred, it was an overwhelming majority.
-61 votes prefer how cosmetics can be customized.
-5 votes are fine with set cosmetics.
Yes it is my opinion but I do have some support there, I'm not the only one. If you enjoy this good for you, my question for you is this.
What prevents you from wearing a complete uniform from how cosmetics were done before sets were introduced?
Allow me to play devil's advocate here. Yes Konami does not have the brightest reputation, but i wholeheartedly disagree with the belief that Konami forced Behavior to sell their cosmetics as sets. You can argue for their involvement in pricing, but I see them selling set cosmetics as a step backwards. If I want to by one piece of the cosmetics like say, Pyramid Head's head piece, I would be forced to invest 10 dollars worth of cells for a full package and be prohibited from enjoying just small bits of it that I like.
Why force the community to buy the whole set? In theory you would be likely to have more sales if they resumed selling them as they have before, in a 3 piece cosmetic outfit. I am certain Konami would see it that way as well, and as for you arguments concerning the awkward customization for Bunny Legion's, we have Elephant Clown and Warthog Huntress already. You could dislike how awkward some players choose to customize their characters, but one man's trash is another man's treasure.
As if it wasn't bad enough that Behavior requests 10 dollars for a uniform when for 7 dollars you can purchase a chapter which comes with 1 survivor, 1 killer, and 6 personal perks, now we are being given set cosmetics that prohibit us from enjoying it in what limited ways we can. Mind you the simplest form of customization, i.e. color customization is not an option in this game and is instead sold as alternate outfits. Even with the Legendary skin I am shocked to see that price go up to 15 dollars on a licensed dlc that costs 5 dollars just to purchase Cheryl alone, or 7 dollars for the whole chapter. The game does not even go far as to acknowledge you as Lisa, you still carry Cheryl's name and voice. Are we forgetting Ash Williams, a Survivor who was sold to us for 5 dollars which came with a prestige outfit and 3 personal perks?
Why can't we have both the way it was before with customizable outfits? And most importantly, why do people feel the need to argue in their defense for giving us LESS with these sets? Controversial yet honest opinion of mine, we the community are just as much to blame for the mistakes the developers make as they are, because we just allow it despite being upset.
To reinstate, their IS a place for both sets when we had customization, because then you could CHOOSE to customize or wear the full set. Yet for some unknown reason, taking that small hit of freedom away and requesting the same price is fine for some, and I just don't think I'll ever understand how that works.
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There will still be separate cosmetics the ones that are a set tho can have a lot more detail due to no clipping issues like the nea one is a great example cuz it has so much detail to it and the Alessa one is like that cuz skirts and dresses always have clipping issues don’t worry we will still see a lot of non set cosmetics they just won’t be the most detailed ones if that makes sense
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Ooohh 61. That's nice, it's not like the active playerbase is full of thousands upon thousands of players at the very minimum, not all of which are busy typing away here on the forums. Not to mention that's a very poorly written poll in our given context, seeing as it doesn't at all reflect on what you and I are talking about. Had you asked me which do I prefer, I myself would've chosen customizable cosmetics.
Just because I prefer them doesn't mean I think they should delete all the cosmetic sets right away and toss out the whole concept of linked sets in the garbage, those ideas aren't mutually exclusive, you can believe both at the same time.
And I never said "forced" I clearly said "had a hand in" meaning that in some way or other they were involved in determining that price, it's their product that they're licensing after all. It could have been as light as a suggestion.
Anyway, I'm not personally invested enough in this topic of conversation to respond in kind to get into a drawn out debate about it. I'll leave it with this: Regardless of polls or however many threads there are complaining about why we can't stick a bunny head on top of a character that wears a hoodie, money talks. And apparently, enough sales are being made that BHVR is pumping out more and more of these linked sets, and I'm personally okay with that, and I would assume that the people buying them are also at the very least okay enough with the concept that they would buy those cosmetics in the first place.
A mixed reception caused by some 61+ discontent players isn't going to be enough to throw out this new concept that has been out for hardly a month and has only barely scratched its full potential yet.
Not_Queen herself also already said not to worry, linked sets are not taking over the shop (or so I've heard) so framing the problem like that's how it is, is either over-exaggerating or just purely misleading.
That's all I've got. See ya.
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My only argument to mix and match is, some clothing sets look so god damn awful when mixed with others.
Feng Bunny Head + Fade Rainbow Shirt + Traditional Skirt. Look so weird just to see it at distance.
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- Money talks, that goes both ways for the product and the consumer.
- Yes the poll is small, but the huge difference in numbers should still pose am impact. Were we to add a poll for the community to take part in, i'd take my chances that the reaction would be the same.
- Linked sets being around less than a month is more reason to be so vocal against it. Less of an effect to adjust it now then to do so months later.
- It is a shame investment is so rare these days for debates or sharing perspectives. At the very least I hope you know that some people feel strongly against linked sets like I do.
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Here's the simple solution, make the pants normal hight (instead of the ridiculous Urkle hiking) and have the hood go down for any other head piece. As for the head "not sitting right" that's already a lot of cosmetics, no one would care about this one not sitting quite right.
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Sounds like a you problem, part of the fun is making a super ugly outfit, and just because something looks "wrong" to you doesn't mean it looks "wrong" to everyone else. The only people who I've seen enjoy this are some streamers who coincidentally are Fog Whisperers and a few forum members here and there, the majority of people are not on board with this anti-consumer decision.
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Except they are all easily separated, and they still have clipping issues within their own locked sets. There is literally no reason for them to be locked and these are no more detailed than previously released cosmetics. The problem isn't that we'll never get sets again (although it is possible), the problem is sets existing in the first place even though they have not proven that forcing cosmetics into a set is a requirement.
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Its already confirmed that the Jane and Clown cosmetics from the midchapter patch are sets. There’s probably gonna be more as well. Sets are going to become super commonplace unfortunately and will still cost $10 even though you are getting way less value from it.
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Are you sure the Jane one is? I thought it was a Spirit and Clown outfit that were sets but the rest weren't?
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Sorry I shouldn’t say confirmed, but it looks highly probable from this screenshot. While I would understand the dress (torso/legs) being linked, there’s no good reason why the head shouldn’t be able to separate.
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👏 Sister 👏 Preach 👏
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I mean, the Nea cosmetic in its entirety is good tho. I just wish i could customize it.
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Ooh that does look pretty. But you're right I would be pissed if you can't mix and match that regardless. ESPECIALLY if I like her headpiece. I guess well find out.
Where did you find that photo? Does a high quality one exist?
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It's in the background of the sneak peek of the redeem Code window that will popup with the next patch
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thank entity! *prayerhands*