Why do people still play killer.



  • Fumbipedia
    Fumbipedia Member Posts: 15
    edited July 2020

    Bloodpoints and you don't have to rely on negative iq players :)

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    I was having some bad Rank 1 survivor games, getting paired up with survivors that can't hide from a killer and can't give them chase for long at all. I kept dying on first hook because all my teammates were already dead, hooked, or slugged.

    I thought, let me queue up as killer, if I can get these kinds of games, I'll have no problem. Queue my Rank 13 gameplay as I get bullied going up against a SWF of a Rank 2, 3, 8 and 9. I got hooks, but most of them were really good about getting chases and butt dancing after pallet stuns. It was a lot of fun. 🙄

  • Skips101
    Skips101 Member Posts: 1

    It's an enjoyable experience most of the time. The only problem I've seen is loading into a match against ranks that are way lower than my usual red rank. The game isn't fun at that point just because they are new or do not fully know how to play. When the toxic people come out, I normally just let them do there thing and grind bp out of them.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    I get bored playing survivors. Getting those satifying hatchet shot feel so good.

  • ClaudettegetsnoBPS
    ClaudettegetsnoBPS Member Posts: 16

    I play because nurse completely counter acts pallet loops and killer shack, which is the only thing that most survivors know how to do. having map knowledge is also useful, there's some maps that have pallet loops that are really good for killer.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Super lunging is so satisfying. My confidence boosts up so much when I pull it off.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    I play killer because I enjoy bully survivors (especially sfw gen rushers) with the hag. She heavily punishes altruistic behavior so as long as you don't tunnel too much it's easy to come out on top in almost every game, yes even sfw games.

    That being said, i just enjoy killer mechanics. I use to play this game a ton, especially survivor, but at this point I find survivor to be a chore. Yes they blatantly outmatch killers if you know what you're doing but I as a casual player don't feel like learning all the best loops or infinites. I find it much easier to have fun on killer.

    Sure sometimes I have pretty awful games because of the infinite looping sfw gen rushers but it's not actually as bad as you guys make it out to be. Acting like there's no counterplay to sfw parties is just naive. Is someone playing sfw and blatantly using voice chat features? Tunnel someone, hook them, and camp the ######### out of them. That's bound to piss them off. In this situation camping is your best option. Why? Most sfw trash will do absolutely everything they can to save their friend. So firstly it now puts the momentum in your control. Secondly it opens up more opportunities to down survivors. And lastly it pisses some sfw off. Now when I say camp I don't mean "face camp" I mean be in the area but don't go very far. When a team is gen rushing the only thing you can really do as a killer is try to regain the games momentum and brutally punish any altruistic behavior.

  • rickyray101
    rickyray101 Member Posts: 141

    Honestly I only play killer to get the trophies and bloodpoint challenges. If I have a toxic survivor that guy is dead on first hook.

  • Cold_Oats72
    Cold_Oats72 Member Posts: 12

    I doubt that every match is a swf genrush team. I have been enjoying killer now more than every despite the audio bugs. The game isn't as bad as you make it out to be and you don't need to make a forum post because you lost one game.

  • dominator3396
    dominator3396 Member Posts: 12

    Im a pretty good killer. I also play on console, so make what you want of it.

    Not every game is bad. Most of them are fun. I have a playstyle that forces longer games usually.

    To directly answer your questions:

    Please genrush, that gives me an opportunity to set up a 3 gen, but it makes it hard for them.

    Typically swf that genrush spawn next to each other. If they do genrush, they are all gathered together, makes for some easier plays as killer. Also, swf usually are overly altruistic and cocky, so it allows for a lot of chances to capitalize on their egos.

    Ruin: I dont know, I use it sometimes, but you really dont need it. Killers need to lose the mindset of prenerf ruin where 3 gens left was a hard game. You want to play to the endgame. Just cause the survivors arent downed and hooked by the first 2 gens doesnt mean the game is going badly.

    Lastly if a survivor/swf is toxic in the beginning/middle of the game, the window has been opened for you to be toxic back. Just go hard and rub it in their face as they all bleed out on the ground lol.

    Occasionally I have a bad game. No need to cause unnecessary stress over a game. Just move on, either play something else or go do something else.

  • FlamingkittyUmad
    FlamingkittyUmad Member Posts: 313

    killer is ez

  • thegatekeeper
    thegatekeeper Member Posts: 12

    I play killer because I am a solo player,and I don't have to worry about being hunted down and worry about doodoo teammates.and I am just better as killer I guess, plus the hate I get when I manage to solo a team is classic, playing killer is very enjoyable and entertaining.sorry for the bad grammar

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    I don't like relying on teammates. But it's also just the Nurse.

    She's just really fun to me, even after her egregious nerfs.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    Mostly out of it's uniqueness, and the fact that there are 2 sides to the game.

    But at this point in time, i'm pretty much done with the game all together. I have been playing less and less over the years. And I think it's about time for me at least to be done with it.

    I had high hopes a while back. But I can't find anything positive about the game anymore. It has become more fun to watch than play.

  • LegioPotatica
    LegioPotatica Member Posts: 50

    Honestly? I just don't really find survivor all that fun. Sure, when I'm doing swf with my buds we banter and have a good time, but we could play FATAL and still have a yuk or two. I usually just play a 'heroic' david build for funs and giggles anyway

  • Some_Random_Idiot
    Some_Random_Idiot Member Posts: 4

    Because, just like PvZ Heroes, it fuels my anger and the rush I get from succeeding makes me feel great.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 417

    I like playing killer. I don't have an SWF (sadly, if it was enjoyable I'd prefer playing survivor) and I don't see why I should be playing the least enjoyable role that gets zero attention from the devs (solo survivor). The terrible matchmaking and the changes to ranking and pipping (= terrible teammates pushed into the red ranks, I don't think I belong there myself and others are even worse than me) were too much for me - I maybe enjoy 1 out of 20 matches as solo survivor. I deranked myself back into the purples, and survivors there are much better and actually do useful stuff and it's a thrilling game, but the game still insists to throw me into red rank games with red potato survivors doing nothing but being victims of a slaughter with 4-5 gens left undone.

    Plus, I feel like I can really make a positive impact on the game as killer. I often get nice messages after the game, especially recently. Yesterday I played only four games, but after two of them people sent not just a gg but thanked me for playing extremely fair and it was one of the few matches they enjoyed that evening. I'm not a very competitive person, but I am very happy when everybody had fun in the game.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Cause I get to stab people in the butt

  • no_mither_is_good
    no_mither_is_good Member Posts: 1

    Listen just don't use ruin and killer is fun for me I'm a killer main I actually dislike survivor. And there is plenty of other perks down slow the game down that aren't ruin and ruin it just spawns in bad totem spots on general that's why I don't use it

  • Голубой
    Голубой Member Posts: 126

    I think killer is more relaxing, less stressful and significantly less rage inducing. If a survivor is annoying with the flashlight clicking or being a good looper, you can just ignore them (or kill them and face camp them if you're that kind of person). The entire game is solely in your hands and if you are not looking to 4k every match, there is really no reason to get frustrated (even if you get smashed, it's whatever. Just move on).

    however, survivor I think is much more taxing mentally. You have to deal with teammates and a killer. Get a killer who is a complete #########? Frustrating as hell. Get incompetent teammates who either don't do gens, lose every chase in less than 10 seconds, only go to divebomb hooks (even when it is unsafe and not running borrowed time), body block you/point you out to the killer, etc. There's just so much more in the game to make it more frustrating on the survivor side of things, even if the game is more favored towards survivors if everyone is equally matched. Plus, I feel like survivor takes a bit more skill than killer in terms of 1v1. You mess up, you die. Killer takes skill, but it's more in terms of time management (which comes easily to me because I played a lot of strategy games, specifically league, for a long time so I'm used to reading people/predicting stuff).

    This is all my opinion though. My irl friend thinks that survivor is extremely relaxing because she can just rely on 3 other people to make up for her deficiencies, meanwhile killer stresses her out because it is all on her shoulders. Just perspective, I guess.

  • Голубой
    Голубой Member Posts: 126

    Why do console players have this happen? I play on PC and feel like we're the exact opposite.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    I really dont enjoy it anymore

    But the ques for survivors are like 15-20 minutes so if i wanna play at all with the little time i have I have to use the instant killer que.

    Month long breaks... idk these updates keep killing entire killers for me.

    Tbh I was lucky to survive the doctor reworks. But I started as a nurse main havent touched her since. And now if these changes work the way youtube is showing me it does... well its really down to 4 characters for me. Doc, plague, gf and very rarely huntress.

    Its nice they touched the old perks tho hope they keep doing that because I only find 4 good and 6 barely useful everything else i actually like an empty slot instead

  • grassdirtsky
    grassdirtsky Member Posts: 174

    Why do I still play killer? I think it's fun, I use Freddy, Hillbilly, Spirit and Pyramid Head mainly, I still 4k almost every game, most survivors aren't toxic, the ones that are tend to die fast in my experience because most of them are little kids, maybe I use broken killers or I always go against potatoes.

    If I get one of these "deathsquads" with OoO, toolboxes, and I get a bad map, I just afk, they wanted to genrush? Well, now they can, They sit in a 15 minute queue again while I will find another game in 2 mins :D

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Because Im stupid and like getting tortured, I suppose...

  • _Entity_
    _Entity_ Member Posts: 9

    I got the game when it had free days to play on xbox. I bought it because I really enjoyed the time I had on the game.

    Now I'm not stupid I knew what I was getting in for with dbd. I watched video's and did my research before committing to buying it. I knew everything about this game and it's community before going in to it. But my god is this game/community toxic.

    From the first day of buying the game I was getting anywhere from 5 to 15 messages a day. I've played Call of Duty games, I play Siege, I play Friday the 13th, I play Warzone and honestly I've never had to change my settings in 12 years of playing games but within the span of 5 days of playing this game I had people spamming invites and messages. I had a run in with the same group 5 times over the course of a week and no matter what I did they would spam me messages and invites. After the first week I had to change my settings to private and basically make it so no one could talk to me or invite me to games at all.

    I'm a solo player but I can play with a team of randoms so long as they pull their damn weight. I'm so used to people of a level where they just jump in and do what they gotta do and get out. I'm so used to having ramdoms be my teammates and just be good at the game. But holy cow did I not expect that some randoms are like trying to play with a potato, no thats offensive to potatoes because a potato could play better than some of the people I've been with. Like...why are 3 of yall dying already when we have 5 gens to do? Why did it take 2 of you to rescue someone only for you to fail and all get downed? Why are you sitting in a corner watching our teammate die on hook when the killer is chasing the David halfway across the map? Why are you running? Why is no one on gens? Where is my team? Why are you in the basement?! Are you really going to hide in the locker all game? Why did two of you dc when the killer isn't doing anything wrong? Why are you dropping pallets left right and centre? Why are you making so much noise? Why aren't you healing? Why are you clicky clicky flashlights then getting mad when it fails and dcing? Why are you t bagging when bloodwarden is up? Why drop a pallet on killer that's already walked away from the pallet?

    But I've had some great team mates as survivor. I had a team that was really good at looping killer and saving each other. I had a team smash the gens and we never even saw the killer once. I had people who just were great teammates in general.

    But why do I play killer? Because I want to.

    Toxicity shouldn't stop you or anyone from playing the game how you want to. If someone is toxic be toxic back or better yet sit in the basement until the match ends - legit advice I was given for SWF groups, actually worked a few times and got some easy kills for it. I even used a SWF group to practice Nurse, I enjoyed blinking through time and space and getting myself stuck in a wall and even sitting on top of buildings for a while enjoying the view of the map. If you've got killer's you're not good with take the bad games to learn them or practice with them, or just practice with whatever killer you picked.

    I would rather them waste their time with me than have them ruin someone else's game honestly.

    But I play killer because I want to. Survivors are boring to play as, it's also extremely unfun going against the same killer's over and over again. I've had 5 survivor games with Myers this week alone, 5 Ghostface games and 3 Freddy games. I just want to die to other people, it's not you its me.

    Killer is fun. No teams of survivors are the same, it's great. It's great having people who fight till the last drop or those that just accept death. It's great having a team of randoms work together to survive or die by your hands. It's great being able to pick up new tactics or try and figure out new ways of doing things to counter the survivors. It's great testing perks out on them, it's just fun man.

    It's ruined a little by toxic teams and toxic people but as a whole I'd still recommend the game to people. I'd let them know what they were getting in for before hand and tell them to private things way before they boot up the game so they don't have the same problems I had but on a whole the game is great. It's super fun. It's a nice game to play.

    The cat and mouse is great. The risks vs rewards is great. The killer's are just *chef kiss*. The perks are fun to mess about with.

    I think honestly we should have a ranked and unranked system though. I prefer to play casual not have to play like I'm in the Esports tournaments, ya know? I just wanna chill. I don't care about rank. I'm here to have a good time not get stressed but that's another topic entirely.


    It's fun despite the toxicity I've ran into its still enjoyable. Game is great. Killer's are fun. Perks are good. Enjoying it more than survivor.

  • Belzher
    Belzher Member Posts: 463

    My first reason is points (with BBQ) and the second is that playing only survivor (specially solo) gets boring quickly.

  • Jayhulk567
    Jayhulk567 Member Posts: 6

    becuase I like playing the ONLY part of the game that requires skill. Playing survivor takes no Skill

  • JeffLebowski920
    JeffLebowski920 Member Posts: 13

    I guess the matchmaking disparity works in my favor as killer bc playing good swf teams helps improve skills vs mashing potatoes hiding in corners or getting hung up on corners etc. The toxic part isn't going anywhere, just gg and move on. Although the funniest insult I've seen was "playing like that you oughtta main the clown"

  • Theboos456
    Theboos456 Member Posts: 1

    I play killer because it's more fun than survivor unless you're a God, less stressful unless SWFs which are fun to beat, and there's more blood points. I play a bit of survivor but am a killer main. I honestly am fine with glitches because I don't care about winning and I know that if I lose it was justified. Going against anyone is fine for me because I rarely ever get salty messages. Just done tunnel, camp, or be utterly bad.

    I personally don't like playing survivor because I always go up against that one killer who tunnels me or face camps me or my teammates which makes the game not fun. Sure playing against SWFs isn't great but it's cool imo to see how coordinated some of them are. Not to mention there's no diversity in survivors. Killers all have a unique power whereas once you unlock all survivor perks you can play the exact same way with every survivor.

    Playing killer is more satisfying for me in many ways and as a survivor I really don't like being jumpscared ever few seconds or going up against that one sweaty stridor spirit. Also playing survivor is really annoying at times when you're sand bagged or your team says gens before friends. Killer cues are often faster than survivor cues and that already makes it a lot more accessible.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    i think it because i like 3 killers i play as also help killer get more BP too sucks i get 3 good games out of 10 sometime

  • ThatsSoKelso
    ThatsSoKelso Member Posts: 24

    Yeahhhhhhh......I think that playing the killer is chill I don't worry about rank or the camptards and when I want bloodhounds without worrying about all that or to just chill I play killer. I am a survivor main but I enjoy killer as well an mostly give people a break from said camptards. As for the constant griping about stuff not being fair and face camping of course we all hate it but what do you want them to do about it? Possibly put an invisible barrier around the survivor so face camping isn't possible? Mostly I see people face camp though after being taunted a lot. No duh someone is gonna try to run from the killer if you can loop why wouldnt you right? Why get so mad and face camp I will never understand. As for the complaints on Morris and the killer. It does suck to be taken out on a first hook practically. But I dont gripe, maybe they should explore the option of making things like ultra rare ebony Morris having to be hooked twice at least because even as not a very experienced killer i find it way too easy to massacre all 4 survivors with the ebony mori an i can imagine even more so when its a toxic killer who gets all crusty on you an face camps you. Either way we can't get mad at the devs an people who work their ass off to bring us this game. I still play it every day an wait new content. I'd like to see more positive posts all I see is people complaining about every little thing from skins to things not being fair its a little funny. As not_queen says for one of her anniversary quotes "WAAHHHH" lmao

  • cloudface
    cloudface Member Posts: 93

    😂 these dudes posting bs about "there aren't that many SWF teams" and "I barely ever lose you just need to get gud" type stuff are pretty funny. If their opinions are even remotely based on the truth they're referring to a certain time of day on a certain system/platform: you can't blag on like an expert if every game you play is on PC between 5pm-7pm because you've got NFI about games on PS4 at 3am or games on Switch at midday or games on Xbox at 10pm.

    I play PS4 post midnight and the PS4 community board is always filling up with people looking for SWF co-horts to team with. Sure it's not every game but when you start getting multiple games where the survivors are regularly doing split focus genrushing, martyring themselves to get hooked to waste your time and otherwise obviously co-ordinating their game play it's just not that fun to play. The galling part is the fukers act like they're amazing at the game and outplayed you when they coordinated on mic but they're actual playing style is dumb as ######### and they'd never get to the rank they're at without playing SWF. I've seen obvious SWF use multi cakes and still gen rush hard and not even try get chase points off me before they're out the gate for a 6 minute trial.

    I still play as killer because there can be good fun games and every now and then you can ######### with an arrogant sweat survivor that gets complacent: other night I sacrificed a YouTuber who was teanagging in the open gate and had been an annoying prick in games I'd played with them so sacrificing them felt nice...same dude flashlight trolled me and wasted my time looping next game while team gen rushed and my ebony mori was unused though 😡.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    For fun, for BP. Believe it or not, once you've learned, I find it (mostly) relaxing.

    You want stress, then try soloq.

  • DanielLeonis309
    DanielLeonis309 Member Posts: 13

    I’m a huge fan of the GhostFace one. Personal favorite😂

  • Kagrenac
    Kagrenac Member Posts: 773

    Because I'm not a whiner that can't handle losing a few games as a killer.

    You can lose as a killer. Get over it. Get better.

    NO ONE is forcing you to play one side.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    because it gives way more points than survivor.

    ATOMIC_ACE_PUGG Member Posts: 359

    I wanted the floating crowns.

    Yeah that's it with the ruin nerf I will just stick to survivor way less stressful and you can actually eat a meal while you do gens. Can't do that as killer

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    I'm better at killer than I am survivor. Also, I like the challenge of killer, even though I feel that VS swf things aren't really fair. If I can overcome a tough SWF I feel pretty good. It's also interesting to see SWFs rage after I stomp them. They will always have some excuse for why I won... it never has anything to do with what they did or how they played which is pretty indicative of an insecure person, meaning they're not worth taking seriously. They're just being emotional.

  • UnbeatableAsh
    UnbeatableAsh Member Posts: 101

    Pfft, I'm just bored. I mean I've been playing some other games in addition to DbD lately, so I'm working on not playing just the one game, but when I am stuck on DbD I sort of just learn to appreciate that #########. The game is sort of just uniquely janky and I'll always know it's DbD in that way. Even when I play survivor, which isn't as often as killer bc gens are kinda boring but still often enough bc of achieves and whatnot, I still just enjoy being in the game. I feel like I'm in just the right amount of control. I've got all this experience to fall back on, making it feel super familiar, but then I also have to actively think about how to respond to the uncontrollable elements of the game - the chaos. But above all else, I just sort of have fun with it when I can. It's like having a home. You can live there for as many hours as you like, and you'll never be an effortless god. There's always new funny ######### to be seen.

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    Killer is a Game Master in a lot of ways. You have to make it fun for the Survivors, too.

    It's alot of work, but extremely rewarding when your entire 4K throws out only GG's.

  • Cheeki_Beaky_Bird
    Cheeki_Beaky_Bird Member Posts: 148

    There's more glory to be won as killer.

    If I'm playing against red ranked survivors as early as rank 11 killer, and neutral pip on some 4Ks as a rank 8 killer, it means (at least to me) that my rank is more meaningful than any survivor's.

    I ran with a red-ranked team once as a purple, and it was very much what I expected: Matchmaking usually couldn't find us a killer above green ranks because there's so few of them, and the response to almost everything was 'just do gens dude'

  • Mine382
    Mine382 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2020

    I cant play survivor for nuts when I try I find myself going back to killer after 2 games XD. So thats the reason I stick to Killer.

    Plus Bloodpoints in Killer are nice + the Queue times are usually fine.

    I used to get frustrated when I started off.

    You shouldn't really focus too much on winning in this game from my experience.

    My personal opinion on what KILLER MINDSET you should play with to enjoy this game is:

    Just think about pipping if you care about rank. Personally after just playing all the time at rank 1 . I really dont care if I lose or win. So playing for Rank is fine but I think most people who playing at rank 1 and 1000+ hours in this game dont give a ######### about rank after some point, I could be wrong.

    Also Dont stick around too much as Killer in post game chat. Unless you enjoy salty comments - then be my guest.

    Try to get all 4 hooks of BBQ. The only thing that kind of puts me off is If I dont get to hook all 4 survivors for my BBQ. I dont even bother going for the 4k now cause of the long time a person can just hide and prolong a game. I only slug if the person hiding is my missing stack.

    SWF groups can be annoying with clicky clicky , teabags and post game comments like "baby /boring killer" . I know many people are bothered by this.

    Now no one can stop this and sure it can get annoying for many people which makes Killer Unenjoyable. this is one of the reasons I dont sweat while playing this game. Cause there are many games as Killer you just CANT WIN because of x amount of reasons like - how well the survivors you vs are playing , the rng setups on maps or the map itself. Anyone who says "every game is winnable ,you just didnt apply enough pressure xd is quite honestly in my opinion trolling you.Even the best players lose from time to time.

    Finally, I have 1300+ hours in this game and I mostly play Killer. In My experience, if you are new sweating to get to rank 1 is fine and frankly it's the only way you will learn and get better at Killer or Survivor but after that it is frankly not worth regarding your ass off every game to win.



    Edit: I usually just read forums , but this topic seemed a bit close so this is my first post :)

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    bc points and I like using my power excessively (often to my detriment in success but a significant increase in fun). I also like making survivors panic/be wary.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    I used to enjoy playing plague or the pig, they were fun, but lately. I know ppl wanna say "killers are toxic too, not every survivor is toxic." But seriously? I dont see non toxic survivors anymore, every single game its "#########, trash killer git gud" blah blah blah. And ontop of that, it never gets addressed. Every patch, every q&a we hear about how the game is so unfair for new survivors how about how it's taking away their fun do we have a killer that actually can do his job well, and now i hear the DC penalty is gone now? I want to like playing killer but right now this game is almost as toxic as League of Legends if not moreso now

  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298

    Because I like proving to my self that all the killer mains that whine about how hard killer is to play on the forums and on reddit are wrong. I play Trapper/Demo/Wraith/Myers and think killer is hilariously easy compared to what it used to be.

  • Mdawgu
    Mdawgu Member Posts: 408

    Your ruins last a minute? PogChamp

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875
    edited July 2020

    I play killer to give a good overall experience to the 4 survivors I’m playing with, while also providing a stage to test your looping/stealth play/my mind games and counter play. 90% plus games I two hook and release. Because I’ve de-pipped x 2 these past two seasons (Rank 3-4 to 5, then I get pushed back again, from 5 to 10), I’ll kill a couple red rank players here and there.

    i don’t care to have a “1” next to my name (I could still I guess, used to from 10 to 1 in a few hours). I don’t care to slug, tunnel, face camp, proxy camp, force struggle. If I do slug, it’s to leave when I know someone is nearby so they get some altruism points. I don’t care for most add ons as killer either. I don’t care to bully people who just got caught in a ######### area of the map because their teammate burned every pallet known to man. I don’t run noed, I don’t use moris.

    Most players just want a chill game. Relax with a couple friends, get a couple chases in, bounce, get points, move on. For what reason do I need to kill someone in game? What’s there to prove 4 years in?

    Thats how I play killer. Why? For the reasons above, blood points, why not