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General Discussions

Killers should see the survivor's rank in the lobby.

It would be a very helping thing, because this way if the killers get survivors way better rank than them they could go to a next lobby and won't be bullied by unfair matchmaking. What do you think guys?

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  • Member Posts: 3,426

    This would lead to killers lobby dodging up until they see someone lower than their rank.

    Yes it would help people on the lower range, but the higher ranks will abuse it.

  • Member Posts: 186

    I almost never get worse rank survivors than me, in the best scenario same rank as me, this feature would prevent that green rank killers get red rank survivors, but red rank killers can't abuse it because they never get green survivors.

  • Member Posts: 15

    You can't just give that to killers only. As a survivor I would want to know if I'm going up against a vastly over powered killer.

    I play both killer and survivor. If I can see someone's level with one, I'd want to see the levels of all.

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    I get purple ranks fairly often, and I'd say once every ten games I get some green ranks.

    Why would someone in red ranks face survivors in red ranks when they can just dodge and face purples instead?

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    I think it would be ok if killers would be able to see it. Usually I would be against it, but many survivors use third party tools to see which killer waits there in the lobby, what his perks are and so on, if I go after what is told here in this forums.

    TL:DR That would make it equal at least... A bit.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    This would be so easily abused, first of all. Secondly, rank is about to be irrelevant concerning matchmaking.

  • Member Posts: 354

    I 100% agree with this, but with lobby simulation being a thing in this game, I dont want to be waiting 10 minutes or more for a match just to have to do it all again because killer dodges. But other then the lobby simulation crap I just spoke about, I agree.

  • Member Posts: 279
    edited July 2020

    It was that way before, Killers used it to dodge every lobby with rank 1. And farmed rank 20 all day

    BHVR probably won't change it. It just switch the problem from the other side.

    Just wait for the matchmaking change

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    For survivors, rank is basically meaningless. Some really good survivors deserve their ranks.

    But gosh, how many potatoes are up there now?

  • Member Posts: 204

    10 Minute queue "alright were in" "nope, god squad"... another 10 Minute queue "alright this is the one!" "nope, another god squad"

    "Alright this is the one! LETS GO!"

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    Usually, unless I'm playing early in the morning, my queue times are about 15 seconds... especially short around 2/3 pm.

  • Member Posts: 204

    I play a lot of Killer, and experience the opposite, I get on around 6am est. and the queues are 2-3mins from 6am-9am, then around 9am-6pm the queues are 8-10 minutes.

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    If the Survivors cannot see it, the Killer should not see it as well. I would have loved to keep the Bug where the other Survivors Rank was visible, because it gave me an indicator how much I have to try in a game. If I saw that there is a Rank 19, I would rather not mess around too much.

    But I think the Killer should get less information (aka no Profiles/Names, Model and Items are still visible) instead of more information. Dodging should not be encouraged, which was the reason why they removed the visible Ranks for Survivors. So they will not give it to the Killer instead.

    I mean, not that this will matter in the future with MMR being in play eventually.

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