Billy mains overreacting

I looked at the overheat time and it was atleast 5-10 seconds, thats plenty of time to get behind a survivor and chainsaw them before the chainsaw overheats. I cant picture any scenario where you would need to hold the chainsaw any longer than that. Please be welcome and explain a situation where you do need to rev it for longer, I would be happy to read them.
There was this video of really good billies curving insane angles. They pretty much rev for a while before they get the correct positing and timing.
It would suck if such skilled players who dedicated so much time to curv properly would be punished by overheat.
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That's why the overheat mechanic just not fits to billy. It only lowers his skillcap and leads to instasaw SF+Enduring billys.
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So checked the video and all of these curves were made within the time limit i gave, unless i missed one the longest was like 7 seconds. It will limit these if you held the chainsaw right before you started the chase wich is pretty unlikely but still possible. If you have a small cooldown that limits these kind of mindgames just wait a little bit or just hit them with m1.
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Of course they are. Whenever a Killer gets touched, they act like the game is destroyed. Every ######### time.
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Yeah it's normal. Billy mains have thought he was untouchable for years, and thought the constant chant of "Billy most balanced" blinded people to actually seeing him.
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das fine, but cant wait to meme on that new Franklins though they get so salty now wait till the new Franklins drops buahahaha
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Cant wait to insidious leatherface camp the dropped items
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I never understood that mantra either, for me it always feel weird the fact that Hillbilly was the only Killer able to spam his power nonstop without any drawbacks, everyone else has limited use of his power or its situational or requires certain requisites to start using it.
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Depends on how fast does overheat cooldowns while you're not revving. If you ever rev even for more like 2-3 and it stays there until you hit the CD you'll get overheat just when you need time for curving. If it goes down fast while not revving then it would be fine but if it stays it will significantly lower the possibilities for revving adn curving mindgames.
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Billy main here crying like BHVR did Billy what they did to Nurse.
They barely touched him.
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It’s too generous. It should overheat a little faster like Learherface’s new chainsaw does
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Now thats a galaxy brain move lol. This comment actually made me laugh cuz i can see ppl doing it for the memes
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Ive done it numerous times and have gotten a 3k once because they wouldnt leave the flashlight. I even did it as Huntress a few times. Survivors hate Franklins, and you can sometimes play an entire match around an item.
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My question is what if with new franklin's the item is about to disappear but they pick it up and then u smack them again. Does the timer start from 0 to 90 again or will it disappear from the previous timer
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IDK logistics yet, eager to play it though.
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Since when did chainsaws overheat?
BHVR doesn't care about their playerbase. They just expect people to play whether the character is fun or not, look at nurse. These devs are beyond full of themselves, just lucky DBD was a surprise success in a niche category.
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They changed it? How?
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aura of the item will be revealed to killer I believe, and survivor has 90 seconds to pick it up. Need to play it though
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From the way its worded I believe it starts over again. Like "Devoured by the entity after 90 seconds if not picked up". Makes me believe it resets. But yeah Billy mains crying, and then we have streamers like Zubat saying stuff like "Dont understand why they nerfed his basekit, and I dont know how I feel about it. But its not a big deal, if you ever played billy with no addons you probably wont tell the difference. Just happy to see insta-saw go away" Implying he is at least convinced it wont be a big hit to Billy, and that he believes that the add-on rework will kill insta-saw Billy. Which I mean if they dont do that I have no idea what they are doing.
Incase people dont know. Zubat plays A LOT of Billy.
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Since when did chainsaws allow you to sprint around at superhuman speeds? I don’t think realism is a very good argument in this game lol.
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You are not taking into effect traveling with the saw takes a large chunk of your heat bar first
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I hope he's right because I usually play without add-ons, although I have a soft spot for double engravings. I guess I'll see when it hits live, the ptb is too much of a pita.
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I would say billy mains should grow a pair😀.But then again I don’t want an angry mob of billy going after a doctor main😒.
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I guess since a mad cripple tinkered and modified his for murderous intents.
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I don’t see the problem. “The most balanced killer” just got even more balanced. That’a good thing right?
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Maybe the entity gave him that power but he gave him a toy chainsaw?
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But yet when they nerf survivor's it's the end of the ######### world for y'all! "They nerfed insta-heals" or "They nerfed looping and my perks" yeah sure they might have nerfed things for whatever reason, but "WHAT CHANGES ABOUT YOUR MECHANIC'S, TACTIC'S, AND PLAYSTYLE?" Survivor's are nothing but different skins and voice's. To where as ner.. "Reworking" a killer tweaks their mechanic's, forces the killer to plan out their tactic's differently, and changing those 2 things changes the killer's playstyle. Every killer is unique and not some Copy & Paste, and slap a different skin and voice on!
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And? This has nothing to do with my Post.
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what the hell are you talking about boy, i play both sides and this is a huge nerf to billy. i played billy mainly and huntress as a killer and all the rest casually, and im also rank 1 survivor master looper with over 3k in the game, i beat up all those legendary legacy billies a lot and it wasnt so easy to predict the saw but now its gonna be a piece of cake, the only way to play billy now in my opinion is endurance spirit fury and instadown. pathetic, he cant even be all over the map like he used to.
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ah and im about to uninstall this garbage game after 3k/
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his drawback was the charge time and inability to steer well with the saw. Also if he bumps into something theres an animation and youre stuck in place. Thats literally all there needs to be, and this is coming from someone who rarely plays billy anymore. Most new maps are kinda anti billy, just like huntress
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Nothing to say? I'll accept that, even though what I said directly has something to do with what you said, but okay! Keep looking through the window from one side.
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Surely Killer Abilities can be altered while this cannot be done for specific Survivors. Because Survivors are only Skins, this is nothing new. And the Devs wont start to give some Survivors advantages or disadvantages. Like that David can stun the Killer longer or that Meg runs faster or whatever.
So, I dont really get your point.
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Billy's skill cap is lowered tremendously, nurses is still pretty high.
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In the next update Bubba will be curving and Billy will be camping.. xD
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Actually it does, he's explaining y killers flip out over stuff like nerfs because it makes them change their playstyle and then he just threw in a rebuttal claiming that survivors freak out as well when all survivors are pretty much the same, u can't lie he made a pretty solid statement