Now that Billy's nerfed, here are some other killer changes we need

Plague - When using vile purge, has a 20% chance to just vomit all over herself, inexplicably making herself more infected. After 30 seconds, can now be one hit KO'ed by a pallet stun, which results in an escape for all survivors
Trapper - 60 second cooldown on picking up and setting down traps. Also, if he steps in a trap, his leg becomes damaged and he now hobbles around at 90% movement speed for the rest of the match
Doctor - now causes himself to go insane, and must do several reverse skill checks before using any abilities or swinging his weapon
Nurse - upon review, she is still too good, so a 3rd and 4th cooldown should be added in addition to the 2 existing cooldowns. After blinking, fatiguing, and blink recharging, she must now also take a 3 second inhaler dose and do 4 seconds of brief calisthenics before being allowed to move again
Wraith - he's actually fine as is
Pyramid Head - Survivors now emerge from the cage of atonement as a super saiyan god with the power to blast a hole in the exit gates and escape
Any other ones I'm missing? Please commiserate with me and add to the list haha
Spirit: fine as it is because she has lots of counters
Legion: now the friendzy only allows you to run, not to hit survivors, and the cooldown is increased to 8 seconds
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I like it. We can spin this as a buff to Legion's intimidation factor
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LMAO! Nice one
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Ah yes lets nerf trapper a killer that has the most counters in the game nice bait.
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Pig, has a chance of 50% to trap her head on her own head, if she doesn't take it off, she dies and gets the 5 min ban penalty.
I think this is a great nerf.
Just did it for the lols
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I know this is a joke, but you should probably brace yourself for the inevitable angry people who take your post waaayyy too seriously.
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4 seconds of brief calisthenics 😂😂😂 Best make it 7, don't want her to injure those hammies
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It's literally a joke, didn't you figure that out on the first paragraph?
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Well now
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Considering how crazy Hag mains are, I feel like they'd somehow find a way to turn that change into a buff.
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Wraith - he's actually fine as is
Damn...poor wraith man 😂
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Seeing the pig using all the jigsaw boxes would be hilarious. I could also see "We felt the killer didn't have enough options to forfeit the match, so we have added the pig exclusive hara kiri ability with her reverse bear traps."
I'm on board with everything. Having to lure survivors to generators just to smack them once sounds like finally some proper Freddy balancing
Man, you called it
Damn straight. The penalty for rushing out of the calisthenics cooldown is a muscle sprain. Nurse must return to her office for treatment and the survivors all escape
I love the bing bong boi but damn if he isn't rough to play at red ranks
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Excuse me for not being able to tell the difference but its the forums to be fair most people make a post like this and are dead serious.
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I mean... The nurse paragraph was the biggest giveaway...
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Yay, more passive aggressive bait.
Only killer changes really needed at the moment...
Huntress - Iri head + infantry belt combo
Ghostface - Fix the reveal, make BT activate within 32m, or just let someone on the hook reveal this camping chump easily
Legion - Delete from the game
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*Wraith's fine*
*puts him in anyway*
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- Pyramid Head can now only move at 50% movement speed, to keep more in line with his appearance in the Silent Hill titles.
- Oni now has a random chance to contract a blood-borne disease when he absorbs blood orbs. Requiring him to visit the Doctor between trials to get treatment by paying for overpriced healthcare until he can be played again. Players can spend Auric Cells to speed up the treatment.
- Deathslinger will now receive a 10% movement speed penalty for 20 seconds when stunned, as it better fits his lore since he has a bad leg.
- Spirit can now be seen while phasing.
- Added new killer, Springtrap, who can't injure survivors but can jumpscare them while they are repairing gens.
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Bubba - he is a cannibal so every survivor he down he get more hungry and hungry, and hunger can kill motivation so he looses 10% movement speed.
Hag - she is covered with mud so when she trying to loop and get close to a wall, she stuck on it and her movement speed is reduced by 50% for 5 seconds.
Wraith - he has PTSD because of his former work, so when he hits a survivor, he gets a panic attack that causes blurred vision and 15% movement speed reduction for 10 second.
Oni - he is a demon, so survivors can hurt him by praying. When any of the survivor prays he is weakened and has 15% movement speed reduction and needs 3 hit to take down a survivor.
Spirit - she can take spirit form to travel, but in the spirit world there are more dangerous monsters than her. Using spirit form has 10% chance to get the Spirit killed during it, ending the trial and give +1 pip to survivors.
Huntress - the hunting is in her veins so when she charges a hatchet to drop, her insticts are get awakened and has 50% chance to autoaim that hatchet to a nearby crow.
Ghostface - as a criminal, he has to watch out of the cops. Every map against him has a telephone hided on it. When one survivor find that phone, the cops are called and the game is over, awarding +1 pip to every survivor.
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Hitting with a basic attack will put all Killers in 10s cooldown before they can hit again to give Survivors some chance to win.
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Spirit: Our statistics showed that Stridor is used by over 80% of Spirit players. To counter this abuse, we decided now, that the Spirit can't hear sounds of pain while phasing. This also gives Survivors a fair chance to avoid the spirit while phasing if they don't use Iron Will.
Freddy: Removed Bloodlust when Freddy uses a snare/Pallet to be consistent with other killers. Also we decided to remove Freddy's ability to put Survivors asleep with a hit, since they automatically fall asleep over time. Therefore increased the possibility of Skillchecks in the Dream World and removed Clocks, since players find it annoying to go across the map to wake up.
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My buff to Decisive Strike:
Make it so that the killer is stunned for the remainder of the trial and allows survivor's to do gens and escape.
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Spirit: Due to research and observationing we recognized that the Spirit has a lot of fair counterplay and we recognized that Survivors love playing against her because she is such a mindgaming Killer so we decided to make her visible during phase walk.
Also, we reduced her movement speed during phasing to 4.6 m/s because this slight basekit change will make her feel far more threatening to play against.
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MYERS - you can gef tier 3 only 1 time now and after it runs out yo go back to tier 1 and stay there for the rest of the match
WRAITH - he is fine as he is... So lets give him cooldown timer for his power so requires more skill
HUNTRESS - she can only reloud once every 3 minutes. This timer requires more skill to use her.
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Freddy: teleporting to a gen will power that generator just as if a survivor completed it
Trapper: set traps will rust and lock open after (10x #remaining survivors) seconds, rendering the traps useless.
Nurse: blinking through a survivor grants that survivor blink ability for the remainder of the match
All killers: when using an ivory mori survivors will be able to mori the killer during the stun animation
All survivors: bringing or holding a purple or better key will make the entity sacrifice that survivor on their next hook state, regardless of how many hook states they have had
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Stop giving the devs next nerf ideas you monster
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Ghostface: Hides so well with nightshroud he finds himself on the ethereal plane, roll a new character
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Freddy-for each survivor that goes into the dreamworld freddy takes a nap for 20s
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Trapper: Since he was overperforming back in 2016 we decided to revisit him now and give him a second machete but therefore removed his Traps so he doesn't need to travel around the map to pick them up. Instead he will give one Survivor a machete and play Star Wars with them. If the Trapper wins, he loses a pip and if the Survivor wins, the Trapper's Players game will get uninstalled.
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Change/buff to killer mains
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
The Nightmare :
Survivors now have the ability to pull Freddy out of the dream world and results in Freddy not having any snares or teleport until Freddy finds a void to re-enter the dream world
The Spirit:
Spirit will no longer be able to hear survivors while using Yamoka's haunting and in addition to this the Spirit will no longer be able to attack after emerging from Yamoka's haunting instead she will have to wait 3 seconds before being able to do any interactions or attack.
The Shape: increased the amount of Evil required to reach EW2. Reduced the total amount of time EW3 is active from 60 seconds to 35 seconds also upon inspection it's come to our attention that the faster vault does not come in lime with the standard of other Killer's for this reason we will be removing the increased Vault speed and instead be giving The Shape and increased Pick up speed.
The Huntress:
Reduced total amount of hatchets from 5 to 3 this change ensure that huntress cannot spam hatches and instead she will have to manage the hatchets wisely. Iridescent Head will now apply deep wounds to the survivor and hatches do not put the survivor into dying state. Removed Exhaustion add-ons from the Huntress add-on pool. Increased the wind up time to pull up a hatchet.
The Oni:
The Oni's blood Fury will immediately end when he misses a demon dash attack or downs a survivor with demon dash. Reworked Renjiro's bloody glove to now give survivors deep wounds from a demon dash but increased the speed and duration that blood fury is active, survivors cannot be put into dying state while blood fury is active.
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Yeah...If we exclude the fact that every good and experienced player disagrees with that(true isn't good at all)
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the only thing we need is getting rid of spirit.
the only counter is iron will but every spirit is using stridor to make every mind game impossible.
BS designed killer.
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The pig: We noticed she doesnt have a cooldown on her traps so she can use 1 trap with a 5 minute cooldown. We felt that this will help with survivor fun as noone likes to have to do jigsaw boxes.
Edit 1: After further testing the traps are still too oppressive since survivors are somehow failing to find a key until it is too late. To remedy this trap timers have increased to 7 minutes, since that is the average length of a full game it should help in killer skill and survivor fun.
The wraith: We noticed that the invisibility doesnt have a cooldown so we added a 15 second cooldown window as the wraith will now tie his bell to his belt and has to unfasten it. This will help with survivor fun as noone likes to have to play around invisibility.
The Plague: We noticed she doesn't have a cooldown on her vomit ability. This is problematic for survivor fun and realism because you dont have infinite bodily fluids.
For survivor fun and realism we added a 2 minute timer to her vomit and limited her to 3 uses of it unless she eats an apple scattered around the map, at least 32 meters away from a generator. We feel that since most matches last about 7 minutes this is fair.
Edit 2: We listened to your feedback and have decided to remove the apples from the plague, in the event of more drawn out matches they severley limit new survivor interactions.
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Well it's not like my comment or this whole thread is being sarcastic or anything, let's just assume everybody is being serious then yeah, I wouldn't agree with myself either.
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I'm laughing out loud with Spirit and Huntress' nerf 🤣
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Freddy, when 1 survivor is asleep freddy fell asleep and he cant move or do any action until all survivor are awake
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Oh sorry. That's a r/wooosh for me
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I'm glad to made you laugh! 😀
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I legit thought this was him being serious.
Yeah, I bloody yelled out one of the supposed 'nerf requests' in surprise until I saw it was a joke post.
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TBH Freddy actually already loses bloodlust when setting a snare IIRC.
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I never use snares, only pallets. Did they fix it? Because you could spam them while getting Bloodlust a while back.
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Some suggested changes:
Oni - Everytime he absorbs blood he gets a 5% chance of catching any blood-transmitted disease carried by that survivor.
Wraith - Everytime he rings his bell there is a 3% chance class of school kids will appear, mistaking this for the dinner bell.
Huntress - Has a 10% chance at the start to replace Ariana Grande in her "Dangerous Woman" music video. Survivors get a free ggez round.
Trapper - after a generator lights up he gets the "inferiority" status, knowing he'll always be a poor man's Jason.
Clown - His weight-loss plan is making him hungry. Every 3 minutes he does not get a mori, he cuts off one of his own fingers to snack on.
Spirit - Has a 5% chance of getting "the laws of physics" status effect and tumbles into a pile of body parts on the floor.
Hillbilly - Has an increased percentage as the trial goes on of getting into a rage over now having cooldown on his chainsaw and leaving the trial to give feedback to the forum.
Legion - hex: adulthood. Suddenly hits the realisation he/she isn't actually cool. Starts think about mortgages and life insurance for his/her children.
Ghost Face - If he teabags too much, he'll pull a muscle and get a 60% drop in speed.
Demogorgon/Nurse/Pyramid Head/Doctor - No longer kill in trials, and instead have gone on to form an Akira Yamaoka tribute band in honour of both the brilliant Silent Hill franchise. They certainly have the look. Perhaps the next Slipknot/Ghost band in terms of scare factor.
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Wraith needs a cool down bar on the wailing bell. He can bing bong nonstop.
Everytime hag teleports to a trap, she should be stunned for 5 secs.
Trappers trap should have a 50% chance to break. Once broken, the trap can no longer be used.
Clown should have intoxicated vision the whole match and impaired movement. We all know he likes to hit the bottle.