Predictions: Which Killer is next for a Nerf? Why?

I believe the devs aren’t done with Pyramid Head. He would get a nerf to his zoning potential. I predict there will be a longer cool down on his power, when he cancels Rites of Judgement. Because right now, he is a GAWD in chases. WHO’S NEXT!
Freddy I would guess.
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Good, his base kit has way to much stuff for him to work with.
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Why, and in what area?
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He seems to get a lot of comments about how strong he is whilst also how easy he is to play.
He still takes 2 hits to knock a survivor down, and the teleport has a lengthy cooldown already so he's not OP in that regard. I think maybe they would adjust his portal spam a bit, and maybe the lullaby. He doesn't need the non-directional lullaby. Huntress is slow and has a 45m warning on it, fredy is fast and with 32m lullaby it allows him to get a lot of cheap unnecessary hits in.
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I'd guess Huntress since she's also due for an add-on pass soon. At the very least they'll nerf iri head if not her basekit as well while they're at it.
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Freddy blood pools
Spirit phasing
Huntress and Clown oneshot add-ons
Oni hitboxes and dash
Pyramid Head animation recovery from canceling his ranged
Ghostface reveal timespan and hitbox
Myers phase 3 duration and tombstone
Piggy traps rng
deathslinger recharge time
and obviously something about nurse
let’s just change the killer role to another survivor, he would be better at killing people lmao
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My post was a joke
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Hopefully a Iridescent Head nerf. Wouldn't mind a nerf to Freddy to stop him from being able to spam snares as well.
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Huntress because she needs an addon pass and that comes with a basekit tax.
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Oni is annoyingly strong. Its really easy to get his blood fury, and its even more easier to hit survivors with his kanabo.
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I think the devs will wait to see if Pyramid Head needs any other changes whether it be buffs or nerfs. However, I think like ClicklyClickly was saying earlier, Freddy is gonna get hammered. Overall, Freddy has an extremely well-rounded base kit: Snares to help counter loops and ending chases quickly, omnidirectional lullaby to find survivors easier who are asleep, gen teleport which is great for map control, and making some survivors take up time to find the clock to wake themselves up. He has some sort of presence in all 5 categories for what makes a killer powerful: tracking, game slowdown, map control, loop counter, and ending chases quickly. It's pretty rare to have a killer with all of those traits, however, I think the thing that will end up getting nerfed is his teleport. Freddy's teleport allows him to teleport directly to the location of the generator once every 45 seconds. However, this can be reduced. With every survivor that is asleep, this cooldown is reduced by 15%. By doing some math, here is how long it would take to use the teleport again: (1 survivor asleep: 38.25 seconds; 2 survivors asleep: 31.5 seconds; 3 survivors asleep: 24.75; 4 survivors asleep: 18 seconds.) On top of that, survivors passively fall asleep, allowing for Freddy to benefit from this 15% cooldown reduction at a frequent rate. This makes Freddy's map control one of the most consistent in the game. Using a certain set of perks and addons further strengthens Freddy, which could make some players conclude that he's too oppresive (which he could be). Although the addons, Swing Chains and Jump Rope were nerfed, you can still combine it with Thanatophobia, Dying Light, Pop Goes The Weasel, and Corrupt Intervention to have a large amount of game slowdown. To not get too off track, this is what makes me believe his teleport will get nerfed. I believe it will get nerfed to a 60 second base cooldown or something along those lines of changes.
As a side note, I've noticed that the devs have a tendency to look at perks that are being used a lot. There's no denying that Pop Goes The Weasel is being used a lot now that Hex: Ruin is the way it is. As a bonus prediction, I believe Pop Goes The Weasel could get nerfed. This could then result in Corrupt Intervention becoming the best slowdown perk. The best way to avoid this is for whoever is in charge of perk design to create more viable slowdown perks to spice up the variety of matches instead of being limited to 2 slowdown perks (maybe 3 if you count Ruin and Surveillance, but Ruin cannot get destroyed.)
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My guess would be either Trapper or Wraith by adding in a "Completely necessary and skill intensive" 10 second cooldown in their abilities.
10 seconds between each trap set/rearming and for wraith 10 seconds cooldown on the bell whenever you enter or leave stealth.
The Billy nerf was unnecessary and out of no where so would Trapper and Wraith nerfs so ya they'd be next.
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Oni is strong for 45 seconds without add ons. Then he has to recharge his power. Give the poor guy a break
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Hell, why not give Huntress and Deathslinger a 10 second cooldown between shots?
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Probably Freddy or Huntress I'd say.
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I’m not sure if I’m catching sarcasm but I’d like to remind you that there is going to be a universal buff to killers soon. The Devs hinted that they were working on a way to slow down the start of the game for survivors, that’s probably why Billy was nerfed.
Billy was able to travel to the other side of the map in seconds and could easily take down a survivor team in mere minutes. Combining this with the upcoming trial starting slowdown, his, Freddy’s and Spirit’s power would be off the charts.
If I had to predict, Freddy would get considerable nerfs to his slowdown addons to compensate for the imminent slowdown feature, and maybe increasing the cool down on his teleport and snare abilities.
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Probably me, since I’m a nerfed version of Huntress, it only logical to nerf me down a lil more. Hell, I can still shoot my gun right now and that drives survivors crazy~
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I'd like a healthy change for the hag. Remove traps around hook, like trapper, but give her a buff to compensate. I love her strategic playstyle and her uniqueness, but that camping factor is soo strong and unfun for survivors. If hooktraps are removed she needs a considerable buff though, around half her strength is playing around the hook. Maybe a secondary power related to teleporting to far places to increase her limited map pressure. Or she can imbue a few of her traps to make them permanent and recharge after triggering. I dont want hag to be gutted, just more fun to play against and maybe less counterable, like removing the flashlight counter.
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Freddy, seeing as how people always complain. Maybe Clown, since that balance dev said he's underrated. Who knows.
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- Her RBT's ensure that a survivor stops focusing on doing gens and has to run around for up to 2 minutes trying to get it off of their head.
- If they don't get the RBT off of their head before the timer runs out, it kills them.
- Pig can bodyblock the jigsaw boxes to ensure an RBT will kill a survivor.
- Jigsaw boxes skillchecks are affected by Unnerving presence.
- She's stealthy.
- If she has 2 or more survivors with ticking RBT's she can focus on the survivors doing gens instead which stops survivors from doing them efficiently, which really slows the game down, and hands her an easy win.
"PiG OP, pLZ NeRf!"
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Seems to be Freddy, with all the constant whining about him being OP. The devs said they weren't gonna touch him again, but I highly doubt that. Or huntress..
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Just like the nerf to base Nurse, the nerf to base hillbilly is unnecessary but i'm sure they're gonna do something to spirit eventually probably gonna make her visible while phasing while she's still blind, they'll make her deaf or change her completely so she doesn't rely on sounds cause they can never stop sounds from breaking every patch which is pretty embarrasing for a multi million dollar company like Behavior.
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The devs already nerfed her for no reason twice so thrice wouldn't be to far fetched.
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- Spirit passive phasing , I would make it an addon
- Freddie's passive dream state, on hit already puts into dream world.
- Iri hatchets
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I hate how true this is. If they're looking at the add ons, and can't come up with enough ideas to "standardize" them, throw on a red bar around the power button and make some about it! Huntress fatigue bar like Billy's heat bar incoming...
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1) Iri head should stay as a insta-down... why make it Deep-wounds We've seen how good it is (which is not good)
they need to make Iri head unstackable with the other addons (only having 1 hatchet is reasonable cause it allows for "more counterplay", plus more time would be spent reloading that one hatchet)
an introduce a second Iri addon (I have no idea what they could do besides slightly reducing wind up time, cooldown after a throw and/or increasing movement speed while charging a hatchet)
2) Spirit needs something different "the whole survivors can't play the same against every killer... the reason Spirit (and Freddie) is strong is the fact that survivors can't play the same against them
3) that would be the worst thing you can do to Freddie, don't get me wrong having more options for waking up would weaken Freddie but not automatically waking up
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Personally, I think Hag would be next based on the trend I've noticed. Every killer seems to be getting some sort of limit to their power. Think It's only Hag and Freddy that don't have a limit to how much they can use their power.
Expecting Hag to soon have a cooldown period before she can teleport again. Reason being, "To make it require more skill since you have to decide when you should teleport" or something equally stupid.
The cycle will continue for sure though, Nurse got weaker, suddenly Spirit is OP and too easy to use. Spirit got nerfed, then less than a day later I was seeing "Nerf Billy" posts. Whichever Killer actually feels like a killer, is gonna get nerfed.
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Yo, they gonna make her arm have a fatigue bar cause them hatchets be heavy bro. LMAO
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Why on Earth would they ever consider nerfing huntress Peantis plays huntress often so i doubt she'll get nerfed she also takes more skill than nurse to play because no matter how many hours you have on huntress there is still counter play unlike nurse
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I wouldn't be surprised if base huntress got a nerf.