Survivor nerfs.
Yes because survivors never had complete safety at infinites, or the ability to heal before the killer finished wiping their weapon after a hit, or the ability to completely remove killer's hooks from the game. Yeah no nerfs were deserved you biased idiot
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I think you should work on your reading comprehension. Or maybe you are not used to so much text and prefer pictures?
"Dont act like Killers get constant Nerfs, the Survivor Side got way more Nerfs (which were also justified) than Killers."
(which were also justified)
(which were also justified)
Got it?
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you/me and i guess most ppl here are perma red rank (because its easy to be in red rank on both sides) BUT your friends dont play this game without you xd (and maybe 10h per month) so they will be low rank xd i have a lot of friends i played with over 2 years ago, they dont play this game anymore (maybe once per 2 months)
its not demographic issue, its just game to play with friends
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For a year now killer get nerf repeatedly nurse, spirit, freddy, oni, ruin and billy and this is just a few and those nerf start in october i think. And survivor got a toolbox nerf to compensate the ruin nerf because killer were leaving the game and they remove the infinite in 3 map now they are only strong loop. So yeah some killer are pissed just like survivor got pissed when MoM got nerf and after that instant heal got nerf to be more skillfull.
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He is saying that there was A LOT more room to nerf survivors than there was to nerf killers. So yes obviously survivors have received more nerfs because they have been ridiculously strong. From what i remember killer vaulting was 3 SECONDS long, survivor vaults were even faster to the point even normal jungle gyms were near infinites
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Well, I see that he called me a biased idiot despite playing both sides at Rank 1. And I also said from the beginning that the Survivor Nerfs were justified.
But Killers are always so butthurt if a Killer gets a Nerf. Because, lets be real, Killer is the easiest it has ever been. And if a Killer was ok in 2017, this does not mean that he is ok in 2020 as well.
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billy is getting nerfed, bubba is getting buffed, and youre asking about survivors nerf?
ok billy is 1 of 22 killers, and that nerf was small, so lets nerf survivors in small way and make that nerf 1/22 of normal small nerf, and then buff them about 1/22 (because bubba was buffed)
dude 1 of 22 killers was nerfed (imo small nerf, i have to play it to tell more, but i dont need to miss my chainsaw 3 times to down survivor) and you want huge nerf on survivors xd GET A LIFE
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Lol, you sound so desperate buddy.
I see tears in your eyes.
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You're not entitled to "compensation" for any changes made to the game in any way.
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Every killer plays different. That's why you run different loadouts w different killers. W survivor, it's JUST A SKIN! Your load out works the same no matter WHO you pick. It's not like there nerfing a specific perk or something, it's always something with that specific killer, and most the time, it ruins them. How many survs get ruined to where you don't play them any more?? Exactly...
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Understandable. Just means I got over 212 ebony's to burn through for my so called "fun". Guess that'll get nerfed next after all the belly aching, but I bet keys don't get touched... Calling it right now!
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Cry some more
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Nah, survs do it enough over noed and mori's. Rooms already flooded...
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Just like if you don't agree with survivor your a bad, toxic, Tunneling, camping, mori using killer right?
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Dude tru3 4k's w Bubba, legion, and clown before the buff. It means nothing. He's a God player. He also dominates every killer he versus and he ALWAYS plays solo.
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They made the hatch killer sided, nerfed instaheals, nerfed toolboxes into the ground, nerfed the god loops and adjusted most of the maps, making some death zones for survivors, nerfed gen efficiency when multiple survivors are working on them....but hey apparently thatโs not enough.
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No, I have a huge inventory of mori's to burn through before they get rid of them. Time to start using then before there useless
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More killers than survivors? Dude, what the hell are you on? Man, your hysterical!! ๐๐๐
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Man you guys really put the icing on the cake. All people have to do is clearly read this post, and it's clear to see who's biased here... Lmao. I'm done with you try hard wannabes... Deuces. Have fun having no life and being an assclown.
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Really? That also shows me your true colors, because I haven't had to wait more then 3 mins for a match, but niiiice try, once again. Your literally oozing toxicity dude. Just give it up!
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I do, and I didn't just sign up yesterday like you did. Again nice try... Your age is really showing now... ๐
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Pretty sure survivors are dying much more often than they were before and the last known stats showed killers to be above or right at the 50/50 line(and some above the 70% line), with all maps having a kill rate of 53% and over, so you tell me.
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I swear with the way killers talk you'd think they never get any kills at red ranks. You'd also believe that every team is a 4 man swf who are all sweats.
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We should be buffing/reworking instead of nerfing. However, lately, it seems that the devs cant tell between a nerf and a rework.
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My post got messed up, so I'm just going to post the top 5 survivors vs the top 5 killers(including that some of the top 5 are both top 5 survivor and killer), escapes vs kills, and ignore the other stuff(because honestly the stuff you posted is near impossible to actually get to happen unless you had a 5 stack autodidact and got a skillcheck) or had For The People (in which case you still have someone injured).
Escapes: 33,187(Assuming both are combined, hatch + normal escapes, Ignoring top survivor who is also not top killer, to assume this person is fair on both sides, mixed games both survivor and killer won in some of them)
Escapes - Hatch Escapes:29,335(assuming both are top killer and top survivor/fair on both sides, REMOVING HATCH ESCAPES, AKA survivor won)
Sacrifices: 131,682 / 4 = 31,457(assuming both are top killer and top survivor/fair on both sides, Top killers AND survivors, same as Escapes, sacrifices - moris, REMOVING MORIS, not sure why removing moris but meh)
Sacrifices + Moris:131,682 / 4 = 32,920 (assuming both are top killer and top survivor/fair on both sides, Top killers AND survivors, sacrifices + moris, AKA killer won)
So in GENERAL the same person is doing just as well at killer as survivor(survivor escapes as much as killer kills, though actually if you look at the numbers, survivor is actually worse off). Still wanna say survivors are OP? In case you want to know how I got these numbers, I averaged the top 5 players who were rank 1 on both sides.
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Killers are not getting nerfed, survivors have gotten nerfed nearly every update for about a year and a half now. git gud.
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However, no-one is ever going to run it over better perks, unless there are 3-4 flashlights.
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But the one factor your missing in your so called stats is suicides on hook, which contributes a hell of a lot.