All rank 1-4 survivors are the same

Every single game I've played recently was All rank 1-4 SWF teams and it's not annoying, it's just boring at this point.
"Every match could be different" Nah. Every survivor now has borrowed time, decisive strike and die-hard like it's not cute at all nor original. They're all the same people, it's all the same matches.
I would never stop playing a game completely just because of boring people because eventually the ranking system will be fixed and I won't have so many boring matches. I'm just saying that people who use these perks and SWF aren't good at the game and HAVE to rely on them to win. Like their only talent is being able to 360. Looping, using your flashlight only while I'm breaking pallets, using defensive strike and tea bagging are all not talents and are at the point basic.
I would never tell anyone to stop playing like this and I don't care if you do, I'm not making rules. I'm just saying is boring and basic and you only make a few people angry.
(Had to edit this because people thought I meant something else)
Bruh who tf be combing dead hard and sprint burst at rank 1?
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Literally everyone mate
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Sprint Burst and Dead Hard can't be combined.
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I wouldn't be saying all of this if I didn't do that. Plus I never said that I wasn't catching them and killing them. This isn't a complaint post, it's just me saying that they're all the same and no one is different. I still always get at least two of them and yes I do change my perks and killer a lot.
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It was an example of what they usually had, I know very well that they can't be combined.
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Thanks for the advice, it's just a don't have three of those perks and I can't get them unless I buy the character who has them.
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What's defensive strike, and die-hard? I didn't know Bruce Willis was a survivor
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If EVERY survivor ranked 1-4 is the same, perhaps there's a reason and it's not just because they're not good. That said, I don't run those perks(except when I'm being tunneled consistently for Decisive Strike or if I want to run Sprint Burst instead of Lithe), but every time I get to rank 4 I depip myself intentionally if I'm having an even slightly annoying game because of all the iridescent add on killers who tunnel the ######### out of you from the get go. I'd rather be in green and purple rank games. Red ranks are for meta slaves, and I'm not about that life.
Also just noticed from scrolling up at what you said. If anyone's using Dead Hard and Sprint Burst together in a red ranked game, AND there's 4 of them, you should 4k every game or at least 3k with the last getting hatch. Sprint Burst can't be used in double exhaustion builds, lol.
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Please give me your survivors.
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I run kindred, spine chill, WGLF (which literally does nothing but points,) and one exhaustion perk...
Also I’m curious what your killer builds are I’m guessing 2-3 meta perks
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I didn't know exactly what they were called mate
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Please take them
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Preach it! You speak the truth.
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And every killer uses BBQ, NOED, Pop, Discordance. Boring and basic.
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Bruh who complaining that survivors can effectively use basic game mechanics such as run in a circle and how they move.
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I use none of those💕 Good try though, don't be a angry survivor main.
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Thank you brother/sister 😎
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Did this build on Spirit and boi was it fun af and made a few survivor's DC
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Honestly, I’m at the point where I can’t tell SWFs apart from normal solo players anymore.
I run extreme slowdown builds that prey on altruism. Please heal against my sloppy butcher, please farm with BT for trades, please go for failed flashlights and sabos.
The only thing that really scares me are gen rushers that don’t heal and leave people for long amounts of time on the hook. And thats not usually SWFs