Which killer do you like to play against as survivor?

Personally my favorites are Doctor and Freddy... Now hold on before you say I'm a masochist (though it might be true). There are very specific reasons why I love playing against them. Besides those 2 killers, every killer feels the same to me, do gens, run away, escape. With Freddy and Doctor I have to play very differently to win, and that excites me.
With Freddy, I need to manage being in the dream state, I need to watch for snares or even pallets I didn't see before. And that makes it fun for me.
With Doctor, I need to manage madness, be more attentive to skillchecks that show up anywhere on the screen, can move backwards, and know when I'll be blocked from using a window or pallet. I need to hide in a locker when I think Doc will use static blast so I don't get hit as well.
I find killers who force survivors to play differently make the game more fun. Instead of these cookie cutter killers that play the same way every game.
Ghostface 😍 he’s fun
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demogorgon all the way, as soon as I hear the imponent screech I get excited
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billy because hes fun to loop
would definitely be huntress if she didn’t get a lot of BS hits, though
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Definitely Michael Myers. Hands down the creepiest killer in the game. Always a fun match with him.
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Least: Spirit and plague
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Any but Doctor or Freddy. Ghostface and Billy are fun. I like disarming trappers traps too.
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I like playing against Bubba, end of an era if facecamping chainsaw revving Leatherface is no more. A sad day for me.
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I find Nurse fun to play against.
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Hilly, huntress, nurse and oni too
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And as a Nurse main I find it extra fun knowing exactly what makes me struggle as the killer and trying to outplay them.
Although seeing her lunge from a survivors POV sometimes it does feel crazy long lol. Yet as killer we know it to be false.
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I like to play against Pyramid Head the most, I love the chase music and the sounds he makes! I'm also having fun learning how to play against him better.
I don't mind playing against Wraith and Demogorgon either!
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Wraith, Nurse, Billy, and Huntress sometimes. Everyone else is either annoying or just there.
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The answer should be obvious...
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The Deathslinger.
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Spirit? Or is that nurse?
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Unpopular opinion, but I love going against pyramid head.
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Awesome! I find him completely weak but that's what this topic is for! I want people to share what they like with no backlash for it :D
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That's Legion friend. Neither Nurse nor Spirit have skins that look like that, nor is their bodies ever in that position.
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I just love that you have to loop him differently than other killers. You cant just loop untill the last second and drop a pallet on him or he'll hit you with his ranged. You have to play it just a bit differently which is a nice change of pace.
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Yeah, I still suck at that, so I'm getting used to it :D
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Leatherface(as long as he's not the face camping LF trope), or Myers(always an interesting match whether I win or lose vs a Myers and if you don't have Spine Chill he can be staring at you without you even knowing and then you look up and you're like "Holy ######### how long was he looking at me?!" even if you have your camera on a swivel not knowing who the killer is and guessing it could be a Myers). I've only faced one GOD Nurse on console so that's another thing, as there's usually some back and forth as long as it's not a super bad Nurse who I just feel super sorry for.