ozanokudan Member Posts: 15

I think Billy needs a nerf rework. I feel like its ability is way too op when compared with the others, for example Shape needs to charge his ability to one-hit someone , oni needs to collect bloodorbs , Leatherface can one-hit everyone at anytime but still he doesn't have a speed burst as Billy has. I think billy could have a cooldown like Spirit's. What are your thoughts please share !


  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910
    edited June 2020

    I think it's not necessarily OP, but it is certainly unbalanced. It's either all or nothing with his chainsaw hits, literally.

    Only 2 main outcomes:

    1) Hit the survivor and get an instant down

    2) Miss and suffer a cooldown

    That said, he should be adjusted/balanced further. Also I feel like he could have a much better ambiance to him with a new theme and new chainsaw sounds.

  • ozanokudan
    ozanokudan Member Posts: 15

    Edit : It has become a reality !!! :3 i was right thank you devs!