lets vote with our wallets guys

Seriously, the new Nea skin doesnt need to be legendary! If you dont want this behavior to continue you have to treat them like children and smack their hand reaching for our wallets. Dont buy these skins to show them that we're serious
I thought Legendary Skins was just gonna be for like, licensed characters? So that they didn't have to add new perks every time.
I don't see the point of making a regular old cosmetic a legendary / unmixable...? I don't wanna pay for that, hell nah.
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Agreed. We care more about mix and matching then we do about these sets.
7 -
I’m sorry 😐 I was to weak I couldn’t help it... especially when the head glitch was found and I can mix and match the gas mask with other outfits
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It doesn't need to be Legendary... because it isn't a Legendary set, it's a "Very Rare" linked set. Legendary sets are 15 dollars while this set is 10 dollars... which is the same price as every other Very Rare set that isn't linked. At least get your facts straight before you stage a protest.
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I already bought it and love it.
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Don't worry, i always do.
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thats fine. Not sure why you took the time out of your life to comment but if youre okay with spending your money on something like that, i cant argue it. I personally am not fine with doing it however and encourage the community that shares the same idea to not fall for it
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Well I had no intention of buying that skin to begin with so count me in.
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Fall for what?
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paying for a new trend that will become the new norm if we let it. Theyre spending time and resources with this nonsense when they should be putting those resources into fixing their game.
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So you're against all cosmetics, not just Nea's?
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But it is not legendary, its very rare
Again, for the last ######### time, the art and game design teams are completely separate.
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Theyre focusing too much into the art team then. I see more cosmetic pushes than actual balance fixes for crying out loud. I get it, theyre a business but im against the set cosmetics entirely
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i never said that. Im against the set cosmetics that cant be mixed and matched.
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Uh, what are they supposed to do? tell half of their staff with no coding experience to start coding instead of modelling?
6 -
You have ONE bank right?
One business pays these employees.
That's still using resources to support this one side.
Let's say you have 20 people on the dev team.
20 people on the cosmetic team.
Just giving you an example because people Love shutting down arguments with "they're not the same" but the funding is.
You're paying the dev team let's say $150k to develop the new DLC. (projected sales are about 200-250k)
You're paying the Cosmetic team $80-120k to make cosmetics for 3 to 6 months. (projected sales are about 150k-250k)
You're using a ton of resources on the cosmetic team alone instead of funding the balance team, or the coding team.
This is just an example on how it all comes from the same bank, the same source. You're still funding the teams even though they are separate, you're spending resources.
11 -
Monetary resources?
What I am trying to say is that it does not matter how many "monetary resources" you have, it does not matter if there is no qualified manpower available for your company. You need a secondary source of income.
Post edited by Todgeweiht on0 -
Clown is next with legendary skins according to leaksbydaylight
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This!! I always keep saying the same and those people trying to shut down others with "not the same team" are so naive
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Yeah, it irks me every time I read it.
Each team doesn't have their own little bank, it goes to the same source. And that source takes the sales made and distributes it throughout the team through projected sales and annual budgets.
They can cut the cosmetic funding by 40% and still be perfectly fine.
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Yes I ain't buying anything like that. I like buying outfits to mashup and create my own style, it's my style not BHVR's.
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I'm not gonna buy it either... I like mixing things up and creating my own style.
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BHVR is sitting on over 113 million dollar. They could EASILY recruit more coders to fix the game. But they won't. Cuz greed.
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If greed was the reason they wouldn't link outfits. Do you think there are more people that feel 'forced' to buy a whole enable than people who buy whole unlinked or just individual pieces of an outfit? I'm pretty sure the forced people are in the minority. They are losing money making linked sets. Greed isn't the reason to link them.
I bought it cause it's the most kick pass costume they have come up with. I don't care about mix and match. I'm also not in the forced category. I'm satisfied with what they created. I don't believe what they are doing is greedy at all. I'm not sure what stand is trying to go on here??
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Wait a dirty lil min... can this also be done with Cheryl's head on her green rarity set? Are there steps on YT or reddit... o_O
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Unfortunately no. It's just bugged at the moment with Neas head.
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i just dont like the frank default skin for leegun. I need mah susie. I bought her again on pc.
I used to drop $400 plus on smoking per month without blinking an eye. If you have an issue with how I choose to spend the money I earn, focus more on you instead.
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Agreed. I bought bunny legion because those made sense to be sets but I’m not going to buy arbitrarily made set cosmetics that could easily be 3 separate pieces. It’s just so greedy.
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######### does this have to do with anything, no one cares about your smoking problem, we're talking about how forcing cosmetics that can be easily split into three pieces is a terrible anti-consumer move. On top of that, Susie's cosmetic CAN be split into 3 separate pieces unlike all this new set bullshit.
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Damn that's one of my favorite hairstyles right now. Really channels the Buffy vibe. ;(
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I have no problems dropping dolla billZ on cosmetics.
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And this is relevant, how?
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Because dbd ppl want other dbd ppl to do as they are told 😐
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And he missed the point completely, not surprising.
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Your name, your post. LEGENDARY
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You want everyone else to think and do as you feel? No.
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nobodys forcing you to do anything lol. Like i said to the last guy, do what you want, i for one choose not to fall for their scams. They want us to shell out money for their cosmetics when the sound bug still exists. No thank you
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I am not getting those sounds bugs. I tried to make a post asking for differing sound setups and systems but it was a big fail. I'm not getting sounds bugs, why are others?
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I’ll 1 up you. I’ve one hooked Mori’d EVERY legendary skin I’ve seen so far. No one escapes my Nurse 😌
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I have an entire compilation of sound bugs saved on my hard drive. I'm ready to make a video on this entire week alone.
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Love Nea's new gas mask. Can not describe my disdain for the rest of the outfit. I'm that way with most of the cosmetics. There are parts of outfits I like, and parts I don't. If they are going to force me to not only buy whole outfits, but also not give me the option to only use the parts I want they have seen the last of my spending on cosmetics.
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Just gonna leave this here. Looks like we'll have 4 set outfits next patch. If you ask me that's 4 too many.
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Its not a legendary tho. Its a set piece. Legendaries have a different background color to differentiate them. You can also read that only Lisa Garland is a legendary so far. The official reason they are doing set pieces more than customizable ones are that they are easier to make sure dont clip into each other. Again thats the official reason. I dont really have any reason to doubt it, but thats my oppinion.
But I agree with the sentement. Vote with your wallet. I have, by buying the skins. I like them so I will insentivise them to make more cool looking skins. Whether they are a set-piece or not is not a big deal for me.
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the way i see it thx to these people buying these type of cosmetics are the ones encouraging them to make more of em, luckily i have a beutiful green mori with their names on it
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So you'd rather have players running around with massively clipping monstrosities? I have no problem with it. If Jane gets one I like I'll probably buy it. I doubt this will become the new norm. it'll only be for out there designs.
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I've been looking at buying it since I found out about it (several weeks ago!), and I bought it as soon as it came out (after looking at it in-game, of course--made sure I liked it!). This isn't even the new "norm", it's just a way for them to make great-looking, congruous skins that are in no danger of clipping. The only thing I would like is being able to take off the gas mask, but other than that I love it and am glad to have a nice Nea skin. The jacket/poncho has awesome physics, too!
And honestly, the Gamer Entitlement in this forum is insane. League of Legends has been putting out skins that are $10, $15 and even $25 for ages now, and you don't see such hissy fits about that. Be glad that every skin in DbD except for ONE is only $10 or less, and there are many that are cheaper than that and still look great. Not to mention that (like I said) this isn't the "norm" and they're going to be releasing normal, mixable skins like usual.
So sad to see game devs try and do something new and see all of the Gaming Justice Warriors flock to the forum to ree and wave their mom's credit cards in the air. Thankfully, however, this forum is only a tiny percentage of the people who actually play the game, so I doubt that even 100 people having a fit will change their direction... glad for that!