What would make you leave Dead by Daylight?

It is a most honest and sincere question I feel should be asked to you, the community.

What would it take for YOU to leave Dead by Daylight? For YOU to play something else, what would your breaking point be?

This is not to promote leaving the game, it really is just the simplicity in asking this question out of curiosity for the response. I will not argue with your replies, and I would politely ask if others were to not argue or insult any answers in this post as well. Be genuine, be sincere, and be honest.

And please, be civil and nice.


  • ItzNobody
    ItzNobody Member Posts: 185

    That's something I didn't think of, good answer! 👍️

  • Goth_Furry
    Goth_Furry Member Posts: 12

    I would probably quit if they made it so the hatch spawns instantly so they can use a key to escape right away without having to do any gens!

  • efwfwfewfew
    efwfwfewfew Member Posts: 10

    If they nerf nurse more.

  • R52G
    R52G Member Posts: 257

    If they keep refusing to add Sally Hardesty and Sidney Prescott.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Pretty much the same except I don't care about licenses.

    The only reason I'm not playing deathgarden as we speak is because BHVR stopped supporting it

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304
  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Nerfing moris and not keys would be up there, so would nerfing keys but not moris.

    Other than that, I dunno. I don't really get a choice for when I quit or not.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,623

    I didn't get to play too much but Deathgarden was the game, the idea was great (well, pretty much the same idea as DBD if we are exigents) , yes there were problems like scavengers jumping higher than the killer so they could reach a spot where the killer would never be able to catch them but overall was a good design.

  • IamDwight
    IamDwight Member Posts: 236

    I'm pretty much already there. The literal #1 thing that cut my playtime in 3/4 was: Dedicated servers.

    Get 0 - 15 ping on EVERY GAME, except DBD.

    DBD lobby says I get 25 - 30, but when I'm in-game it FEELS LIKE I'm averaging 300.

    To this day, I'll still take P2P lobbies over dedicated, because to me, hits felt more real.

  • Babyyy_Boyy
    Babyyy_Boyy Member Posts: 444

    Honestly, if the devs don’t consider looking into Moris by the end of the year I might just stop playing or take a huge break because as a person who enjoys playing survivor more than Killer. I’m tired of having to go against ebony Moris consistently regardless if I play solo or SWF. Everytime I see a Mori I immediately dashboard. I get them on PC a lot as well but Idk how to dashboard or dodge on there. And if for some reason I do end up playing the Mori game, the killers always first hook Mori which to me, just shows how insecure they are as a killer trying to play a normal match. I really hope they change Moris and I’ve always said this but they should make it to where Moris make survivors have 4 hook stages instead of 3 and make it so that Moris don’t work after first hook.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    Cross-progression never coming. I'm on console rn and don't plan to buy next gen since I got a pc, I'm not going to pay hundreds for 1 game.

  • CaiRuoyan
    CaiRuoyan Member Posts: 10

    If bugs keep coming out and never get fixed. I'm experiencing an issue where I always de-pip when there're supposed to be de-pip protections (in ranks below 16) and if it doesn't get fixed I will fall back to rank 20 in a few games. I've reported this bug to the dev and got an answer, but not get this bug fixed or pips returned. It's such a frustrating experience to stay in low ranks when it's the game's problem.

    Or if the servers get even worse. I always go into the lobby with a yellow ping, then in the game I suffer from a red latency (shown on the upper left corner), which makes it impossible to do a GOOD skill check so I keep failing them and regressing the gens. Also, when the killer comes, I can't even move or control my character, just watching Meg stood there in an awkward position, and 10 seconds later I find myself on the hook. Usually the game only lasts for 1 or 2 minutes before I get killed on death hook because my teammates keeps rescuing me right in front of the killer. That's one of the main reasons why I often get de-piped even in low ranks.

    And if the Plague shows up in more than 10% of the games, or another disgusting killer like her comes out, I will quit survivors. I don't mean her power or perks are too OP to play against, just thinking that the appearance of the sickness her brings makes me feel sick and disgusted. It reminds me of the serious illnesses in real life. It's a shame to admit that I DC once I find that I'm going to play against her, usually at the start of the game. Luckily I've only meet her 3 times in my 30 hours' time of playing as a survivor, but if she get a buff or something that makes her more appealing to play as, leading to the result that I'm going to face her once in every 10 games or even less, I'll choose to play as killers even if I have to wait about 20 minutes before a game in low ranks.

  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333

    If they buff gens any further by continuing to nerf slow down mechanics. The games are far too fast in red ranks and doesn't leave any gap for error against good survivors. Miss 1 hit and extend a loop for a little longer than it could've been and you'll lose over half the gens instantly. You also don't have room to play anything weak if you want to have fun with weird builds.

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649
    edited July 2020

    If they don’t do something about this matchmaking before the year ends I’ll stop playing and only come back when it’s fixed and is actually working correctly.

  • SketchyPenguin
    SketchyPenguin Member Posts: 141

    For me it would be either:

    • They become so greedy that they find even more ways to get money from people or when they make DLC's more expensive.
    • There is a competitor that has the same licenses (like the first comment said)
    • They come up with some nonsense like: "We can't do console optimization/The huge graphics update on current consoles and you will have to play on new gen consoles to be able to feel the experience"
    • If they introduce Cross-Progression and we have to buy every single DLC again for the original price. (I might stay where I am right now and won't do the transition)
  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    That's quite tough actually. I think if MMR came in and every single game as killer and survivor was extremely, extremely sweaty I'd get bored. I wouldn't want to try and get the adept when I'm facing really good players every single game.

    Maybe if Black Ops 1 gets remastered then I'd definitely take a break from the game.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,262
    edited July 2020

    Further imbalance. Anything that increases gen speed or promotes SWF play without a buff to killers over all.

    Hackers increasing and nothing being done about it.

    Voice chat. I know it's a popular demand, but if implemented it will become the meta to communicate so you can be most effective with your team. There's a few reasons why I'm highly against this:

    • 1.) End game chat alone (and on rare occasion even pre-game chat) shows how toxic a lot of the community can be. Voice chat is near impossible to moderate. BHVR can't even take care of hackers atm without third party video evidence -- and that's something many games actually refuse as evidence. Editing and all.
    • 2.) I'm an older southern woman. You can use your imagination between those three nouns.
    • 3.) Back seat gamers.
    • 4.) It's going to ruin any horror vibe left to DBD once you're use to the game.
    • 5.) I like to sing Enrique Iglesias to my husband during matches. Now, imagine how much more annoying it would be to have randoms singing, screaming, spouting bigotry, and so on.
  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,348

    If I stopped having fun and not even a break from the game changed that. Can't really think of anything else or anything specific.