New franklins can remove keys - what’s with moris?

I think every killer is happy that he can use franklins and camp the key until it is gone...

So the devs decide to do something against keys. But now is the question:


For example

  • killer can start mori only, if all four survivors were hooked?
  • if a killer couldn’t hook a survivor during the first 2 min of the match, mori will be removed for the match
  • mori can only be used on deadhooks

We will see...


  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    Once again, it's another rework plaster fix while the devs can come up with a healthy change for the overall issue. We saw it with Repressed Alliance in Silent Hill chapter as the plaster fix for everyones annoyance with PGTW. We see it every chapter release: a plaster fix followed by an actual issue addressing change many months later.

    This new Franklin's is definitely a nod from the devs saying "yeah we hear you moaning about keys"...even though the majority of people get the issue all wrong. It isn't Keys that are the issue, it's the Hatch. If the Hatch only spawned when all 5 gens are done or when 1 survivor is left alive, then keys wouldn't be an issue to anyone. Mori's will be shadow nerfed most likely, can you imagine how even more common a mori would be if the devs announced a nerf to them? Pretty much every ahole would put one on just because "no point having them in my inventory post change."

  • Scourge
    Scourge Member Posts: 145

    Moris are as healty for the game as keys are.

    (but both are not healty for the game XD)

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Franklin's is just an ######### perk to begin with. Now it's going to be even more of one. Makes me glad I never bring items. Other than maybe a cheap medkit.

  • CrusaderNella
    CrusaderNella Member Posts: 331
    edited July 2020

    Personally, I feel the Yellow Mori is fair.

    As the entity said. "You did good. The last one is yours."

    If you killed all 3 of the others on the hook, then you can take the final survivor for yourself.

    But the Ebony Mori is busted, i agree to that. I even say to have it removed cause i feel it's super unfun to play against and it feels super cheesy to use.

    I used it once and never again.

    But i feel the Yellow Mori is fair. Cause you get to earn that final kill.

    But i can not say the same for keys. If the Killer finds the hatch before you, then that should be over.

    I don't know how to fix keys, I would rather have the key open Exit gates faster or something but even then, i'm not sure.

    And yeah, don't get me started on the skeleton key.

  • Tefatika
    Tefatika Member Posts: 30

    I still think all moris should just allow you to kill a survivor at their equivalent third hook for bonus bloodpoints (and quicker kill compared to hooking), kinda like Pyramid Head.

  • CrusaderNella
    CrusaderNella Member Posts: 331

    Well as i explained, I feel the Yellow one is justified. If all 3 other Survivors were properly hooked and killed. You can kill the last one as is.

    Tbh i think the Yellow Mori should be the Ebony Mori

  • Teethgrinder83
    Teethgrinder83 Member Posts: 99

    I wish someone would explain to me, I have LOADS of moris that I've not used because on the rare occasions I have used them all I get is abuse for having used it. I don't want to rely on them because I want to get better at the game but gawd, I'd like to sometimes use them without getting abuse

  • Tefatika
    Tefatika Member Posts: 30

    Nah Yellow Mori sucks functionally, most of the times you don't get to use it even if you win cause hatch. The only reason it's ok it's because it's yellow and therefore fairly inexpensive.

    Making that trash cost 7000 BP? No please 😂

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Finally, now anyone complaining about Keys can be instantly turned down with "USE FRANKIN'S!"

    I gotta give it to the devs, they're not nerfing DS(so far) because of Pyramid Head and they're not nerfing keys because of Franklin's.


  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    FD got buffed, that doesn't suddently make keys any weaker for overall gameplay. If mories get any changes keys still need changes done to them as well. You can't expect passive changes to moris while killers have to sacrafice a perk to make keys somewhat more unlikely to get used.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Easy counter to franklins: Killer camps item? Do gens, you got 90 seconds. Killer doesn't camp item? Pick it up and drop it again, memorize the location.

    It's really not looking that good at the moment. With 30 or 40 seconds it would be worth running.

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435

    Franklin‘s was still a good perk, you saw it often when more than one survivor use a item... why it should now remove items completely?

    Killer complain they have to use a perk-place to run franklins or any other counterperk (pop, noed, sloppy...) but every killer has his addons to and btw a mori is just a offering... survivors haven’t such strong items/addons/offerings...

    I think if the devs make changes, they should do them on both sides.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I have two big questions I need to ask. Does dropping an item and leaving it for 90 seconds make it disappear. Just want to know is it counter able by doing this, rather than getting hit and potentially losing it. Also if I leave an item in a chest does that mean I could lose it?

  • Tefatika
    Tefatika Member Posts: 30

    Mostly because there is one killer, but four survivors. Killers have add-ons, but survivors have items. Saying that four items combined are weaker than one killer add-on is very arguable...

    Moris are stupid and we all agree to that, just as keys are. But they're here to stay apparently, so.

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    Without evoking bloodpoint economy, Moris simply ups the trial's ante. It becomes a truly high risk high reward state of a game for both sides.

    The game changes both sides' focuses. The ideal survivors are no longer gen rushing blatantly and blindly. They are tapping gens and throwing pebbles and vaults around critical locations and avoiding the hook, at all costs. Your ideal survivor teammate will stop working on gens to run behind your injured backside and stop the down, at all costs. Pallets are dropped, hooks are blocked, and you refuse to allow the killer to so much as detect you.

    The ideal killer is committed to the Mori. The green and red Mori is most effective as soon as possible, as it has lasting and demoralizing impact on the survivors progress. The yellow Mori is a nasty end game secret that doesn't relate well here, but the other Moris are going utilize proxy camping at the very least, to rush out a dead survivor asap

    Whereas without a Mori, the game has it's dynamic state of chronological attrition between the hooks and generators, business as usual.

    It's almost its own game mode.

  • will_i_am_14_85
    will_i_am_14_85 Member Posts: 489

    Just equip a key at the last second, chances are the killer will only put on Franklins if he sees a key in a lobby, can't do anything about it if you stick one on with 6 seconds left.

  • Koukdw
    Koukdw Member Posts: 279

    If i see a mori i'll gen rush. The faster you do the gen the faster you get out without getting morried. You cant wait 15 mn in this game anymore with the rework of the map.

  • FogLurker
    FogLurker Member Posts: 337

    In response to the title, mori's can be removed from the match by dc'ing during the loading screen thus preventing them from ever being used. Next obstacle, remove keys from being able to be found in chests during matches.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    The problem with nerfing Moris is if you try to make them weaker it often ends up making them worthless.

    Why would you bring in a mori just to kill people on deathhooks? Play PH and save yourself the offering.

    The closest suggestion I've seen that still keeps the power intact is requiring you to hook someone else before you can Mori the previous hooked person.

  • FabsRinas
    FabsRinas Member Posts: 169
    edited July 2020

    Just some clarification please.

    Does the item disappear after A TOTAL of 90 seconds on the ground (after picking it up, it doesn't reset the counter) or does it disappear after 90 straight on the ground?

    Edit: didn't see someone already asked this but were ignored, my bad.

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435


    In my opinion good killer addons are much stronger and has a bigger impact to the match than four survivor addons, yes.

    Most killers are well designed in a balanced way and playable without addons. But there are a lot of „gamebreakers“ when they are good combined (killerpower + addons + perks + offering).

    for example:

    HUNTRESS: iris + belt, + auraperks

    HAG: mint rag + shackles, + make your choice

    SPIRIT: ... just stridor

    For killers like this survivor have no real counter and you can’t compare those addons with a brand new part or a instaheal. Killer often complain about ds, dh, bt... but there are some killer in the game, which are still op if they use special addons with a great perksetting. And on top they use noed and moris and mori after first hook...

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435


    My favorite were killer can start mori when all four survivors were hooked.

    The big problem with moris is that the game is balanced 4 vs 1, but a lot of killer like to tunnel and insta mori after first hook so you have a match 3 vs 1 after 2 minutes.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Well here is the problem with that franklins is hidden behind a paywall and an unreliable shrine of secrets (while yes it’s there I think right now or was the last time it’s unpredictable) while keys are just there and free and even spawn in the game no bp required while also a Mori and franklins both would require bp to obtain

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Yes that is the one thing I dislike about Moris. Tunneling a fresh off the hook for an easy 3v1 isn't exactly what I have in mind when I think of healthy gameplay behavior.

    But if all 4 had to be hooked first the last person in a SWF group would just run and hide the whole game.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Camp a key for 90 seconds? That's suicide! You're throwing the game to destroy a single item.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Killer addon's were always better. Survivors have terrible addons.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    That is 90 seconds a killer has to wait by the key you do know that is a complete gen.

    Depending on when you find the person who brings the key you could essentially be throwing the entire game just to deny one key usage.

    Oh no my keys been eaten by The Entity but don't worry we've already completed all the generators and open the exit gate and now we're butt dancing at the stupid killer

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    Literally noone ever will waste a perk slot on franklins to then waste 90 seconds camping an item and losing 3-4 gens.

    Both keys and moris need adjustments, but this did literally nothing

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435
    edited July 2020

    Sure, it’s stupid to camp the key, but just catch this survivor quick, hook him near the key and camp both ;)

    But the real point is, with the new franklins the devs give the killer a way against items and still don’t touch moris!

    To be fair, I like some ideas to nerf keys too, for example only the survivor with a key can escape through the hatch...

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435


    A lot of survivor play more stealthy if the killer offer a mori, but if he need to hook first all survivor before he can mori is not a free win like now, just by tunnel and insta mori survivor after survivor...

    Every player with more than a few hour has so many moris. I‘m a survivor main with 2,5k hours and I level and play killer only time to time and I have in total more than 100 moris, cause it’s so easy to get them in the bloodwebs.

    I really don’t like the mechanic of quick tunnel moris, it’s just unbalanced, unhealthy for the game, unfun, op...

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I agree, tunneling off of Moris isn't healthy for the game. It's a degenerate strategy which we should try to make not-viable. But the same goes for survivors, hiding to prevent anyone from getting Mori'd is as much a degenerate strategy as tunneling off of the Mori.

  • Tefatika
    Tefatika Member Posts: 30

    Iri heads are an exception and most people will agree that they are unfair and unfun to play against. STILL, you can genrush her...

    All the others hardly are game breakers or anything. You're cherry picking to validate your claim, but except for iri head, all other add-ons certainly make the killer more powerful, but not so much that they should have a nerf or a survivor buff to items, expecially since survivors can find items in game, killers can't...

    ... and don't get me started with perks, 99% of killer perks either have counterplay or they outright suck. DS is a very stupid perk that will never get changed, DH sometimes is a little unfair but I'm generally ok with it, then you have your SWF with Adrenawin of course. All of these are game changers, not Stridor on Spirit...

    ... oh, btw, since you're bringing Stridor in, what about Iron Will that completely negates one survivor mechanic?

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435
    edited July 2020


    I‘m not cherry-picking, I‘m totally fine with the most addons, I just told you the hardest ones. I don’t start with a perma t3 Myers, mirror-Myers on lerrys or wallhack-wraith... all of this are very hard to counter if the killer are not a potatoe.

    And you talk about counter of perks, that I like, cause in my opinion every perk/strategy/addon needs a counter for a balanced game!! Exhausting perks a killer can bait out or use addons (huntress, clown), ds you can slug or not tunnel, noed surv have to cleanse totems, bbq hide in locker, injured should heal or use iron will, slugging use unbreakable, renspeed use pop or ruin, camping use bt... The most discussions start if there is no counter for example facecamping bubba, insta hatchets (never get hit is no counter!), spirit with stridor, hardcore tunneling (ds give you just 5 sec, so surv often down 10 sec later)...

    Iron will remove injured sounds, but the survivor leave still blood and scratchmarks in the chase or if he stay injured he is a onehit. Than you have stridor as a counter. I only think that spirit is so strong (so she doesn’t see survivors while she use her power) but with stridor there is no counter against her: see scratchmarks when the survivor runs, if survivor walk or crouch see blood, hear footsteps and injured noises and this survivor can’t make distance...

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435

    And btw if we talk about counter:

    All killer counter survivor perks and mechanics with their power (e.g. plague counter all healing perks and iron will, Myers t3, billy, gf, bubba ignore full healed, stealthkiller have no tr/sound and counter bt, ...)

    And now you see with Pyramidhead and his mechanics which counters so many perks the balancing discussions started again!!!

  • Tefatika
    Tefatika Member Posts: 30
    edited July 2020

    I know that every perk must have counterplay, my argument was "killer perks have counterplay, some survivor perks have not".

    DS is super stupid, you jump into a locker and there you go, the perk becomes impossible to counter. They could remove the ability for the perk to proc on grab, but of course they haven't in months and probably never will.

    You can bait out DH if you're near the survivor (as I've already mentioned, only sometimes it's a little unfair), but when used for distance there's nothing you can do, you're forced to suck it and go for another loop.

    Adrenaline? How do you counter it exactly? Iron Will? Don't tell me "you counter Adrenaline with NOED or Iron Will with Stridor", perks must not be a solution to problems.

    Borrowed Time is actually the only survivor meta perk I really like as a design.

    Just for the sake of argument, the only stupid killer perk that comes to mind is Spirit Fury, literally a perk that punishes good survivor play. That's one killer perk that has no real counterplay and as a survivor the only thing you can do is dropping a pallet early - if you can - but then, it's not like you've wasted any perk charge, next pallet and you'll be forced to early drop again. The only way to remove the perk (temporarily) is by letting the killer use it so that it resets it's charges.

    PS: oh btw I only play survivor since the Ruin nerf and I use all the aforementioned survivor perks except Iron Will.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Ebony Moris are literally the most unfun thing in this game, for both sides.

  • Victor_hensley
    Victor_hensley Member Posts: 800

    don't get hooked 4head.

  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    And keys are just fine for the game too just like moris are.

  • DetectiveBingBong
    DetectiveBingBong Member Posts: 67

    You're in a lot of threads being very toxic. Don't think i've seen a single positive, non killer hating thing from you. In regards to this thread though, keys are annoying to deal with, Ebony Mori's are a bother, but Franklin's is a waste of a perk slot unless it's a meme build.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    That's my idea, it'll just remove the mori-hook cheese and give survivors more breathing room. Moreover, the killer must hook all survivors to get the most from their mori, but can use it early for less value. 😊

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Franklins change doesnt change keys at all. Or at least the biggest problem with keys.

    All they need to do is change chests where skeloton keys dont spawn and purple opens for one person. Keys are now more fair. Less RNG determining the out come of a match. Especially a very close match.

  • DetectiveBingBong
    DetectiveBingBong Member Posts: 67

    You're in a lot of threads being very toxic. Don't think i've seen a single positive, non killer hating thing from you. In regards to this thread though, keys are annoying to deal with, Ebony Mori's are a bother, but Franklin's is a waste of a perk slot unless it's a meme build.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238


    Im not too knowledgeable on the state of the game, but wasnt Franklin's always supposed to delete keys bzw all items?

    The item-overhaul actually made that impossible, and keys are, unlike all other items, useable wthout charges.

    Actually, the perk becomes nicer to survivors, it doesnt damage items anymore and the item can still be picked up to be saved.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    the franklyns change is NOT a fix or nerf for keys.

    keys were literally not changed at all.

    you can expect a mori nerf when keys ACTUALLY got nerfed.