Don't get mad if others don't want to farm with you!

autoc_1 Member Posts: 5
edited July 2020 in General Discussions


Like an hour ago I played a killer match againts a (presumable) 2 people SWF and 2 random guys. One of the guys in the SWF was named something like "I want to farm" and as soon as the match starts and I found him, he tries to start farming with me, teabagging and letting me hit him and this kind of stuff. Even when I was not farming with them they were still trying to do it the entire game. Until now it's like whatever, they threw the game but me and the other two guys still played a relatively normal match. 

I get a 4k, the match ends and one of the guys who was farming flames me and says he is going to report me for not farming ???????????? then comments more bs on my steam profile. 

I don't really care about the dude flaming me for wanting to play the game normally, or players who farms in general but my point is: why do some people get mad when the others want to play the game the way is intended to? Its boring, at least for killer, being in a 15 minutes match with no chases and just hitting dudes and letting them do gens. It is not even difficult at this moment getting +100k blood points in a normal match, usually I get at least 3 anniversary cake offerings. I talk about it from the killer side because I barely play survivor, but today I saw a Ussylis video where he complained about getting so many farming killers as well.

Anyway it is just my opinion, I don't like farming because it's boring and sometimes the killer queue goes +10 minutes, when the match starts I prefer playing the game and having entertaining chases than watching 4 dudes holding M1 and escaping thourgh a door, even if it gets me more blood points. 

tl;dr: its ok you want to farm but dont get mad if the others dont want to, understand it can be boring.


  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    It need not be actual farming. But judging by my last like 10 survivor games (red ranks), ALL killers we had were sweaty try-hards / entitled to their stupid 4k. Even with multiple cakes, from which they benefit as well, there's no f*cking mercy, not the slightest leeway, survs have to be put down under all costs, and fast. Hard Proxy-camping, tunneling, Iri-Heads,every scumy tactic available is used. It's a f*cking event, you known, why can so many killers not be the tiniest of generous?

    Like I said, you don't need to actually farm. Just hunt, down, hook and slug if they are death hook (at least when they are not cocky / toxic). That will give you already a plethora of points, and still gives the survs a chance to get some points as well. Maybe let two out even if you could have gotten all four. It will give them 5k BP times cakes, where you will loose just a few hundred BP. And PLEASE, if you see a surv with the golden glow, and it's non-licensed character, grant them their fkn crown (if they are not toxic, that is)! You get the crown as killer with no effort, but as surv it can be such a hell. Collecting it like 5 times and always being killed mercilessly, despite mutliple chances to just be given the hatch.

    So annoying, so frustrating (esp. in solo queue), the reason I'm switching to killer for the remainder of the event, playing cassually and giving us all the opportunity to get good points. I would really like to have the last crowns for the survs, but the killers I have to face are just to obstinate to show us any mercy if we would need it.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Here we go again telling lies about gen rush and survivors being all bad. Biased to the bone even as reality tells the truth you keep on with your foolishness.

  • HarleyQuinn
    HarleyQuinn Member Posts: 247

    Farming is very boring & long, can’t say I’m a fan. I prefer playing the game normally & I’m way more appreciative of the few killers who will spare the final survivor and give them the hatch. (I never expect it, so it’s nice when it does happen.)

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    Oop, the false generalisations on survivors are really amusing.

    I've died to a lot of killers today when I'm the last survivor and someone Dced. I didn't get pissed when he hooked me instead of giving me the hatch, I simply said 'gg' and moved onto another game. So no not all survivors constantly "want a world of generosity from killers" because that would go against the asymmetrical theme of Dead by daylight now wouldn't it.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Yea, except some people even like to stretch the definition of farming.

    I had a game as killer where I brought BPS, and this first survivor killed themselves on hook, so I felt bad because it was 3v1 and I just brought in BPS and wanted to let everyone make use of it. So this Ace just kinda walks up to me and I feel bad like "bro I don't wanna kill you now." So I hook him once, and I try to get the Bill in the game to unhook him (I went and grabbed Bill off a generator and brought him to the hook Ace was at while he was wiggling and started slashing at it, trying to signal him to save.) Right when he gets off my shoulder he runs the opposite direction, so I down him again, bring him over and do the same thing, and he just runs away again. I try to do the same thing with the 3rd remaining survivor Nea, and she did the same thing Bill did and just run away from the hook Ace was on. They were literally just leaving him to die.

    I told them "dude just save the Ace holy crap" or something, to which they replied "no thanks. ######### your farm." I even added the Ace afterward and apologized that he had to endure that stupid BS, and he was cool about it.

    I've also had a game where I had a Billy daily and went in with the intention of playing the game normally except for death-hooking people. Chased like normal, pressured gens like normal, but didn't go super hard and just slugged people when I would have ended their game. After the game, a Claudette started complaining about "stupid boring farming killers" (me) and the Steve that was remaining was like "dude killers just cannot get a break, they're always the bad guy."

    People seem to call any amount of leniency I give them "farming" and any time I do something geared toward winning, they instead complain about that, like saying that I camp when it's the EGC or something. People will always complain.

    I think a majority of people just want people to not be dicks and mori people off first hook/abuse DS and teabag at pallets while clicking flashlights. I know not everybody wants to farm, but I can also understand people who want their games to last a little longer during this period since everybody is just spamming the heck out of those cakes.

    Anyway, the survivor in the original post is obviously a baby, but some people will seriously cry about the tiniest things and call them farming.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    most survivor who don't want to farm.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    I hate farming aswell. The only exception I make is when there is really stupid and insanely luckbased challenge in the archives. Then I take the oppurtiny and do it.

    But that's very rare. I used to DC out of a match when the killer wanted to farm. Couldn't be arsed with a farm lobby. But since dc penalties I can't even do that so I go afk and watch videos till this bs match ends.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259
    edited July 2020

    Basically. I play both sides, and I'm not giving anyone leeway because I've never gotten it from a survivor, nor gave it as one, or seen any survivor do so. Once in a while I'll give hatch, but that's it.

    Killers are suppose to kill and that's the game folks. Literally every match I've 3 or 4'ked in resulted in people throwing a fit the last two days. And half the matches I lose, they still* want to argue! I've turned off chat for the foreseeable future.

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413

    Do you ever contribute anything constructive to things you post on? I agree the term "genrush" needs to go, but he's not wrong about survivors wanting constant hand holding.

    A lot of survivors ######### and ######### and ######### about slugging, tunneling and camping even after the devs have repeatedly said they're "viable" strategies. They accuse killers of using "scummy" tactics because they work, and most can be countered. @CaulDrohn literally said killers SHOULD GIVE people crowns, so what else should killers "give" survivors?

    He called someone out based on facts - but I'm not saying the wording was good. And you're right, reality does tell the truth; since you're one of the most biased people on the forums at times. The irony is rich with you.

    If that's not the definition of expecting handouts and telling others how to play the game, find me a better example.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    The reason for that is because survivors do the exact same thing. Every single match is red rank survivors, and 60-70% of the time they have multiple BNPs. I have a generator pop in the time it takes me to cross the map literally every game. Therefore, I no longer give a ######### about survivor fun. You want to genrush with 5 cakes? I'll bring a mori and 1-hook kill the whole team with 4 cakes. If I'm not allowed to have fun, I'm going to make damn sure nobody else does.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    For the record, I've always said that "genrush" is actually a silly term since generators are literally the survivors objective.

    I only used it in that post for the sake of hyperbole or something. 😁

  • mydogmax19
    mydogmax19 Member Posts: 266

    Force farming is against the rules so they were in the wrong. I would've just hurried up and sacrificed them because of that.

  • Evelyn208
    Evelyn208 Member Posts: 31

    What on earth is "force" farming?

    If Survivors want to play a regular game they can. Loop, pallet stun, disengage and do gens. Just cause a killer wants you to spam unhook doesn't mean you have to.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    I'm not saying they SHOULD, I'm BEGGING them to be a little more lenient, since we will only have limited time to get the crown. In my current experience, not a single killer showed us any mercy. When it was perfectly clear we were randoms, non-toxic, often struggling heavily early game. So it wouldn't be any issue to play more casually and still 4k. But no, we have got to be destroyed with all might. Even if we obvisouly admit defeat (not running away, not struggling), not the slightest leeway is allowed! That's just cruel. I could shurg it off it wasn't a stupid event, where everyone wants to have some fun and good BP, and not a single killer i face grants us the slightest. Yes I know genrushing 4-man swat-team sucks, but I'm OBVISOULY not part of any. But sure. I've got to be punshed for the sins of the previous group.

    To put my recent gaming experience in some made-up numbers:

    Playing surv -> 10/10 killer seemingly entitled to his 4k, crushing us with all their might, no mercy allowed!

    Playing killer -> 3/10 genrushing swat-teams, 2/10 cocky / toxic teams, 3/10 normal games, 2/10 farming games

    Thats why i said I'll stick to killer for the remainder of the event. It's only like 50% annoying games, where I still we get some good points. The other half is more enjoyable, farming from time to time is not an issue. As survivor, 100% annoying/unenjoyable games currently, feels just like a complete waste of time (and is). I'm NOT demanding that each and every killer should play more enjoyable for me. But I'm really wondering, where are the nice / generous killers that I KNOW exist? Why can't it be like in my killer exp., half of the games s*cking, the other half enjoyable?

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    I was nice for first 2 days. The amount of BS I got for letting people get crowns made go back to normal playstyle. If you can get out with crown, good for you. If you can't, I don't give af. If I can 4k, I will 4k.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Farming is pretty much all on the killer. They not only need to make sure a game goes on long enough, but that all players participate. In short, an average game but stopping short of killing someone.

    That's why I usually go Legion. Smack someone I'm done with to find the next survivor.

    A survivor wanting to farm is putting themselves at the mercy of someone who probably won't honor their end.

    So yeah, always go killer if you're farming. Survivor can't trust anyone.

  • mydogmax19
    mydogmax19 Member Posts: 266

    It's exactly what it's spelled out to mean. Use your intelligence.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Who complained for letting someone out, other survs who you killed, or the ones you let out? I only got silent (no endgame chat) or thankful people so far, no one complaining :-/.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Both. Which is why I don't care about letting anyone escape. I can understand getting pissy when you died on hook and others got out but when I get trashtalked by people who I let escape with crown, that I just don't understand.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    I can't remember any time I was insulted for leeting anyone out. Maybe some thing like "Why him, not me??" or ungrateful ones, but certainly no trash talking. How often did this happen? Maybe it's your playstyle that makes them so salty, idk. Never experienced something like this myself.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    The region I'm playing in is the reason most likely. Doesn't matter what game I play the salty ones are almost always from the same countries.