Any other killer really, really excited about the LIghtborn change?

Like DS, this will change the game even in lobbies where it isn't being run.
Think about what DS does. If you are a killer, and you enter a lobby where there is an obsession, you have to start off assuming all four players have DS. That affects who you chase, who you pick up, etc. It may be that 0 people out of 4 have it, but you still need to play around it.
Lightborn will be the same thing. The survivors will know that the killers know who is bringing a flashlight (unless it is the 6 second equip trick, but a seasoned killer should see that coming anyway and have their finger on lightborn). Therefore, the survivors will assume that the killer will equip lightborn if they see a flashlight. Therefore, the survivor will not equip a flashlight at all. The killer gets the benefit of lightborn without using it!
Not really.
Just stare at a wall if it bothers you.
Most killers that are decently knowledgeable know how to look up.
It's just nothing special. What's the point of seeing their Aura if they'll literally be running in front of you for those seconds.
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Make it ######### work on Wraith
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Flashlights. LOL
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Er, the point was that as a killer you get the benefit of the perk without equipping it. That's a tier occupied by only DS currently.
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Idk, Plague excisting didn't stop people from bringing medkits.
Hell i would probably equip a flashlight just to bait the killer into using a perk that doesn't really do much
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I get you, but what your talking about is only true if killers use lightborn as much as survivors use DS. You don’t see survivors pre drop pallets even though spirit fury exists because it’s not used as often. If many killers used it though they would make that a meta. I don’t see enough killers who will use this to make survivors assume a killer will automatically switch to it if they see a flashlight. Probably default assume you will not have it unless you show in game that your still capable or could not be blinded.
That being said, I’m still heavily interested in lightborne.
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It would be amazing.
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(and NOED)
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I like that we finally got a counter to forced blinds at lockers.
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Does this look excited to you?
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i mean lightborn already makes you impossible to blind at level 3, its honestly a wasted perk slot even with the buff. now if they was to buff surge etc. then id be interested
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I'm really, really....annoyed. Why the **** do they think that's good design for Lightborn. Fix the issues plaguing flashlight use outside of timed pickup and pallet break blinds, and then start touching the perks around that.\
It's the entire philosophy of "updating" things just for the sake of novelty and not serving any purpose for longevity or health.
P.S. as a killer, I hate that the flashlights are based on the survivors' ends of things, and as a survivor, I hate that most killer's can't see the flashlight beam and only see the blind. That's so limiting of what kind of non-meta play survivors can do with Flashlights.
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IDK if I'm "really really" excited but I do think it will be nice. I've been thinking about running the perk myself recently, because IDK what it is but for some reason flashlight blinds seem to be really hard to avoid recently. I'm usually pretty good about it but I feel like there's times where I'll be facing right up against a wall close enough to kiss it, and I'll still have a survivor off to the side of my screen completely out of my sight hit me with a flashlight while I'm picking another one up.
IDK, maybe it was a change that was made a while back. If anybody has an educational video showing the exact angles that are flashlight-stunnable, let me know. I could just be doing it wrong, but these flashlights seem really out of wack recently to me.
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Weren't you already basically immune to flashlights with old Lightborn? People wouldn't be able to pull of blinds at pallets or for saves unless you just stared at it for no reason.
As long as we're doing Killer perks that amount to "Survivors just can't use this item", I'd like to suggest Toolborn, Medborn, and Keyborn to round things out.
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I can only think of 1 semi-decent (but not good) reason to use Lightborn, new or old. And that would be playing The Shape and you want to stalk a survivor while they’re idle. Like I said, not a good reason but it’s all I can think of.
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Lightborn is already really good so no biggy really. Don't expect it to be much of a difference.
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I already run the perk, and it looks like a level 4 version, basically. I'll take it.
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As to the OP. No, because flashlights, at least on console aren't that popular. Even if they were why would I run the perk as a killer? The odds that I'd see any benefit aside from a free hit or two are negligible at best. As a survivor I would run a flashlight if I wanted to. Regardless of the potential of Lightborn.
Personally I'm excited for Tinkerer. That perk might have potential now.
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Level 4 would be just immune to light. This is level 10 of it.
Even for me as Trapper main, combo flanklin & lightborn already over kill 3 flash light build. The buff to these 2 perks are too much. I would replace 10sec seeing aura into another Perks, something like if a survivor stuns u, u see their aura for 10sec.
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To be fair: A lot of survivors ignore the possibility of NOED so while its in the same tier its an extremely distant second.
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Sometimes. I've dealt with that.
I've also intentionally stared at flashlight beams while laughing maniacally. It's fun.
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or act like it works on you for like 4 mins then take advantage as it doesnt really work lol
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Idk if this has been mentioned, but Lightborn really only works one time. Once the Survivor knows you have it, they won't be going for blinds anymore and you have a dead perk slot.
Sure, equip it in a 4 flashlight lobby, but otherwise you're kinda handicapping yourself by running it.
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My only concern is if it would work with Nemesis... because it doesn't seem like it would. : /
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Might actually find a use for it with 2+ flashlights.
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Most killers who are decently knowledgeable know that that's not always the case.
Good survivors will time their flashlights, won't just stand there waiting you have a chance to move your head, and it's no always that you down someone near a wall.
If they keep the 10 sec aura reveal, which I highly doubt it, it's going to be a solid perk.
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Light born change meh but that Tinkerer tho.
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Sort of, but not much really has changed. I kind of liked Old Lightborn because the blind was slower and gave the illusion to the survivor it was working. Now it's going to be a little more obvious when you run it although the aura-reveal is neat.
I just wish it made them the obsession too but then it'd be EXTREMELY similar to Nemesis and while I like perk-sidegrades it'd be a bit too redundant.
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No because it's wasting a perk slot for a very underwhelming ability. It's not common to be in a situation where someone can flashlight save, and if you are then deal with them before you pick them up. And highlighting them for a few seconds when they're literally right in front of you doesn't do much either.
It's a buff, but it's still a very underwhelming perk.
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Really don't understand the buff. Once they figure out you have Lightborne they'll stop trying to blind you. And an aura is incredibly unnecessary because they stand there like an idiot anyways trying to get the blind off.
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Lightborn seems like it'd be that perk that I'd equip against a sweaty SWF group with flashlights, so yes.
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Lightborn was pretty much already immunity to blinds. The aura reading is nice though because I can know where the clicky clicky went and chase them after I hook.
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I'm gonna be excited to sometimes use it on Wraith.
It'll just be a giant "no u" whenever someone tries to Lightburn me.
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Lightborne change is fine. You were basically already immune. The time you had to stare into a flashlight was insane. And a lot of time survivors miss the timing because they are used to killers watching paint dry rather than stare out into nothing, so they havent got the practice in. So for the last week I have been succesfully blinded maybe 3 times out of like 50+ games. Its not a big deal.
Tinkere is dope and that perk might actually be competition to some of the meta perks now.
Franklins demise is a big meme perk and I love it.
Knockout. Hmmm in general I would say this is a perk I like to try and run vs SWF, on Myers with infectious fright. But on the other hand. ######### me this is could be cancerous for none premade groups. Slugging is already not a fun experience. But with this knockout no one can see each other. I guess we will have to wait and see
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not gonna waste a perk slot on something that barely even happens anyway
a majority of survivor players dont even know how to flashlight save, lol
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I actually run Lightborn on Billy with Agitation, Mad Grit, and StbfL/Iron Grasp if I see 2 or more flashlights in the group. It might seem like a meme, but all it takes is 1 down and the game usually snowballs cause nobody expects it. If it works at Rank 1 it's something at least. Not saying its good or pretty, but it can work if the survivors are stubborn enough. Smart survivors obviously won't fall for it more than once.
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I dont think it needed the buff. Lightborn was good to take before if you saw 3 flashlights because the survivors wouldnt expect it, and as they stand there trying to get the blind you would get free hits. If you broke a pallet and moved forward the blind would start to take effect just as you got the hit.
Now it just makes it impossible to blind....which seems a little unfair. Once I had a toxic swf and all of them used flashlights at the same time to blind me, which was actually good co-ordination against Lightborn I have to admit
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No, I love flashlight users. Why would I want to discourage survivors from wasting their time going for blinds? I get a ton of free hits from it and it means they’re not on gens. Honestly there’s nothing I enjoy more than the sound of steps running behind me as I down a survivor. Give that up and sacrifice a valuable perk slot for it? No thanks.
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I don't believe for a second that it's ever gonna hit the live build. And if it is, it'll be a miracle if it stays that way for more than a month.
Post edited by Acromio on0 -
Honestly no. Flashlights aren't generally an issue at all in any game. The only time you honestly need to worry about them is the last second swapped Bloodied Squadette as they will devote two people to generators and the other two to looping you for eternity with flashlights waiting in the wing.
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lately ive been getting stunned even when looking up, flashlights are bugged
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My reasoning is this:
Nemesis + Rancor is my favorite perk duo right now due to the ludicrous gen speed...
Nemesis triggers via stuns and blinds... which brings us to the new lightborn.
If lightborn acts like it blinds, but it doesn't, then it will be fine because Nemesis will trigger, however, if Lightborn does not trigger Nemesis, then I simply won't run it.
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Oh I see now.
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I don't think lightborn will stop lightburn... or ever did in the first place.
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On the topic of lightborn, I think it will be more useful for killers overall if it acts like it blinds, since that will trick survivors.
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This is happening because blinds are survivor-sided, so even if you end up looking away or even if you get no warning/visible flashlight beam, a full blind will still go through. It's ****ed up any use of flashlights beyond fully blinding a killer, meaning no killer is going to have any issues looking straight into a flashlight beam until the 2 seconds or w/e are up. It's trippy as killer, and it bothers me as a survivor.
Edit: so, thx again for nothing*, dedicated servers.
*excluding d/c penalties, which can be an issue anyway.
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I am really excited, whenever I see someone bring a flashlight, I can assume they are gonna annoy me as much as possible. SO, now I get a benefit from them trying to annoy me. Also I don't see why people don't like this change, It won't make it worse than it was or make it game breaking either.
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Not really excited for it. I play killer at red ranks several hours every evening and I can't remember the last time someone made a flashlight save on me. The new tinkerer looks cool though.