Anniversary Cosmetics for Claud and Deathslinger

How come these cosmetics don't have the "Fourth Anniversary" rarity? Why are they uncommon and common rarity? I love the cosmetics to bits but I'm just confused on the rarity.
No clue. Maybe because of how many people have them?
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People logged in to get the lunar nea tanktop and it has the same rarity suited for the event
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It's a bit weird
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i think they didthat to avoid back lash form commiunity when they n decide to give them out to everyone one year later
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I don't get why one is uncommon and the other common. Would think they should be the same.
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Yeah the rarities of things in this game confuses me. Like why are the maps ultra rare for survivor when medkits and flashlights are more useful? And why do some killer addons have ultra rares when the rare or uncommon addons are more useful? (Not always)
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I really like the Deathslinger and Claudette body pieces. Been running those in my matches.
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I think its because if they were Event rarity the devs would have to put them in the in-game shop so everyone could afford them.
I missed 1 reward (the Deathslinger's gun) and I don't think I'll ever be able to get it :(