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Springtrap would fit. Lets talk.

Member Posts: 463
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

I know I know, ANOTHER FNAF post, but I've seen about 50 posts about DS or Moris so I'm sure it's fine. I just want to go over a few unfair arguments that I've seen go against Springtrap.

"The FNAF story is too shallow to fit into DBD." Compared to what exactly? You're telling me that TCM, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Halloween have rich and deep stories? TCM is literally "teenagers in my house? chainsaw go brrrrr".

"It would bring all the Fortnite kids to the game." Lets not forget that Ninja played this game for a week straight and stopped because his viewers preferred Fortnite. Also little kids would get mauled by the games steep learning curve.

"its cringe and would bring the cringe FNAF fans." Yeah like the DBD community didn't have Silent Hill rule 34 only TWO HOURS after the announcement(Being careful of who I follow on Twitter now...). Most of the "10 year old FNAF fans" are mid-late teens now, which is a healthy demographic to get into the game since it'll help the games longevity.

"Not really scary enough to fit. It would kill the immersion" Pretty opinionated, but I'm sure everyone is shaking in their boots when Trapper, Legion, Ghostface, Huntress, Pig, or Bubba are walking up on them. Also immersion is pretty dead when survivors stop taking the game seriously to boop the Pigs snoot or to offer themselves to basement Bubba.

"FNAF is just jump scares, it wouldn't fit in DBD." Wraith, Ghostface, Michael, Pig, basement Bubba, and HAG want to know your location. The devs don't have to be limited to just jump scares when designing his power.

"The killer lore is too bad, its literally just a guy in a suit." Springtraps lore is more scary and sinister than Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, and Legion. I know his kill count is low, but if was never confined to his suit, he would've most likely gone down the same path similar to Clown and just murdered children his entire life.

Those are the main ones I can think of off the top of my head while I'm fighting morning killer queue times, but im open to discussion.

Post edited by Zeon_99 on

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  • Member Posts: 276

    Are people that incapable of scrolling through even 3 pages to see topics to comment on.

  • Member Posts: 463

    Thats a very good point about the slasher genre rule. Also yeah I dont know why I missed Hag, but yeah that rests my case.

  • Member Posts: 375

    While I'm not interested in FNAF, are there really people saying he wouldnt fit? he's literally a killer who got turned into a monster.

    seems like he'd a be an inferior Robbie the rabbit though.

  • Member Posts: 87

    (Sorry for any misspellings, English isn't my first language)

    One thing I noticed in everyone saying "But there's still other licensed Killers way more important than fnaf" is that everyone seems to forget about who've already been added to the game.

    First of all, devs considers what the community wants, but that's not what defines who's added in the game. There was not a giant part of the community asking for Pyramid Head and Demogorgon, but there they are, in the game and they are very natural in it. People have been asking for Pinhead since ever and there's nothing that hints at him being added to the game in the near future.

    About his powers, that's also for the devs to decide as it's a game design matter, but I'm sure they can manage as well as they did for every other licensed character.

    About the map, if it is Springtrap then Fazbear Frights (FNaF3 Location) would be perfect, fitting the same aesthetic as the Lery's Memorial Institute. "Um, actually that location it's too small for a map". Yes, but just as the devs said in the Stranger Things DLC, the Entity can modify the location, making it more fitting for the trials in the same way Hawkins Lab isn't really depicted as it is in the original source, but recreated by the Entity to be used in the trials. Therefore, Fazbear Frights would fit quite nice in the game.

    Let alone the non-existent need for a Survivor in the every DLC, the security guard we play in most fnaf games would be great for the role. I don't know if the creator of fnaf, Scott Cawthon, would agree with giving a face to his faceless character, but if there's going to have a Survivor, I can only imagine being him if the DLC is going to be based on the games.

  • Member Posts: 286

    We actually don't need a survivor, a chapter with a map and two killers would be better imo. Springtrap and Vanny would be perfect.

  • Member Posts: 87

    Vanny it's too new, I bet about 0.1% of DBD community knows that Glitchtrap even exists (even though a Glitchtrap skin would be my instant buy). Two Killers it's an interesting concept, but impossible for the devs to make it in time :/

  • Member Posts: 2,416

    Who's Vanny? My knowledge of FNAF currently only extends as far as Sister Location.

  • Member Posts: 87

    To explain the lore in the last 3 fnaf games you've missed in a DbD forum would be more difficult than making the Fnaf dlc itself.

  • Member Posts: 1,260
    edited July 2020

    She's a cultist of Glitchtrap (who is essentially a computerized Springtrap with a far more haunting appearance)... and that's pretty much all we know right now (EDIT: that isn't speculation).

    Oh and her mask is this nightmare fuel.

  • Member Posts: 274


  • Member Posts: 286

    Kinda right, but it's not a cult, she is.. eh, let's call it 'brainwashed', her design also seems to get redesigned for the new game, so the mask doesn't have to be the one she'll wear at the end.

  • Member Posts: 2,416

    Sorry my bad, I've actually played pizzeria simulator too, I just keep forgetting about it. Which other games are you referring to? I'm pretty sure one of them is the VR game but I'm not sure about the other.

  • Member Posts: 618

    It's just that the only people that have the interest are fnaf fans. There isn't much to work with on a character that is nothing more than a rotting carcass in an animatronic suit. No survivors to base from, no map potential, and what about his "weapon"? It would just be his blunt hands. There are simply better options to work with that would fit better anyway. Just go play the two mascot-suited killers we already have lol.

  • Member Posts: 24


    I still dont know how can anybody say that he doesnt fit, I mean... Alright u dont like it and u dont know anything about it so u are not really sure about adding it in DbD.

    SO DONT SAY "IT WOULD NOT FIT", look a lot of fans want it so so so much, and it would be an amazing thing that would change the game for me and everybody who want him. But it wont Change the game for u if u dont want him, u dont need to buy dlc, and play as him. And trust me, nothing will happen if u play againts him a few Times.

    So let DbD and FNaF fans make it real.

    Also dont forget to sign and share the petition for Springtrap in DbD

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    I think its kinda a cool idea but at the same time Idk how I would honestly feel about it

  • Member Posts: 24

    If Springtrap for u is just a man stuck In a suit or a mascot (😂😂) , u dont know anything about it.

    MAP - one of 4, and again FOUR locations from games, 1 pizzeria, 2 pizzeria, 3 fazbear fright and FNaF SL underground Circus.

    Survivor - we dont really need a surv, FNaF lore is really complicated but we have some famous characters. The only problem is that we dont know how do they look like, but the Phone guy, can be an amazing survivor, devs just need to make a face for him.

    Weapon - Yes. A hand. Without a knife. Just hand. A big, covered in blood, metal hand with metal fingers similiar to metal claws, hand that flyes to you in full speed.

  • Member Posts: 66

    His survivors could be one of the security guards, or maintenance techs or even his human form because the entity is nothing if not an #########. They can pull a Silent Hill and have the map based on a different game than 3, like the setting of a new one is a shopping mall, or combine together multiple pizzerias to make Fazbear's. And I mean his hands being weapons is fine, you have Hag and Demo just using their hands, and the Saw bros, Doc, and Oni use blunt weapons. He's got easy skin potential in the other animatronics, since whatever power they give him would likely work with the others, and the new linked outfits would prevent mismatching.

    Not saying I'd be for a Freddy's rep, but potential is there. A damn sight more than Chucky, since he's way too small a character. Or Jason now, since all his tricks are covered by another character.

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    What would a FNAF killer’s power be? Jumpscares? Hag already has that, and there’s (decent) lore behind it.

    I get it’s a “horror game”, but think about how it could fit into DBD other than just because you like the franchise.

  • Member Posts: 66

    That's a problem a lot of potential killers have. Look at Jason, the last member of the Slashstreet Boys. In his own game he gets bear traps(Trapper), throwing knives(Huntress), short range high speed movement(Nurse, Spirit) long range teleportation( Freddy, Hag, Demo), stealth mode(Ghostface, Pig) a detection ability( perks) and Rage after a certain time that lets him one shot breakables(Oni specifically, but also Billy and Bubba to an extent). Nothing he shows in the movies could really be pulled out for a new power without colossal work, like grabbing through walls, or the whole Goes to Hell Jason possession thing.

    And that doesn't count other horror icons who don't fit how the game works like Chucky, or the Puppet Master puppets. If anything the Puppets are more likely than Chucky just because of Littlest Reich.

  • Member Posts: 618
    edited July 2020

    On the contrary, I know my lore with FNAF, and that's practically all he is aside from his crappier redesign in Pizzaria Sim, where he suddenly became super sentient. The games are neat, and he's a fun character to look at, but I don't see him working at all IMO.

  • Member Posts: 890

    My question is, why is Springtrap such a hot topic today? Did I miss something?

    (Admittedly, I don't really keep up on much so it's possible)

  • Member Posts: 536

    DbD is a love letter to classic horror icons, the only newer licenses we have gotten was Bill from LFD who canonically made sense for the game and is a part of a cult classic game from 2008 and Stranger Things which was also a love letter to classic slashers, FNAF's main audience is children, something DbD's devs and community is very against, regardless of your opinion on the subject a Springtrap chapter is something only FNAF fans would appreciate, and not something that your average horror fan is going to look at highly, people are gonna be disappointed by it's announcement (because let's be honest having FNAF in the game before Alien, IT, Jason ETC, is just a kick in the nuts.) and it most likely wouldn't sell well compared to other bigger horror licenses. Whether the game is even considered horror is up for debate but I won't get into that now, but it just doesn't fit the theme that DbD has always stood for, it's a game of appreciation for the originals. People saw Silent Hill and went nuts because they figured this meant that any video game could make it into DbD despite the fact that we've had Bill from LFD2 for the better part of 3 years, Silent Hill made sense and fit so well because it's one of the original horror games that kicked off horror in gaming so it made sense. I personally am not a fan of IT, I think the original movie is pretty good and hope to god that if it's added it is in it's original form, but even if it was added as the modern adaptation I wouldn't be mad because it MAKES SENSE, it's a franchise that got it's roots in a cult classic film that has a very strong following. This is the point where I stop because I'm tired of ranting, I've played the games I think they're interesting and the lore is engaging but it's not something meant for DbD in mine and many others opinion.

  • Member Posts: 2,416

    We have 4 different killers based around range (5 counting PH). 2 killers based around chainsaws. 3 killers based around stealth. 2 killers based around traps (5 counting PH,Freddy, and Demo). 4 killers who have some form of teleporting. The dev team has been able to make all of these guys play differently. Why wouldn't they be able to create an original ability based around jumpscares just because 1 killer has the ability?

  • Member Posts: 2,416

    Honestly it seems like FNAF is just way more split than all the other potential lisences. It feels like some people just really don't like FNAF and are actively against it. While it wouldn't be my first choice I still think it could work. But I feel like BHVR has proved to us that they are willing to break the mold to give us what we request. I still wouldn't count on anything though.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    I kinda disagree about FNAF being included. The points you raised are all valid opinion, but baiscally FNAF has a really cartoon like aesthetic which just doesn't fit well in DBD.

    Yes there is bunny feng, but its a jumper not really a comedic costume. The new legion skins are an easter egg SH purchase basically that I have personally never seen once in game yet. I'm not overly impressed by them so I probably wouldn't get them but if you like em great go buy em. It's a minor addon not a whole DLC.

    The FNAF cartoony theme I have never found scary. If you are bound by license to recreate a character then you have to kind of stay within the confines of how they look. (Speculation here but I'm sure that's part of why the silent hill skins are all one set, correct me if I'm wrong).

    Yes the lore is very dark but its more than just that. Look at the theme/atmosphere/art style of DBD and ask yourself how well does FNAF really fit into it outside of the dark back story.

  • Member Posts: 320

    I didn't have FNaF when I was in middle school, so I'm unfamiliar with it.

  • Member Posts: 1,310

    This game doesn't have a steep learning curve.

    Infact, dead by daylight has one of the lowest skill ceilings I've ever seen in a competitive PvP game.

  • Member Posts: 227

    i like your points, but i'd rather have Candyman for chapter 17

  • Member Posts: 706

    " I know his kill count is low"

    Legion murdered one guy lmao.

  • Member Posts: 2,416

    Thing is. Spring trap is the one character that doesn't fit in with the cartoony artstyle. And maps like fazbear fright lack the colorful artstyle you think of. I don't personally care if we get FNAF or not but I think it could work.

  • Member Posts: 1,310

    I think I'll probably DC everytime I have to face them.

  • Member Posts: 463

    20 killers in the game all with unique powers that the in game descriptions dont always cover fully, 134 perks to learn and work around, mediocre tutorial, looping optimally, map knowledge, when to drop chases or go for saves, very toxic and entitled fan base, and the countless little details. If you truly believe that the "cringe FNAF and Fortnite" kids will pick up this game and get through all of that then I admire your optimism.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    the last member of the Slashstreet Boys

    you cultured man/woman you...

  • Member Posts: 463

    Yeah I know, but I just wanted to throw that out there in case people brought up "bruh, he only killed like a handful of kids".

  • Member Posts: 1,101

    Well yeah, but imagine how cool and unique such killer could be.

    As for his arms, it could easily be sharp bones and metallic parts piercing his arms.

    About "fnaf's main audience being children". Aren't they growns ups already, since fnaf has been on radars for quite a while. And I don' think kids aren't already playing DbD, considering the amount of whining there is on forums and post-game chats

  • Member Posts: 2,416

    You do know thats a massive over generalization of the community right? And the main storyline is actually pretty easy to follow and is set in stone. It's the little things that make the story complicated. FNAF 4 is the exception, theres still a lot of unknowns with that one.

  • Member Posts: 463

    I respect your opinion, however thats why people bring up Springtrap instead of Freddy or anyone else in the series. Springtrap legitimately looks scary, probably scarier than most of the killers in the game. Take away the FNAF name to him for a sec, and you have a tall robot with withered and worn parts that are covering a rotting and decaying body, you can even see the ripped up flesh underneath his limbs and face. BHVR would design their own version of him, and Im sure they would make him look very fitting for the horror genre of the game.

  • Member Posts: 463

    Springtrap looks by far the most horrifying and would fit with the killers around him. The man was vicious.

  • Member Posts: 463

    Thats definitely understandable. The movie is coming soon and would fit the time frame so I really hope its him. Im just debunking the main points against him, but I think they have the next few chapters already planned anyways.

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