Do you like indoor maps?

Only one particular one, and that is...
I like Midwhich Elementary, the rest of them to me are too dark (such as The Game) or to big (Such as Lerys).
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Only one particular one, and that is...
I like the Silent Hill map because it's Silent Hill (and because it's full of Silent Hill easter eggs that I love).
Other than that I absolutely despise all indoor maps, both as survivor and as killer.
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I like all of them, except...
Midwich Elementary School (Silent Hill)
I like playing as killer and survivor in all of them, but the Silent Hill map its horible for both sides (it has the middle area but 90% is indoor)
but its a [BAD WORD] beautiful realm
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Honestly, to me it depends on if I'm playing survivor or if I'm playing Killer, and if I am playing Killer, also depends on which one.
Stealth killers, and even the Doctor, can cause mayhem easily thanks to indoor maps. However, if I'm playing as Hillbilly, Huntress, Deathslinger... then rough match for me, most likely.
Speaking of which, the new map looks great but I'm having trouble with the loops as survivor. Maybe it's just me not having played enough, but there are so little window loops... it makes me rely on pallets much more, and I don't like that. Likewise, when I'm playing Killer, if I see a Survivor going into a classroom or a hallway where there are no pallets, then that's pretty much a guaranteed hit. Aesthetically it looks great, but I believe there aren't enough reliable loops. This made my Killer games on that map easier, but I struggle as a survivor.
So again: Depends on the specific map, role I'm playing, and if I'm playing Killer, which one.
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As survivor I like Hawkins, and I enjoy using Pig on that map. But throwing hatchets as Huntress on that map pains me.
I like Midwich aesthetically, it’s amazing to explore especially as a Silent Hill fan. But as for playing on it, I don’t like it as much. I find myself getting lost easily trying to find gens as survivor. As killer, I’m always looking for the stairs...
Not sure on Lérys as survivor, but I do enjoy playing on that map as Pig or Spirit.
Don’t like The Game as survivor, but I’m indifferent towards it when it comes to killer.
So it depends on which role I’m in, and as killer it depends on who I’m using too.
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I like all of them, except...
Lerys is still an absolute pain in the ass for me. Horrible FPS and somewhat difficult traversal makes me hate it.
The only thing I like about it is that my boy demo does decently on it, a lot of good spots to hide portals and narrow corridors to use shred.
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I like all of them, except...
I like all of them but Midwhich feels really weird sometimes.
It's unfortunate that the map that needs the most pressing rework, is also the map that was most recently released 😅 More so than Haddonfield tbh.
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Only one particular one, and that is...
Gideon is the only one I like
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Yeah, i love all of them
I like that there are such maps as they add variety. But I like them as killer more than survivor because looking for gens on some maps can be hard.
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No, i dont like them at all
Used to be fun as a stealth killer, but SC, OoO, and coms ruined that. Your ######### if your oni or Billy. They have no mobility except the long hallways, and survs just run in a room the second they hear the saw or oni stub his toe.
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I like the designs on some of them (like midwhich) but gameplay wise I hate indoor maps. I play both killer and survivor (although survivor more) and always hate when I get a indoor map no matter which side I'm playing.
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Only one particular one, and that is...
I like Midwhich Elementary