Should BHVR stop making outfits as sets?

In my opinion, forcing players to wear a set instead of letting them combine different outfites, is simply bad.
I don't buy those sets, if I can't combine them with different pieces. I enjoy making cool outfits with different peaces or just see how things look together. Do you think different?
Should BHVR stop making outfits as sets? 72 votes
I'm all for sets as long as they actually make sense as to why they can't be combined. Lisa Garland for example.
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Let me combine them!
I was going to get the Nea skin but I'll pass with it being linked. No one cared about clipping issues with certain clothing...their loss in revenue...this is their problem, trash communication with their player base...0 description on the Cheryl cosmetics when they come out that you couldn't mix and match because most of them would of looked awesome combo'd .... Now none licensed characters full sets only...nah sorry not buying it.
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Let me combine them!
Yes and no. It is not possible with the new Nea skin. For skins where it is possible, I think you should be able to combine outfits, yes!
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Let me combine them!
I dont see the reason why they made the new nea outfit linked. And I'm all against linked outfits aslong it doesn't make sense. I could understand it with the new legion outfit and all, because it's licensed, but this? No thanks. If thats the new trend then I'm gonna stop support dbd with buying cosmetics.
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Let me combine them!
you should go read my thread in the general discussions and upvote it so the devs can see it. Or make a new one, Its gotta stop early or else theyll think they can get away with it
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Let me combine them!
With the Silent Hill chapter cosmetics, I accepted, because the linked cosmetics seemed to be part of the deal. But now, there are more coming out. Pretty soon, I see 50% of the cosmetics being linked, because it's easier to just make the clothes and link them, so the devs don't have to see if they clip with other already existing clothes. I bought one outfit for Cheryl before I understood that it was linked or else I wouldn't have bought it. I don't plan on buying any other linked cosmetics and if people do the same, the devs might get the hint and stop making them that way.
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Yeah same here, I saw the set get leaked a little while back and as a nea main I was so sure I was going to get it. But with it being linked and for auric cells only, I changed my mind which makes me sad because I think it's a great looking set, I just want to be able to mix it.
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I'm all for some skins to be linked if the outfit fits the lore that comes with it. Other than that, they shouldn't do it to all skins.
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Let me combine them!
Even though the new Nea skin looks pretty awesome if you ask me but just by looking at her whole outfit i could see why they couldn't make them seperate. I think linked sets opens up a lot more possibilities and designs for the skins however i still think we should get separate cosmetics however. In my opinion I think we will know when the next rift comes out and we will see if the rewards will be linked or not. That's what ill be going by but take that with a grain of salt
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Let me combine them!
I'd rather linked sets didnt exist.
If I can't mix and match, I'm not going to run the cosmetic. I'd rather the art team spent their resources releasing skins that I can mix and match with.
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Who cares about outfits as sets?
It seems to me that the poll created here was very one sided and biased, seeing as there's no poll option for people who actually like the outfit sets and instead the option is this really wise-ass apathetic response of "who cares about outfits as sets?"
Even if that wasn't the intention, it comes off that way and is still a very weirdly phrased answer regardless.
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Who cares about outfits as sets?
Disagree with me if you want, but I enjoy sets, even in original survivors. Why? Because when they're sets, the devs are able to do more full body outfits without it glitching or looking stupid (like hoodies and other stuff). And it also makes sense in lore. Plus, they will be adding in both sets and non-sets in the future, so I have no problem with it, I actually welcome it.
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Who cares about outfits as sets?
Thank you for saying that. People are seriously overreacting about what some of us see as a good thing, and while they may believe they're on a "Righteous crusade for the freedom of customization" they're honestly ruining it for the rest of us who do appreciate the sets. It's not like we're talking about gameplay here, let the people who like them enjoy them, and quit gatekeeping the store from getting more of them and ignoring the people who want to see more like we don't exist.
Though I'll say it again, 15$ for a skin is ridiculous, and I even I think that's price gouging their customer base. But that's a completely different end-goal than saying "we should get rid of all outfit sets!!" which obviously is something that has caused a split and divide in the community. Rather than creating a unanimous movement telling BHVR that paying 3/4ths the price of the base game for a single skin that is not necessarily higher quality or of greater value than any other skin is absolutely outrageous. If that was the poll I was responding to, I'd be entirely on board and supporting that movement, but it's not. Ruining the chances of actual change because we're not all unanimous, that's not on me, that's on the people who make these threads actively witch-hunting outfit sets as a whole.
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Who cares about outfits as sets?
Which outfit is $15? Im sorry I haven't looked at the store in a bit. If it's the Nea outfit, then I agree that it's outrageous and shouldn't be that much. I thought the only outfit they had as that price was the legendary Lisa skin? I didn't buy that set however i did buy 2 Cheryl sets
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Let me combine them!
Only legendary skins should be linked in my opinion. Regular outfits being linked makes no sense.